Iso 3382 3 2022
Iso 3382 3 2022
Iso 3382 3 2022
Second edition
ISO 3382-3:2022
Reference number
ISO 3382-3:2022(E)
© ISO 2022
ISO 3382-3:2022(E)
Contents Page
Foreword......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... iv
1 Scope.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 1
2 Normative references...................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
3 Terms and definitions..................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
4 Measurement conditions.............................................................................................................................................................................. 3
4.1 Equipment.................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3
4.2 Measurement procedure................................................................................................................................................................ 3
4.2.1 Measurement conditions.............................................................................................................................................. 3
4.2.2 Acoustic zones and measurement paths........................................................................................................ 3
4.2.3 Source and microphone positions........................................................................................................................ 4
4.2.4 Measured quantities........................................................................................................................................................ 5
5 Determination of single-number values...................................................................................................................................... 5
5.1 Spectrum of normal speech......................................................................................................................................................... 5
5.2 Spatial decay rate of speech......................................................................................................................................................... 5
5.2.1 Conventional method...................................................................................................................................................... 5
5.2.2 Impulse response method........................................................................................................................................... 8
5.3 Speech level at 4 m distance........................................................................................................................................................ 8
Background noise level.................................................................................................................................................................... 9
Speech transmission index........................................................................................................................................................... 9
5.7 (
Comfort distance and distraction distance................................................................................................................ 10
Typical single-number values.................................................................................................................................................. 10
6 Precision..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 10
ISO 3382-3:2022
Test report................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 10
Annex A (informative) Psychological reasoning of distraction distance...................................................................12
Annex B (informative) Alternative methods for determining the spatial decay rate...................................13
Annex C (informative) Examples of typical single-number values................................................................................... 15
Annex D (informative) Precision........................................................................................................................................................................... 16
Bibliography.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 17
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards
bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out
through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical
committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International
organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work.
ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of
electrotechnical standardization.
The procedures used to develop this document and those intended for its further maintenance are
described in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1. In particular, the different approval criteria needed for the
different types of ISO documents should be noted. This document was drafted in accordance with the
editorial rules of the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2 (see
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of
patent rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights. Details of
any patent rights identified during the development of the document will be in the Introduction and/or
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For an explanation of the voluntary nature of standards, the meaning of ISO specific terms and
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the World Trade Organization (WTO) principles in the Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT), see
This document was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 43, Acoustics, Subcommittee SC 2,
Building acoustics, in collaboration with the European Committee for Standardization (CEN) Technical
ISO 3382-3:2022
Committee CEN/TC 126, Acoustic properties of building products and buildings, in accordance with the
Agreement on technical cooperation between ISO and CEN (Vienna Agreement).
This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition (ISO 3382-3:2012), which has been technically
revised. The main changes compared to the previous edition are as follows:
— new single-number quantity, comfort distance, added, and privacy distance removed;
— sole use of omnidirectional sound source in all measurement phases emphasized;
— definitions (Clause 3), measurement conditions (Clause 4), and determination of single-number
values (Clause 5) clarified;
— use of impulse response method better described and a new Annex B added;
— Clause 6 “Precision” and an informative Annex D were added;
— STI is determined in conformity with IEC 60268-16 using weighting factors α and β for male gender;
A list of all parts in the ISO 3382 series can be found on the ISO website.
Any feedback or questions on this document should be directed to the user’s national standards body. A
complete listing of these bodies can be found at
Open-plan office is a large and open office space where large number of occupants can simultaneously
work in well-defined workstations. Both flexible offices and activity-based offices often involve spaces
that resemble open-plan offices. Open working areas, which can be considered as open-plan offices, can
also be found in many libraries, hospital wards, industrial workplaces, and schools.
Noise and lack of speech privacy are among the largest contributors to environmental dissatisfaction
in open-plan offices[1]. Colleagues’ speech is the main source of office noise. Inadequate room acoustic
design of the office is one reason to the perception of noise and lack of speech privacy. Distraction due
to colleagues’ speech weakens the ability to concentrate and reduces work performance, especially in
tasks requiring cognitive resources. Insufficient speech privacy prevents confidential conversations.
Several experimental studies suggest that distraction can be reduced by reducing speech intelligibility[2]
[3]. A large field survey supports that reduced speech intelligibility is associated with reduced noise
disturbance[4]. According to Reference [4], many of the single-number quantities described in this
standard are associated with the perceived noise disturbance in open-plan offices.
