Lectr-08 - Image Segmentationpart-1
Lectr-08 - Image Segmentationpart-1
Lectr-08 - Image Segmentationpart-1
Dr. Muhammad Hanif
Classification vs
•• Segmentation means to divide up the image into a patchwork of
regions, each of which is “homogeneous”, that is, the “same” in some
• – Intensity, texture, colour, …
• • Classification means to assign to each point in the image a class,
where the classes are agreed in advance – Grey matter (GM), White
matter (WM), cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), air, … in the case of the brain
• • Note that the problems are inter-linked: a classifier implicitly
segments an image, and a segmentation implies a classification
• The purpose of image segmentation is to partition an image into
meaningful regions with respect to a particular application.
• The segmentation is based on measurements taken from the image
and might be grey level, colour, texture, depth or motion.
• Usually image segmentation is an initial and vital step in a series of
processes aimed at overall image understanding
Let R represent the entire spatial region occupied by an image.
Image segmentation is a process that partitions R into n sub-
regions, R1, R2, …, Rn, such that
The principal approaches in this category are based on thresholding, region
growing, and region splitting/merging.
Monochrome image
• Detection of discontinuities: