Lecture 4A
Lecture 4A
Lecture 4A
TCOM 624
Lecture No. 4
(Team Building )
The demand for highly effective teams increases due to the ff;
If the size & level of the project increases, multiple crew will now be involved,
each operating as a team under the leadership of general foreman;
If various specialty contractors will be involve, each with their own team
structure, but as a whole, forms part of the project team, they will be under the
leadership of the project superintendent;
The Construction Team
A subset of the project field team is composed of the supervisors of the various
trade contractors that form the supervisory team for the project;
The company team would include the project manager, the purchasing agent,
the yard manager, & various other company-level people;
The Construction Team
Another concept of the project team would include managers from the various
trade contractors, the general contractor or the consulting manager and
designers, as well as the project owner;
Team Characteristics
Characteristics of a Successful Team Member:
• Must possess the ff;
Technical Skill ;
Able to communicate well;
Ability to take direction
Willingness to give up some personal interest for the
interest of the success of the team;
Desire to help team mates operate at a higher level;
A strong work ethic;
Team Characteristics
Characteristics of a Successful Team Leader:
• Must possess the ff;
Team Formation
Four Distinct Process of Team Development ;
• Forming;
Individuals are brought together to form a team (team members are
brought about by selection, chosen for a specific skill, or based
upon availability)
Base level of expectations is defined for the team and for each
member ;
Common grounds are identified, which includes common goals &
similarities among members;
An inventory of team member capabilities is made, which are
analyzed in the context of team needs (this determines such things
as how evenly matched the skills & capabilities of the members are,
and what unique capabilities are brought to the teams by each
Common goals will be agreed upon and members will express their
dependence upon one another;
Team Formation
Four Distinct Process of Team Development ;
• Storming;
Team members identify and resolve issues of power and
Differences are recognized, members try to work out
Leadership begins to emerge (some members will
appreciate and other s will reject) ;
Settling the issue of leadership can often be a stormy
Team members tend to act more independently, testing
limits and determining what is allowable or not, and what
the consequences are of engaging in behavior that is not
Team Formation
Four Distinct Process of Team Development ;
• Norming;
• Performing;