The outcomes of this method describe the acoustic performance of the open-plan office in a standardized
condition where a single occupant is speaking with normal speech effort[5]. The background sound
caused by building appliances or sound masking system is considered in the measurements. The
measurements are conducted in an unoccupied open-plan office because the method concerns
the permanent building properties and stable room acoustic conditions as well as ISO 3382-1 and
ISO 3382-2. The activity sound caused by the occupants does not belong to the scope of this standard,
although the level of activity sound can be significantly larger than the level of background sound.
The method uses omnidirectional sound source to provide reproducible results between measurement
operators. Furthermore, the(
speaking direction of occupant in the office workstation is not always
known nor constant in time. The use of directional sound sources would lead into different results
between measurement operators due to different choices of source direction and source directivities.
ISO 3382-3:2022
Room acoustic quality can be affected by the amount and positioning of wall and ceiling sound
absorption materials, room geometry, workstations, screens, other furniture, floor coverings, and
background sound level (e.g., masking sound).3382-3-2022
Presentation of acoustic design guidelines is beyond
the scope of this document because literature gives sufficient advice how to reach good room acoustic
1 Scope
This document specifies a method for the measurement of room acoustic parameters in unoccupied
open-plan offices. It specifies measurement procedures, the apparatus needed, the coverage required,
the method for evaluating the data, and the presentation of the test report.
This document describes a group of single-number quantities indicating the room acoustic performance
of an open-plan office in a condition when one person is speaking. They focus on spatial decay of speech
while the quantities in ISO 3382-2 focus on temporal decay of sound.
2 Normative references
The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content
constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For
undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO 3382-1, Acoustics — Measurement of room acoustic parameters — Part 1: Performance spaces
IEC 60268-16, Sound system equipment — Part 16: Objective rating of speech intelligibility by speech
transmission index ISO 3382-3:2022
IEC 60942, Electroacoustics — Sound calibrators
IEC 61260, Electroacoustics — Octave-band and fractional-octave-band filters
IEC 61672-1, Electroacoustics — Sound level meters — Part 1: Specifications
spatial decay rate of speech
rate of spatial decay of A-weighted sound pressure level (SPL) of speech per distance doubling in
Note 1 to entry: D2,S describes how fast the A-weighted SPL of speech attenuates in the open-plan office when the
distance to OSS increases. Large value means strong room acoustic attenuation. In free field, D2,S = 6 dB.
speech level at 4 m distance
A-weighted SPL of speech in decibels at the distance of 4,0 m from the middle point of the OSS
Note 1 to entry: Distance between nearby workstations is usually less than 4,0 m. Small value means strong
room acoustic attenuation near the OSS.
comfort distance
shortest distance from the middle point of the OSS where the A-weighted SPL of speech is lower than
45 dB
Note 1 to entry: Comfort distance reduces with increasing D2,S and decreasing Lp,A,S,4m.
background noise level iTeh STANDARD PREVIEW
unweighted SPL of background noise in decibels at the workstations along the measurement path
during working hours when occupants are absent
3.6 ISO 3382-3:2022
speech transmission index
STI 3382-3-2022
quantity describing the transmission quality of speech from speaker to listener
Note 1 to entry: STI is based on IEC 60268-16.
distraction distance
shortest distance from the middle point of the OSS where the STI is lower than 0,50
Note 1 to entry: Distraction distance reduces with decreasing rC and increasing Lp,B. Smaller values are associated
with higher levels of speech privacy. Annex A gives a psychological reasoning of distraction distance.
furniture ensemble containing at least one chair and one table having a minimum size of 70 cm x 70 cm
Note 1 to entry: Workstation can also contain other components, such as table-mounted or floor-mounted
screens, storage units, display units, or luminaires.
sound masking system
centralized or networked electronic system used to produce spatially constant background sound in
the workstation area
4 Measurement conditions
4.1 Equipment
4.1.1 Sound source, OSS shall be used in all measurements. The requirements given in ISO 3382-1
for the OSS within 125 Hz to 4 000 Hz shall be fulfilled for measurements to be in accordance with this
NOTE There are no requirements for the 8 000 Hz octave band.
4.1.2 Microphone, SPLs in each octave band and at each microphone position shall be measured
using a sound level meter meeting the requirements of IEC 61672-1, class 1. The microphone shall be
omnidirectional considering any supplementary equipment connected to it.
