Training Promotion Transfer
Training Promotion Transfer
Training Promotion Transfer
Why training?
Increase of Decrease of
effective ineffective
behavior. behavior.
Use of Improving
additional existing
behavior for behavior for
enhancing enhanced
effectiveness. effectiveness.
Creates feeling of
security among
Determining training needs
• According to E.B. flippo “promotion involves a change from one job to another that is better in the
terms of status and responsibilities.”
• According to Scott and Spreigal: “A Promotion is the transfer an employee to a job that pays more
money or that enjoys some preferred status.”
Purpose of Promotions
Replacement Transfers: Replace an existing employee who has been in the organization
for a long time with a new employee and thereby giving some relief to an old employee from
the heavy pressure of work.
Remedial Transfers: As the name suggest, these transfers are made to rectify the situation
caused by faulty selection and placement procedures. Such transfers are made to rectify
mistakes in placement and recruitments.
Versatility Transfer: Such transfers are made to increase versatility of the employees in
more than one job and department. This type of transfer, also referred to as ‘Job Rotation’ is
a tool to train employees.
Types of Transfers, contd.,
Shift Transfers: are transfers of workers from one shift to another on the same type of
work. Workers generally dislike second or third shift as it affects their participation in
community life.
Selection Transfers: they are made within the department or section. It is to be train the
workers and prepare them to handle different types of operations within the department.
Inter-Plant transfers: if there is more than one plant under the control of same
management transfer may be made from one plant to another for varied reasons. Such
transfers are called inter- plant transfers.
Benefits of Transfer