2023 Slide Deck COBMA1 Chapter 3
2023 Slide Deck COBMA1 Chapter 3
2023 Slide Deck COBMA1 Chapter 3
Eduvos (Pty) Ltd (formerly Pearson Institute of Higher Education) is registered with the Department of Higher Education and Training as a private higher education institution under the
Higher Education Act, 101, of 1997. Registration Certificate number: 2001/HE07/008
Week 3: Lesson 5
Managerial Tasks and Management theory and practice
Decisional 1.1 This role requires that managers to encourage and initiate
innovation and creativity within the organization that may benefit
the organization.
Practice 1.2. This role requires that managers to find solutions to problems
such as members of the organisation going on strike.
1.3. This role requires managers to make decisions using the
organization’s resources the best way.
1.4 This role requires managers to be rely on their skills to get a
better price for raw materials required for their products.
n Informational 1.5 This role requires that managers continuously scan the
environment to see if there is any new information that may affect
the organisation
Category Role
1.1 Entrepreneur ✓
1.4 Negotiator ✓
1.5 Monitor ✓
Informational 1.6 Disseminator ✓
1.7 Spokesperson✓
1. How will applying the decisional managerial roles improve Clean Glass’s business processes?
2. What are Cane’s managerial responsibilities as a middle manager? Provide an example.
3. How would Cane’s managerial responsibilities change if he were promoted to managing director? Provide an example.
4. Cane is asked to speak about self-management at a university graduation. Which managerial role is Cane fulfilling and
what would be the purpose behind him agreeing to the talk?
1. Entrepreneur: Management could create innovative solutions to ensure job satisfaction. Management may need to
allocate resources to addressing diversity concerns, such as providing prayer rooms or religious holidays. The entrepreneur
will also be responsible for creating a BBBEE strategy.
Disturbance handler: The disturbance handler is responsible for identifying and addressing problems, such as salary
disputes. The disturbance handler should have identified the lack of employee satisfaction and high turnover and created
proactive plans to deal with the issues before they impacted on the business processes.
Resource allocator: Considering Clean Glass’s loss of market share, the company needs to ensure that the resource
allocator role is being fulfilled. All businesses have limited resources, and gaining a competitive advantage will depend on
responsible allocation. Clean Glass should invest resources in improving employee conditions.
Negotiator: The negotiator will be Clean Glass’s contact with suppliers. The negotiator may need to relook at contracts to
ensure that Clean Glass is getting the best deal it can to minimize expenses,
2. Cane is responsible for taking the broad strategic decisions of top management and creating clear objectives and goals.
He will focus on leading, organizing and planning, and should be aware of external factors that may impact on his
department. If top management decides to create a programme that secures the company a high BBBEE rating, Cane will
formulate the middle-term plans for how to get there, such as adjusting suppliers and relooking at the recruitment
3. The managing director is a top management position and would therefore be focused on creating strategic decisions
that are aligned with the company’s vision and mission. Top management is concerned with long-term planning and
leading. As a top manager, Cane would be responsible for creating a company-wide BBBEE strategy and any other strategy
that addresses employee diversity, such as flexi-time.
4. Cane is fulfilling the role of spokesperson for Clean Glass. The spokesperson is responsible for sharing information
about the company and improving its public perception. Cane would do this talk to promote Clean Glass and attract
potential staff members
Importance and role of management in the
business context
• Economic factors
• Technological factors
• Political factors
• The legal environment
• Environmental factors
• Social factors
Martha is the manager at a pharmaceutical development
plant. She is responsible for managing the removal of
hazardous chemicals. The country in which she operates has
constantly changing laws regarding this procedure and the
directors are concerned about keeping the process as
economically viable as possible. The company has strong
competition and international clientele that need their
suppliers to meet best practice standards. The
pharmaceutical development plant computer systems require
continuous updating. Recently their computer systems had to
be completely replaced as their computers was damaged due
to lightning.
management thinking
Tradition Early managers placed high emphasis on work efficiency
al 3 types
• The bureaucratic approach
• The scientific approach
• The administrative approach
1. Bureaucratic
Henry Fayol
Administrative Practical guidelines for effective management
Task areas of management
6. Subordination of
4. Unity of 5. Unity of individual interest
command:. direction:. to the general
Fayol’s 14
Principles of 7. Remuneration:. 8. Centralisation: . 9. Scalar chain:.
12. Stability and
10. Order:. 11. Equity:
focus on human
The behaviour +
the nature of the
behavioural relations
The Hawthorne
Focuses: relationships
aspect of management
The human Esp. between supervisor
relations and employee
Where concept of
motivations stems
Malsow’s Heirarchy of needs Mc Gregor’s theory of leadership
??? Theory x
Theory Y
• Focuses on the individual
• Social aspects of work
• Managers should develop human
behavioural skills
approach in
• Operations management
• Uses maths and stats + computer
The systems
quantitative • Focus on operations of
approach to organisation
• Targets – numerical goals
Contemporary approaches to management
Response to
limitations Approaches
of other overlap
• 5 types
• Quality approach
• Systems approach
• Contingency
• Learning
• Entrepreneurial
1. The quality approach
• Top quality management
• Production of high quality products + services
• William Edwards Deming
• Deming’s 14 Principles of Total Quality Management
Deming’s 14 Principles of
Total Quality Management
1. Create constancy of purpose
2. Adopt the philosophy of cooperation
3. Stop depending on final mass inspection
4. Stop choosing suppliers on the basis of price alone
5. Constantly and permanently improve your systems
6. Establish training programs skill development
7. Adopt and establish leadership
8. Remove fear and build trust,
9. Break down barriers
10. Remove encouragement slogans + zero defects
11. Remove numerical goals, quotas
12. Remove barriers that prevent people from finding joy
in their work.
13. Start continual education programme
14. Involve all members of your organisation in trying to
accomplish transformation
2. The systems approach