Earth Science Lesson 12
Earth Science Lesson 12
Earth Science Lesson 12
There are different types of waste from various
materials and resources in our everyday life:
useful products.
Liquid Waste
Liquid wastes are the liquid part of the waste material. It
includes liquid waste materials from industries, fertilizers,
and pesticides from agricultural fields, urban runoff of
untreated waste water and garbage, mining waste, etc. It
may contain toxic organic substances or nontoxic
inorganic substances.
Methods of Liquid Waste Management
1. Sewage treatment
The process of sewage treatment involves the following
a. Dilution
In this method, the sewage is subjected to dilution so that the
dissolved oxygen in water decomposes the organic wastes
b. Mechanical treatment
The sewage is filtered to eliminate the suspended particles, and
then the sewage is subjected to grinding and is treated chemically.
c. Biological treatment
d. Chemical treatment
accumulation in environment.
Different types of wastes that affect people’s
health and environment
reproductive issues.
Impacts of solid waste on environment is another problem. A
major environmental concern is gas released by
decomposing garbage. Methane is a by-product of the
anaerobic respiration of bacteria and these bacteria grow in
landfills with high amount of moisture. These gases
contributed to the enhanced greenhouse gas effect and
climate change.
Liquid Waste
Liquid wastes is one of the biggest challenges of urban
sanitation and is very important category of waste
management because it is so difficult to deal with. Inadequate
management of liquid wastes can lead to health and
environmental problems. The main source of liquid waste are
animals and human being, as natural excretion of waste is
flushed into sewage and waste lines.
Unlike solid waste, liquid wastes cannot be easily removed
from an environment. It is easily spread out and pollute other
sources of liquid if brought into contact. These type of waste
can soak into objects such as soil and groundwater. The
wastes is then carried over to pollute the plants that we eat,
the animals in the ecosystem, as well as the humans with in
the area of the pollution. It can lead to water borne disease
like typhoid fever and cholera.
Gaseous Waste
risks to both our atmosphere and to the people who live near