Lecture 4A

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TCOM 624
Lecture No. 4
(Team Building )


Team Building
• Team building is a process that develops cooperation
and teamwork within a work unit.
• To constitute an effective team, its members must share
a common goal, have respect for each other, and be
motivated to use the strengths of each member to
achieve their objectives.
• Current corporate philosophy stresses that each
member of a team plays an integral part in the success
of the company.
Team Building
• Is an important tool for a construction supervisor;
 Craft workers work with tools of their trade while supervisors work
with and through people (managing and organizing people);
 Coordination of activities & efforts of various entities is an important
responsibility of a supervisor;

• Is a management skill that must be learned after completing a

craft training (from a skilled worker to a supervisor);
 Team building is not a craft skill taught through apprenticeship, but a
thorough knowledge of a craft will make an efficient supervisor;
 Some new supervisors has some natural ability to bring workers
together and coordinate their activities, forming them into a cohesive
work unit;

• Is a skill that needs to be taught to most new supervisors which

can be improved, even in those that have natural team-building
The Need for an Effective Construction Teams

The demand for highly effective teams increases due to the ff;

Changes in the workforce ;Crafts skills are becoming more

specialized (e.g. carpenter specializes into a rough carpenter or
framer, a finish carpenter or a cabinet carpenter)
Changes in the breadth of company services;
Some companies are working to broaden the services shat
they can provide (e.g. for a material supply and distribution
company, they expand their services by providing logistics
support to help contractors to better manage their materials on
The Need for an Effective Construction Teams
 Changes in project owner expectations;
 Owners might be demanding for the execution of project at
a much faster pace, at lower cost, with zero defects and
zero tolerance for accidents;
 Changes in technology incorporated into the product;
 New technologies rapidly gaining on the design side, are
driving changes on the production side
 Changes in technology available to execute construction; ;
 Embracing new technologies in terms of constructions tools
and equipment;
 Changes in project organization;
 New approaches to organize & manage construction project
are being developed and broadly embraced;
The Construction Team
 The most basic is a craft crew, which is under the leadership of a lead craft
person or a foreman, that includes craft workers of varying skill types & levels;

 If the size & level of the project increases, multiple crew will now be involved,
each operating as a team under the leadership of general foreman;

 If various specialty contractors will be involve, each with their own team
structure, but as a whole, forms part of the project team, they will be under the
leadership of the project superintendent;
The Construction Team
 A subset of the project field team is composed of the supervisors of the various
trade contractors that form the supervisory team for the project;

 The company team would include the project manager, the purchasing agent,
the yard manager, & various other company-level people;
The Construction Team
 Another concept of the project team would include managers from the various
trade contractors, the general contractor or the consulting manager and
designers, as well as the project owner;
Team Characteristics
Characteristics of a Successful Team Member:
• Must possess the ff;

 Technical Skill ;
 Able to communicate well;
 Ability to take direction
 Willingness to give up some personal interest for the
interest of the success of the team;
 Desire to help team mates operate at a higher level;
 A strong work ethic;
Team Characteristics
Characteristics of a Successful Team Leader:
• Must possess the ff;

 Honesty and Integrity;

 Respect for others, both on and off the team;
 Vision
 Confidence in the team members;
 A problem solver that enjoys challenges;
 A strong desire to lead;
Team Characteristics

Characteristics of a Successful Team:

• Must possess the ff;

 The ability to develop well-defined team performance


 Mutual, Internal Accountability;

 High Credibility and Trust

Team Characteristics
• Four Distinct Process of Team Development ;

 Forming;

 Storming;

 Norming;

 Performing;
Team Formation
Four Distinct Process of Team Development ;
• Forming;
 Individuals are brought together to form a team (team members are
brought about by selection, chosen for a specific skill, or based
upon availability)
 Base level of expectations is defined for the team and for each
member ;
 Common grounds are identified, which includes common goals &
similarities among members;
 An inventory of team member capabilities is made, which are
analyzed in the context of team needs (this determines such things
as how evenly matched the skills & capabilities of the members are,
and what unique capabilities are brought to the teams by each
 Common goals will be agreed upon and members will express their
dependence upon one another;
Team Formation
Four Distinct Process of Team Development ;
• Storming;
 Team members identify and resolve issues of power and
 Differences are recognized, members try to work out
 Leadership begins to emerge (some members will
appreciate and other s will reject) ;
 Settling the issue of leadership can often be a stormy
 Team members tend to act more independently, testing
limits and determining what is allowable or not, and what
the consequences are of engaging in behavior that is not
Team Formation
Four Distinct Process of Team Development ;
• Norming;

 Successful teams move past the storming phase and

into the norming phase;
 Team members begin displaying trust in one another
and the leadership;
 Communication skills among members are developed
and improved;
 External resources are sought to augment team
 Roles are assumed and assigned;
 Team processes are developed for various aspects of
team operations;
 The team begins to perform useful tasks;
Team Formation
Four Distinct Process of Team Development ;

• Performing;

 Successful teams will achieve the performing phase,

where the team works together collaboratively;
 A unique team identity is developed and team members
begin to feel comfortable with their roles and with other
team members;
 Members will become interdependent upon one another,
trusting their fellow team members to carry their part of
the team responsibilities;
 The team begins to develop effective and valuable
solutions that will be produced at a high level;

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