Different Departments of Hospital
Different Departments of Hospital
Different Departments of Hospital
Mukesh Sundararajan
CASUALITY • It deals with the patient who is in an • This is a 24*7 hours working
emergency situation department
• The patient are assessed based on
their degree of injury.
CARDIOLOGY • This deals with the problems of the • ECG and exercise tests are
human heart or circulation. taken.
• Ultrasound scan of the heart
are taken.
• Insertion of pacemaker.
• Coronary Angiography are
CRITICAL CARE • It provides treatment for seriously ill • Patients are transferred from
patients. any other dept., to the ICU
• Certain patients in these needs to be incase of any serious
monitored closely. condition.
EARS,NOSE AND THROAT • This dept., deals with ailment • General ear, nose and throat
concerned with the Ear, Nose disease.
and Throat. • Neck lumps
• Cancer in the head and neck
GASTROENTEROLOGY • This deals with bowel related- • Special nurses are usually posted
medicine. in this dept,.
• It is usually run by a specialist • Colorectal surgery.
doctor. • Inflammatory bowel disease.
• Swallowing disease.
GYNAECOLOGY • It treats the problem in female • This needs an special ward for
urinary tract. treatment.
HEMATOLOGY • This dept works near to • It includes the source
the hospital laboratory. that affects the blood
• Hematology includes the cells , blood protein and
studies for oncology. coagulation mechanism.
CATERING AND FOOD • This dept provides food • Here nutrition based
SERVICES services to inpatient, menu is provided by the
their families and hospital Nutrition Department.
MEDICAL MAINTAINENCE AND • This dept makes sure that the Carries out various projects for the
ENGINEERING hospital is in operable condition. hospital. They make sure that electrical
• It makes plans and facilties are proper or not.
HUMAN RESOURCE • This dept is for recruiting efficint • They also create policies and
human resource for the hospital. procedures to the staff to follow .
FINANCE • This dept is looking after all the Budgets, financial plans for future and
financial aspects of hospital. They allocate financial resources to various
make dept.
ADMINISTRATION • This dept is responsible for day to • They look after all the paper work
day operation of the hospital. and ensure every dept follows or