MORNING WALK & FITNESS : Walking every day for one hour can help you lose around five to
seven kilograms of excess weight. Walking keeps away obesity, high blood pressure, and heart
diseases. Daily walking decreases the estrogen hormone in women which can decrease the
risk of breast cancer after menopause. Daily walking maintains the serotonin level which
keeps stress and high blood pressure in check. It also decreases the cholesterol by increasing”
High-density Lipoprotein”. Scientific studies have shown that walking increases the T-cells
which slow down the AIDS virus. Walking induces increased blood flow and flexibility in the
muscles. Walking refreshes the mind and body. It increases the body’s defense to fight against
the diseases. It increases the secretions of the adrenal gland which relieves the stress.
Walking induces the movement and friction of joints which forms new joint lubricants and
hence restricts joint lock. Walking slows down the degeneration of the bones and fights from
Osteoporosis. Waking induces the heavy breathing which fills the lungs with oxygen and
increases the lung capacity, so it is a good exercise for the lungs.
Heart patients are advised not to walk straight after the meal because the blood flows
towards the digestive system to digest the food. Walking straight after having a meal can
stress out the heart. You should dress accordingly to the walking. Shoes, clothing, proper
walking technique and posture are very important. Always carry a water bottle so that you do
not get dehydrated. A few medical terms used in this article, you should know about:
Osteoporosis: A disease in which the bones get too porous and weak.
•Finding a Balance
•How much exercise do i Need
•Exercise is Important
•Making Physical Activity a Part of Your life
•What is physical fitness
•Components of Fitness
•Aerobic Fitness
•Muscular Fitness
•Body Composition
•Exercise your Body and Mind
Top Health Benefits of Morning Walk
Top Health Benefits of Morning Walk
•If we see there is only one exercise which is suitable for all ages and
that is walking! In older days for early man it was a method of
transportation and important part of life for our fore fathers.
•In today time vehicle are everything and so people use less road for
walk! Hence walking is an important exercise for overall health.
Why to go for walking?
Here are the some of the reasons that why to go for walking as mentioned above:
•It is one of the good exercises in order to stay fit. Moreover it can be practiced in
anywhere direction and anytime, whether if you are walking to class or down the
•This exercise can be fun like going with a family member or friend, or can be
practiced alone and become a time of reflection.
•This exercise is almost safe for all ages. The reason is that walking leads to less
strain to the lower back and develops less stress on your joints like on your hips,
knees, ankles. Additionally it is also more grounded and balanced.
•Moreover this exercise does not need expensive equipment or the use of a
Top Health Benefits of Morning Walk
1. Great way to begin your day:
If your office cliques or friends go for a morning walk will tell you it is best
way to start your day .Whether you are working or work at home, wake up
early in the morning and start your day with a morning walk it will surely
energize and your mood will be good and you will start your day
Top Health Benefits of Morning Walk
2. Morning walk improves memory:
This exercise is very useful and beneficial for good coordination of body and mind.
The benefits of walking are that it regulates the proper blood flow and oxygen to
the brain thus helps for better functioning. Moreover it is good in reducing the
depression, anxiety, and stress and for older people it lower the risk of dementia
and Alzheimer.
•For pregnancy.
Minimum of 30 minutes
Moderate-intense physical
Most days of the week.
Exercise is Important…
Why Don’t We Do It
I don’t have enough time
I get bored!!
The gym is too intimidating
I Don’t Like It!
I am too tired!!
I don’t know what to do!
4 Components of Fitness:
Body Composition
Aerobic Fitness
Reduce Stress
Increase strength
Increase Flexibility
Increase Energy