4.1.3 Analyser, the octave-band filters of the analyser or analysis software shall comply with
IEC 61260. If the signal is recorded, the recording device shall have the characteristics described in
ISO 3382-1.
4.1.4 Calibrator, the acoustical sensitivity of the measurement system shall be checked using a
sound calibrator that complies with IEC 60942. This is done both before and after each measurement
series. The results of the calibration checks shall be documented. A difference of more than 0,5 dB
between calibration checks shall be an argument to repeat measurements. It is recommended that the
calibration is checked when batteries of the measurement equipment or open-plan office is changed.
Measurement procedure
Acoustic zone means an area in the open-plan office, where the absorption treatment, room height, and
workstation layout are similar. Open-plan office can contain one or several acoustic zones. If the open-
plan office contains two or more acoustic zones, the measurements should be conducted in each of
them. Separate results are reported for each acoustic zone, where measurements have been conducted.
At least two separate measurement paths shall be used per acoustic zone. If only one measurement path
is possible in a zone, measurements shall be conducted in both directions along this measurement path.
The measurements shall be conducted along a straightest possible path which crosses over
workstations, as shown in Figure 1.
1 straight measurement path
2 non-straight measurement path
ISO 3382-3:2022
Figure 1 — Example of a straight and a non-straight measurement path in an open-plan office,
where workstations and other furniture are present
(position of the OSS is in the end of a path)
If the acoustic zone contains high piece of furniture (such as screens, dividers, or storage units being
higher than 1,20 m) between workstations, the measurement path should be chosen in such a way that
there is such a high piece of furniture between the OSS and the first measurement position.
The OSS is located at the workstation at the end of the path. The OSS shall be located at the position of
a sitting occupant’s head in a workstation. The middle point of the OSS shall be at the height of 1,20 m
above the floor. The distance between the middle point of the OSS and a nearest table shall be at least
0,40 m. The distance between the middle point of the OSS and nearest wall of the room shall be at least
1,00 m. Discrepancy from this requirement shall be mentioned in the report.
All workstations along the measurement path shall be measured and considered in the analysis. The
number of measurement positions on a path shall be at least four. In other words, measurements
according to this standard are only possible if measurement path involves at least five consecutive
workstations. The preferred number of successive measurement positions on the path is six to ten.
Measurement positions locating farther than 16 m from OSS are not necessary, but they can facilitate
the determination of r D, if it is larger than 16 m.
The reference position shall be located at the distance of 1,00 m from the middle point of the OSS without
any separating obstacles, such as a screen, between the OSS and the microphone. The reference position
can locate in another direction than the measurement path if an obstacle prevents the abovementioned
condition. The reference position is not a measurement position affecting the reported single-number
values. It enables a post check of the actual sound power level of the OSS. The value at the reference
position can be shown in spatial decay curves of both A-weighted SPL of speech and STI to provide
additional information about the acoustic conditions at short conversation distance.
The actual measurement positions, which affect the reported single-number values, shall be located at
workstations along the measurement path at the position of a sitting occupant’s head, which is 1,20 m
above the floor. Standing occupant is not considered in this document. The distance of the microphone
positions shall be at least 1,00 m from the nearest wall of the room. Discrepancy from this requirement
shall be mentioned in the report. Chairs are moved away from the workstations of the measurement
path during the measurements. The first measurement position shall be located at the workstation
nearest to the OSS.
It is possible that the measurements need to be conducted in an unfurnished open-plan office, where the
workstations and other furniture are absent, but the room surfaces and building services are otherwise
finished. This is necessary when the acoustic target values concern the unfurnished open-plan office.
In such a case, the number of measurement paths per acoustic zone shall be the same as above. The
measurement positions shall be chosen using expected workstation distances. The measurement
positions could be located, e.g., at distances 2,5 m, 5,0 m, 7,5 m, 10,0 m, 12,5 m, and 15,0 m from the OSS.
It should be noted that the room acoustic performance of an unfurnished open-plan office is usually
worse than the performance of the furnished open-plan office.
In furnished flexible work areas without pre-defined workstations, the measurement positions shall be
chosen using expected workstation distances.
The conventional method is based on the measurements of SPL produced by the calibrated OSS
(abbreviated by “oss” in related subindices). The SWL of the OSS producing wide-band noise, LW,oss,