Training Promotion Transfer

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Why training?

Increase of Decrease of
effective ineffective
behavior. behavior.

Use of Improving
additional existing
behavior for behavior for
enhancing enhanced
effectiveness. effectiveness.

 Systematized tailor-made exercise to suit the

needs of a particular organization for
developing certain attitudes, skills and
abilities in employees irrespective of their
functional level.

• Rendering better service to patients.

• Reducing waste
• Filling higher posts
• Promoting safety measures
• Teaching employees
• Develop manpower to meet current and future needs of
• Effective utilization of human resources.
• Increasing performance level of employees.
• Integrating individual goals with organization goals.
• Updating employee knowledge
• Develop skills of employees
• Stabilizing workforce.

Improves quality and Better use of material

quantity of output and equipment

Spot promising Locates mistakes in

employees selection process

Creates feeling of
security among
Determining training needs

 Three step approach to determine

training needs:
 Organization analysis to
determine where training
emphasis should be placed in the
 Operations analysis to decide as
to what the training programme
should consists.
 Man analysis to decide who
needs to be trained
Types of employee training

Steps for effective training: Types of training:

Prepare the employee for the training Entry training
Instruct clearly and patiently Job training
Correct his errors Training for promotion
Choose a buddy for help Refresher training
Check frequently
Training policy


Evaluation of training

Comprehensive evaluation and assessment of training plans must be


Measures must be evolved to evaluate the effectiveness with which the

methods, procedures, training aids and materials are used by the training

There should be effective means by which the progress of the trainees

during the training programme may be assessed and evaluated.

Achievements of those who have received training must be followed up

over a period of time to assess whether performance has improved
Principles of management

 1st principle: Long term strategy for management training.

 2nd principle: Integration of management training with work.
 3rd principle: Training should be designed to be progressive.
 4th principle: Must be collaborative
 5th principle: Must take full account of organizations objectives.
 6th principle: Must be related to individual needs.
 7th principle: Must be monitored and evaluated.
Grooming Leaders

 Effective leaders invest in developing peoples skills and competencies.

 Create an effective learning environment.
 1. Develop a buy-and-build strategy. Identify the needs you can address by buying short-term talent and the areas you can improve by grooming long-term
 2. Train senior leaders to coach and mentor younger employees. Many senior employees want to help create a succession plan but don't know how to go about
 3. Encourage collaboration across generations through formal mentoring programs and skill-based volunteer opportunities.
 4. Design well-thought-out mentoring programs. Curate focused discussions that maximize the time experienced leaders spend with high-potential employees.
 5. Make sure your leadership programs are multi-tiered so you engage everyone from younger C-suite leaders to new hires.
 6. Identify the skills you need so you can most effectively develop leaders who address those needs.
 7. Create a respectful succession plan so older leaders do not feel forced out.
 8. Find new motivating techniques for young employees who may expect different benefits than their older predecessors.
 9. Offer tuition assistance or stand-alone courses for employees who want to learn about managerial techniques in a more formal setting.
 10. Remember to delegate and give your employees the opportunity to demonstrate their skills.
and Transfer
Meaning of Promotion

• According to E.B. flippo “promotion involves a change from one job to another that is better in the
terms of status and responsibilities.”

• According to Scott and Spreigal: “A Promotion is the transfer an employee to a job that pays more
money or that enjoys some preferred status.”
Purpose of Promotions

1. Recognize and reward employee’s good/superior performance and commitment.

2. Promote a feeling of content with the existing conditions of the company and a sense of
3. Build loyalty and to boost morale and job satisfaction.
4. Retain skilled and talented employees and reduce discontent and unrest.
5. Promotions acts as a tool for reducing labour turnover.
6. Increase interest in acquiring higher qualifications, training and self development with a view to
meet the requirements of promotion.
7. Reduce/Eliminate problems created by the leader of workers’ unions by promoting them to
the officer’ levels where they are less effective in creating problems.
8. Ultimately it improves organizational health.
Basis for Promotions
Seniority Merit
1. Seniority means
length of recognized 1. Merit means ability to work.
service in an organization.
2. It denotes an individual
2. Seniority means the calculation of employee’s skill, knowledge, ability,
time from when an employee has
joined the company and served for efficiency and aptitude as measured
how many years in the company. from educational, training and past
3. The senior most person in the
lower grade shall be promoted as
and when there is an opening in 3. If the merit is adopted as basis of
the higher position promotion then the person in the lower
grade ,no matter his junior most in the
4. Seniority is suggested as the criteria company, shall be promoted.
for promotion on the plea that
there is a positive correlation
between length of the service and 4. It encourage all employee to improve
talent their efficiency
Advantages of Seniority and Merit Based
Seniority Based Merit Based
1. Easy to measure the length 1. Difficult to judge merit.
of service
2. Implies the knowledge, skills and
2. Trade unions generally emphasis on
seniority. performance record of an employee.

3. Security and certainty. 3. Motivates competent employees to

work hard and acquire new skills.
4. Minimize the scope of grievances
and conflicts. 4. Maintains the efficiency of the
organization by recognizing talent
5. Reduce labour turnover and performance

6. Sense of satisfaction to senior 5. Attracts and retains young and

employees and is in line with the promising employees in the
Indian Culture of respecting organization
seniority in all walks of life.
Disadvantages of Seniority and Merit Based
Seniority Based Merit Based

1. Length of Service is not directly

proportional to talent. 1. Measuring Merit is not easy.
2. Performance and potential of an Subjective judgement may be
individual is not recognized. involved.
3. Demotivates and demoralizes 2. Many, particularly trade unions
the young employees who are distrust the management’s integrity
talented. in judging merit.
4. Kills the zeal and interest for 3. When younger employees are
self development promoted over the older one, the
5. Fails to attract young and older employees may feel insecure
hardworking employees or leave.
Seniority cum Merit as a Basis for
As both seniority and merit as basis suffer from certain
limitations, a sound promotion policy should be based on a
combination of both seniority and merit.

