Earth Science: Date: Nyssa Andrea Arias Assignment

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Grade 11 Quarter 2

Stem - B Soil and Man

1. What are the different category of ecosystem services?

Describe each service.

Support services include the cycling of vital nutrients such as nitrogen and

Support phosphorus- -minerals that are essential for survival and can only be derived in

their usable forms through the pitrogen and phosphorus cycles, respectively.

Services Support services may also include the decomposition of organic matter, cycling

of water, and production of primary materials.

Provisioning services provide the basic needs for survival- air,

Provisioning water, shelter, food, and energy. The phorosynthesis in plants, the

Services water cycle, the food web, and the presence of different natural

ecosystems, such as forests, rivers, and seas, provide these basic


Regulating services are benefits obtained by regulating the climate,

Regulating hazards, and diseases through processes such as carbon

Services sequestration, removal of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and

storage in plants.

Cultural Cultural services) include nonmaterial benefits such as spiritual

enrichment, cultural heritage, recreation, tourism, and the aesthetic

Services experience that nature provides for humans.

2. Enumerate the different kinds of waste. Describe the waste
Municipal waste includes materials that people in a community no
Municipal longer want because they are broken, spoiled, or no longer useful.

Waste These type of wastes come from households, commercial

establishments, institutions, and some industrial sources.

Agricultural waste is a common form of waste derived from farming

Agricultural and poultry. Most agricultural waste is organic and is used for soil-

enhancing activities. Other materials are burned as a source of

Waste energy. Too much agricultural waste in the form of fertilizers is

deposited into bodies of water which can cause eutrophication.

Industrial solid waste comes from industrial sources other than mining.

Industrial It includes a variety of materials such as demolition waste, scraps from

manufacturing processes, and ash from combustion. If they are

Solid Waste classified as hazardous, disposal requires special landfills for their

isolation and treatment.

Mining waste is generated in three ways. In most mining operations,

large amounts of rock and soil are removed to extract the valuable

Mining ores and the waste materials are left outside the mining site. In milling

operations; the grinding and sorting of materials produce solid waste

Waste called tailings, which are dumped and stored in ponds near the milling

site. Lastly, water that is pumped from mines flows from piles of waste

rock or tailings that contain hazardous materials.

3. What are the different methods of waste disposal?

Landfill is the cheapest and the most convenient method. A typical

solid waste landfill is constructed above an impermeable clay layer

that is lined with an impermeable membrane. Every deposit of fresh

Landfill garbage is covered with a layer of soil to prevent it from blowing

around. However, the threat of groundwater contamination reduces

the use of this practice.

Incineration involves burning in a controlled manner using an

incinerator, Incineration coupled with high-temperature Waste

treatments are recognized as thermal treatments. During incineration,

Incineration the waste material being treated is converted into gas, particles, and

heat. These products are later used to generate electricity- These

gases must be treated again to eradicate pollutants before they are

released to the atmosphere.

Mulch and compost method is one of the simplest methods to dispose

Mulch and waste at homes. Composting is the method of allowing the natural

compost process of decomposition to transform organic materials into

humuslike material called compost.

Source Source reduction refers to the method of designing, manufacturing,

purchasing, using, and reusing materials so that the amount of waste

reduction or its toxicity is reduced.

Recycling is the method of collecting throwaway materials and turning
Recycling them into useful products.

4. How do human activities affect the environment

One of the ways humans affect the environment is the generation

of waste. If not managed properly, these wastes will pollute and

affect the environment Solid waste is generally made up of

objects or particles that accumulate on the site where they are


5. How can we manage our waste in our community?

The most effective way to reduce waste is to reduce the waste at

the source. It involves buying durable products that can be used

for a long time and refraining from buying disposable products

that lead to more waste. The second option is to reuse and

recycle solid waste to serve another purpose. This includes reusing

plastic bags, empty bottles, and other disposable materials.

Organic waste such as leftover food and vegetable peelings can

also be converted into compost for planting through different

techniques of biocomposting The third option is the treatment of

waste to minimize its effects on the environment. Only until all

these options are exhausted and done should solid waste be

disposed to properly designed and operated waste disposal


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