Stabilization of Bran

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• Rice bran is a by-product of milled rice, the outer layer of

brown rice kernel, removed during milling.

• Bran contains an array of micronutrients like oryzanols,

tocopherols ,tocotrienols, protein, carbohydrate, dietary
fibres etc.

• Rice bran is rich in nutrients, it contains lipase enzyme, which

causes rancidity in rice bran oil by producing Free Fatty Acids(FFA).
• Bran oil with an excess of 10% FFA is unfit for human consumption.
• Less than 5% FFA is desirable for producing rice bran.
• Stabilization of rice bran can help to overcome these problems.
• Proper stabilization inactivates the enzyme and retains maximum

The process to produce stable rice bran by inactivating the

deteriorating enzyme is called stabilization.
Proper stabilization will depend on :
• Moisture content of bran.
• Time.
• Temperature of the treatment.

Bran can be stabilized by following methods :

1. Physical method.
2. Chemical method.
3. Enzymatic method.

Various physical stabilization methods applied are

1. Thermal treatment.
2. Microwave heating.
3. Infrared heating.
4. Ohmic heating.
5. Extrusion cooking
6. Parboiling
1. Thermal treatment
2. Most common method.
3. High temperature above 120°C denature the
enzyme responsible for oxidation of oil in rice
bran oil.
4. Most of the process involve moist or dry heat
• Moist heating is more effective than dry heating
because steam cookers, autoclaves and screw
extruders with injected steam and water can be
used during moist heating treatment.
2. Microwave heating
Effective method for the inactivation of lipase
responsible for rice bran degradation and instability.
Stabilized by microwave heating at 2450MHz for 3 min
effective for 16 weeks.
FFA content of microwave stabilized bran increased
from 4.0% to 4.9% in rice bran in contrast in the
untreated bran, FFA ranged from 4.0% to 68.3%.
Fast in operation, saves energy, precise control.
• Nutrition and sensory quality of the product is better
than the conventional heated products.
3. Infrared Heating
• Effective in preventing hydrolytic rancidity of
rice bran.
• FFA content of bran stabilized at 600W IR
power for 5 min remained below 5% for 165
• No change in Oryzanol content or fatty acid
content but a significant decrease in tocopherol
4. Ohmic Heating
Used to stabilize bran and to improve rice bran
oil extraction yields.
FFA content increased slowly in rice bran when
subjected to ohmic heating.
• It is based on the passage of alternating
current through the bran that serves as an
electrical resistance and therby heat is
generated inside the product.
5. Extrusion cooking
In this process ,12- 13% moisture bran
was extruded at 130°C and held for 3 min
at 99°C before cooling.
Produce a stable rice bran which shows
no significant increase in FFA content
for at least 30- 60 days.
• Extrusion cooking has allowed for an
extended shelf life of rice bran.
6. Parboiling
• Another rice processing technique, which
deactivates the lipase enzyme in rice bran.
• It allows adequate stabilization and results in
longer shelf life.

• Simple chemical method for stabilization of bran is

based on the principle that Lipase activity will be
low at low pH.
• Uses HCl at 40L/ton of bran for lowering the pH of
the rice bran from 6.9 to 4.0.
• Acid can be applied easily by spraying or sprinkling.
• Takes less than 4 min for a batch of 15 kg.
• It will be useful for stabilization of rice bran in rice
mills or where steam or electricity is unavailable.

• Rice bran is treated with an anti-lipase enzyme,

preferably a non -specific proteases of plant or
fungal origin.
• Treatment with the anti-lipase enzyme stabilizes the
rice bran against rancidity without denaturing protein.
• Stabilized rice bran has food and industrial utility and
can be processed by a sequence of steps including wet
milling and microfiltration into a variety of products.

• Regulates blood sugar.

• Lowers cholesterol and prevent heart diseases.
• Improve gastro intestinal health.
• Provides energy.
• Improve liver function and protect liver from damage.
• Reduces risk of kidney stones.
• Natural antioxidant.
• Preventing stomach and colon cancer.

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