A proper balance between the two can be maintained by

differentiating the way minimum length of service is

Relative weightage may be assigned to seniority and merit and

employees with a minimum performance record and
qualifications are treated eligible for promotion. Seniority is
used to choose from the eligible candidates
Meaning of Transfer

• A transfer is a horizontal or lateral movement of an employee from one job,

section, department, shift plant or position to another at some other place
where salary, status and responsibility are usually the same.

• Transfer is defined as “a lateral shift causing movement of individuals from

one position to another usually without involving any kind of change in
duties, responsibilities, skills needed or compensation”.
Types of Transfers
Production Transfer: Such transfers are resorted to when there is a need of manpower in
one department and surplus manpower in another department. Such transfers are made to
meet the company requirements.

Replacement Transfers: Replace an existing employee who has been in the organization
for a long time with a new employee and thereby giving some relief to an old employee from
the heavy pressure of work.

Remedial Transfers: As the name suggest, these transfers are made to rectify the situation
caused by faulty selection and placement procedures. Such transfers are made to rectify
mistakes in placement and recruitments.

Versatility Transfer: Such transfers are made to increase versatility of the employees in
more than one job and department. This type of transfer, also referred to as ‘Job Rotation’ is
a tool to train employees.
Types of Transfers, contd.,
Shift Transfers: are transfers of workers from one shift to another on the same type of
work. Workers generally dislike second or third shift as it affects their participation in
community life.

Selection Transfers: they are made within the department or section. It is to be train the
workers and prepare them to handle different types of operations within the department.

Departmental Transfers: transferring from one department to another department within

the plants.

Inter-Plant transfers: if there is more than one plant under the control of same
management transfer may be made from one plant to another for varied reasons. Such
transfers are called inter- plant transfers.
Benefits of Transfer

Increase in productivity and effectiveness of the organization.

Greater job satisfaction to employees.
Stabilize fluctuating job needs.
Improve employee skills.
Remedy for wrong placement.
Improve labour relationships.
Develop employees for future promotions.
Avoid monotony and boredom.
Reasons for Transfer

1. Meet the organizational requirements and also personal requirements of

2. Satisfy employee’s needs.
3. Utilize employees’ skill, knowledge etc., where they are more suitable or
badly needed.
4. Correct inter-personal conflicts.
5. Avoid favoritism and nepotism.
6. Creates transparency among the employees and their work
7. Maintain healthy relationship among staff in order to ensure
harmonious environment and to avoid unnecessary disputes.
8. Limits the ability of an employee to take advantage and sole control over the
seat or section.
Right Sizing the Workforce
• The process of reorganizing or restructuring a business by
cost-cutting, reduction of workforce or reorganizing upper-
level management. The goal is to get the company molded
properly to achieve maximum profit. The term rightsizing is
often used by companies instead of downsizing because it
sounds less drastic.

• It is proactive and needs to be a constant part of the

process of managing an organization. To do rightsizing of
an organization, the leaders first look at market needs and
trends, technologies, alternative approaches, and new
Need for Right Sizing

1. Ensures that the required functions are properly maintained.

2. Cost-control and to Maximize Profits
3. Avoid formation of trade unions
4. Enhance employee performance and productivity
5. Improve employee collaboration
6. Create a sense of belongingness within the employees.
Demotion has been defined as the assignment
of an individual to a job of lower rank and pay
usually involving lower level of difficulty and

Demotions serves as a useful purpose in the

sense that they keep the employees alert and
alive to their responsibilities and duties.
Separation means cessation of service from the organisation
for one or more reasons.

The employee may be separated from HR payroll due to:

• Resignation
• Discharge and dismissal
• Suspension and retrenchment
• Lay off
Nature, Scope and Purpose

 Process of passing messages from one mind to another.

 Purpose is to provide
 Information and understanding necessary for group work
 Attitudes necessary for motivation, cooperation and job
 Work satisfaction
 Assistance in decision making
Barriers to communication

 Listening barriers (support listening, responding listening,

retention listening)
 Physical barriers (environmental barriers which prevent or
reduce the sending and receiving of communication)
 Personal barriers (judgments, emotions and social values of
 Semantic barriers( arise from limitations of language)
Planning Communication

 Know your objective

 Identify your audience
 Determine your medium
 Tailor the communication
 Establish mutual interest
 Watch your timing
 Measure results
Essentials of effective
 Do a needs assessment
 Start with general questions
 Organize the data into categories
 Opinions about effective communication system
 Analyze the response of the audiences
 Design the communication plan
Directions of communication

 Downward communication (dissemination of information

from superiors to their subordinates).
 Upward communication(info from employee levels to
 Horizontal Communication( communication amongst
personnel at the same level in an organization)
 Grapevine( formal or informal)
Styles of Communication

Interaction with Interaction with Interaction with Modes of

superiors. subordinates. colleagues. Communication
Notice Boards
House magazines
Suggestion schemes
Hospital and Department letters
Personnel policy manuals

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