Group 3 Presentation
Group 3 Presentation
Group 3 Presentation
K Wheeler
• D.K.Wheeler was an educationalist at the university of
western Australia in 1967..Wheeler's definition of
curriculum The planned experiences offered to the learner
under the guidance of the school;
• He developed and extended the ideas influenced by the
work of Tyler,Taba and Bloom.
• He suggested the 5 inter related phases in the curriculum
process which logically would produce an effective
Feature of Wheeler Model
• It is the modification of Tyler Model.
• It is in a cyclic form.
• It provides feedback.
• It is a continuous process.
• Its all stages are interconnected with each other.
• It is flexible and based on situational analysis.
• It incorporates new information into the curriculum after evaluation.
• Evaluation in Wheeler Model is not the terminal point.
Stages Of Wheeler education
• Aims, Goals, and
• Selection of learning
• Selection of content
• Organization and
integration of learning
experiences and content
• Evaluation
Explanation Of wheeler curriculum Stages
• It is the first to guide the development of • Though it is a extended form of Rational model,
purpose-based curriculum it gave continuous form to the curriculum
development process
3.John Kerr proposed four components for his curriculum 3. Wheeler’s Model comprises five phases of curriculum
development model. development models
4.Most of the features in Kerr’s model resemble those in 4. Wheeler’s model of curriculum planning is an
Wheeler’s and Tyler’s models. improvement on Tyler’s model.
5. Kerr model emphasizes the need for a broad and 5. Wheeler’s model emphasizes the importance of a
balanced curriculum that addresses the intellectual, flexible and responsive approach to curriculum design,
emotional, and social needs of students. which can adapt to changing social, economic, and
technological contexts.
Difference Between Walker & Wheeler Model
Difference Between walker & Wheeler Model
1.Walker's Model of curriculum development models was 1. It was devised by D. K. Wheeler, a British educator and
proposed by Decker Walker who was an assistant professor of
education in Stanford University.
2. It is also called naturalistic model of curriculum development. 2. It is a cyclic model of curriculum development
3. Walker Decker (1971) comprises three phases of 3. Wheeler’s Model comprises five phases of
curriculum planning – platform, deliberation, and design curriculum development models.
4. The naturalistic model gives a premium on the 4. The first stage in wheeler’s model is the formulation of
participation of the teachers, schools, and the community educational aims, goals and objectives.
in curriculum planning and curriculum decisions.
5. Community participation as one of the primary actors 5. It is concerned with the role education should play in
within the school system in crafting curriculum decisions. the lives of the individuals and the society at large.
Importance & limitation of Wheeler model