Acoustic Studios
Acoustic Studios
Acoustic Studios
•An echo is heard due to the reflection of sound from a distant sound-reflecting object.
•If the time interval between the direct sound and reflected sound is less than 1/15th of a second, the
reflected sound is helpful in increasing the loudness. But, those sounds arriving later than this cause
•An echo can be avoided by covering long-distance walls
and high ceilings with suitable sound-absorbing material.
This prevents the reflection of sound.
Echelon Effect
•It refers to the generation of a new separate sound due to multiple echoes. A set of railings
or any regular reflecting surface is said to produce the echelon effect. This echelon effect
affects the quality of the original sound.
•The remedy to avoid the echelon effect is to cover such surfaces with sound-absorbing
•Resonance occurs due to the matching of frequency. If the window panels and sections of
wooden portions have not been tightly fitted, they may start vibrating, thereby creating an
extra sound in addition to the sound produced in the hall or room.
•The resonance may be avoided by fixing the window panels properly. Any other vibrating
object which may produce resonance can be placed over a suitable sound-absorbing
Structure-borne Noise
The noise which is conveyed through the structure of the building is called structure-
borne noise. The structural vibration may occur due to street traffic, operation of heavy
machines, etc.
•The hall or room should be properly insulated from external and internal noises. In general
there are three types of noises:
1.Air-borne noise
3.Inside noise.
Airborne Noise
•Extraneous noises which are coming from outside through open windows, doors, and
ventilators are known as air-borne noise. The air-borne noise can be avoided by following
the remedies mentioned below.
Structure-borne Noise
•The noise which is conveyed through the structure of the building is called structure-
borne noise. The structural vibration may occur due to street traffic, operation of heavy
machines, etc.
Inside Noise
•The noises which are produced inside the hall or room is called inside noise. The inside
noise may be produced due to machinery like air conditioners, refrigerators, generate
fans, typewriters, etc.
•To avoid these inside noises the following remedies can be adopted.