Ant Part 2

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The Hertzian Dipole

A Hertzian dipole is a thin, linear

conductor whose length l is very
short compared with the
wavelength λ; l should not exceed

This restriction allows us to treat

the current along the length of the
conductor as constant, even though
it has to decay to zero at the ends of
the wire.
Fields Radiated by Hertzian Dipole
Current along dipole:

Magnetic Vector Potential:

With: Where, S: conductor

cross sectional area

Given A, we can determine E and H

Fields Radiated by Hertzian Dipole (cont.)

Upon converting z to spherical coordinates:

we have:
Fields Radiated by Hertzian Dipole (cont.)

Application of:

leads to:
Radiated Electric Field
Hertzian Dipole—Far-Field Approximation

At any range R:

Normalized Radiation Intensity
Electric and Magnetic Fields Normalized Radiation Intensity

The directional pattern of any

antenna is described in terms
of the normalized radiation
Average Power Density intensity F(θ,φ), defined as
(the time-average Poynting vector of the radiated wave) the ratio of the power density
S(R, θ, φ) at a specified range
R to Smax, the maximum
value of S(R, θ, φ) at the
same range.
Radiation Pattern of Hertzian Dipole
3D propagation pattern of an
electric dipole (antenna). In
addition to the radiation
pattern, we also project the
transversal and vertical planes
of the propagation pattern and
actually show how the waves
would be propagating in
different planes.

Basically, along the transversal

plane, the radiation is isotropic
and circular. But along the
vertical direction, there is null
of the propagation pattern
along the direction of the

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