Different Departments of Hospital

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Mukesh Sundararajan
CASUALITY • It deals with the patient who is in an • This is a 24*7 hours working
emergency situation department
• The patient are assessed based on
their degree of injury.

ANAESTHETICS • Doctors in these, administer • Before surgery.

anaesthesia to the patient before • During critical care
various surgeries. treatment.

CARDIOLOGY • This deals with the problems of the • ECG and exercise tests are
human heart or circulation. taken.
• Ultrasound scan of the heart
are taken.
• Insertion of pacemaker.
• Coronary Angiography are

CRITICAL CARE • It provides treatment for seriously ill • Patients are transferred from
patients. any other dept., to the ICU
• Certain patients in these needs to be incase of any serious
monitored closely. condition.
EARS,NOSE AND THROAT • This dept., deals with ailment • General ear, nose and throat
concerned with the Ear, Nose disease.
and Throat. • Neck lumps
• Cancer in the head and neck

GERIATRICS • This dept., provides treatment to • Stroke

elder or aged people. • Diabetes
• This involves home visits, mobile • Bone disease.
therapy unit etc., • Syncope

GASTROENTEROLOGY • This deals with bowel related- • Special nurses are usually posted
medicine. in this dept,.
• It is usually run by a specialist • Colorectal surgery.
doctor. • Inflammatory bowel disease.
• Swallowing disease.

GENERAL SURGERY • This dept treats variety of sugical • Day surgery.

procedures. • Thyroid and colon surgery.
• It needs a special surgeon. • Endoscopy.

GYNAECOLOGY • It treats the problem in female • This needs an special ward for
urinary tract. treatment.
HEMATOLOGY • This dept works near to • It includes the source
the hospital laboratory. that affects the blood
• Hematology includes the cells , blood protein and
studies for oncology. coagulation mechanism.

MATERNAL/ • This dept concerns with • Child birth.

NEONATAL/ the birth and child care. • Midwifery.
PAEDIATRICS • This is a divided dept., • Antenatal and post natal
but mostly as one dept., care.

NEUROLOGY • This dept concerns with • Here patient’s medical

the human nervous history is necessary.
system. • Here spinal cord ,brain
are tested.

ONCOLOGY • It involves the • It always linked with all

investigation and departments .
treatment of all kind of • It requires qualified
cancers. doctors.

OPTHAMOLOGY • It involves the treatment • It include:

and investigation of eye Laser treatment
problems of adults and Optometry
children. Orthoptics
ORTHOPEDICS • It deals the treatment with • It involves treating bones, muscle,
muscoskeletal system. tendons and nerves.
• Servicing includes bone
setting ,hip replacement.

UROLOGY • It is a surgical dept,. • Urodynamic research.

• Services includes: • Shockwave lithiotripsy to break up
• Flexible cystoscopy bladder checks kidney stones.

PSYCHIATRY • This dept includes investment and It includes:

treatment of mentally ill patients. • Providing psychosocial
• Conducing IQ test.

OUTPATIENT • In these, people only come to • The patient demand their

consult. problems and get the prescription
• This dept, works only for limited for a short time duration.

INPATIENT • In these,patient needs to stay • The duration of stay depends on

atleast overnight. the degree of severity.
• The patient history is taken and
case sheet is prepared.
CENTRAL STERILIZATION • This dept is incharge of • Here strict procedure are
UNIT keeping all the followed for sterilizing
instruments clean and medical instruments.
sterilised for prevention.

HOUSEKEEPING • This dept is in charge of • It includes laundry and

keeping the hospital cleaning of hospital
clean and tidy. rooms and effective
• Strict procedure follows. disposal of mediwaste.

CATERING AND FOOD • This dept provides food • Here nutrition based
SERVICES services to inpatient, menu is provided by the
their families and hospital Nutrition Department.

MEDICAL SOCIAL WORK • This dept addresses the • It seves as a bridge

challenges families face, between the doctors, and
increase accessibility to the individual, family and
health care. community.

PHYSIOTHERAPY • This dept aims at • This dept is mostly related

rehabilitating patients. to ortopaedics that will
• Services to both in and help the patient to
outgoing patients. recover better.
PHARMACY • Every hospital must be • It provides medication
equipped with a and instruments used by
pharmacy to provide all the departments in
drugs for entire hos., the hos, for patientcare.

NUTRITION AND DIETITICS • It is manned with • They are provide a

specialist to give dietary chart to the
nutrition and dietetics hospital canteen to
for in and out patients. follow.

MICROBIOLOGY • This dept deals with • This is very important

microbial and viral dept., as the number of
aspects of medicine. hospital-acquired
infections is on rise.

DIAGNOSTIC IMAGING • It involves: • CT scans.

• General raiology • Patients of above are
• Ultrasound scans sent to these, as the
• Angiography. other dept does not have
• MRI scanning any medical instrument
• Mammography. related to diagnostic
MEDICAL RECORDS • This dept deals with recording, and • With the help of reference for
maintaining all the records of both. future propose by formulating the
medical statistics.

MEDICAL MAINTAINENCE AND • This dept makes sure that the Carries out various projects for the
ENGINEERING hospital is in operable condition. hospital. They make sure that electrical
• It makes plans and facilties are proper or not.

INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY • All hosptials today use computers Affairs.

AND COMMUNICATION to keep track of patient records and • It is responsible of technical
other medical related support and keep system updated.

HUMAN RESOURCE • This dept is for recruiting efficint • They also create policies and
human resource for the hospital. procedures to the staff to follow .

FINANCE • This dept is looking after all the Budgets, financial plans for future and
financial aspects of hospital. They allocate financial resources to various
make dept.

ADMINISTRATION • This dept is responsible for day to • They look after all the paper work
day operation of the hospital. and ensure every dept follows or

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