Poultry Meat and Its Processing

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Dr. R. K. Jaiswal
Asstt. Prof.-cum-Jr. Scientist
Dept. of Livestock Products Technology
Bihar Veterinary College
Bihar Animal Sciences University
Patna-800014 (Bihar)

• In global meat production poultry meat is taking the

second place after pork.
• Due to its widespread availability and popularity and its
mostly very competitive production cost, poultry meat has
an increasing share as a raw material in processed meat.
• Turkey and chicken meat is very suitable for further
processing purposes.
• Poultry meat is of higher nutritive value than that of other
red meats, because of its higher protein content and
better digestibility.
Composition of carcass
Flow chart for poultry slaughter, cutting and packing
Poultry meat processing
• Poultry meat processing utilises the principles of refrigeration,
freezing, smoking, curing, dehydration, freeze drying, canning
and ionising radiations
• a) Chilling – Chilling storage of poultry is for only less than a
month. Birds to be stored longer should be frozen.
• The lower the temperature of storage, the longer the birds
stored without undesirable changes.
• Compared to room temperature, the storage life was
extended 2 days at 10˚C, 6 days at 4.4˚C and 14 days at 0˚C.
However, the rapid chilling is always advisable in the cases of
poultry meat as the onset and outset of rigor takes at early.
• b) Freezing - Poultry can be kept in good conditions for months if
freezing is prompt and rapid and storage temperature is low
• Fairly rapid freezing is desirable since it produces a light golden
colour because fine ice crystals are formed within the fiber while
slow freezing causes the flesh to be darker.
• The storage temperature should be below – 17.8 ˚C and RH above
95% to reduce surface drying.
• Rapid freezing of poultry is desirable since it causes tissues to
become very pale.
• However, most poultry is sharp frozen at about – 29 ˚C or less in
circulating air or on a moving belt in a freezing tunnel.
• c) Modified atmospheric storage – Increasing carbon
dioxide concentration to 10 – 20%in the atmosphere of
store chickens inhibits the growth of psychrotrophs.
• The use of store chicken inhibits the growth of
• The use of films of both high and low gas permeability in
combination with CO₂ atmosphere shows that the CO₂
atmosphere is the significant factor in reducing microbial
• d) Ionising radiation – It is a potentially useful form of
• Besides from its desirable ability to inactivate micro –
organisms, it also results in the breakdown of various lipids
and proteins to often undesirable odours.
Preparation of Carcasses for Cooking

• Chicken is available either chilled or frozen state. Chilled

Poultry should be kept uncooked, loosely wrapped and
unfrozen in the refrigerator. It is good practice to wash the
residues from the surface of the carcass before using.
• Frozen poultry
• For freezing poultry should be tightly wrapped in moisture
vapor proof film and then it should be frozen as soon as
possible. Its undesirable to unfreeze poultry for a second time
because freezing and thawing releases fluid which is called
drip. And at that stage chances of bacterial contamination
Thawing of poultry
• For the thawing of chicken is placed in
refrigerator for 12-24 hours, or place it in a
pan under running cook water in its original
wrapping for about ½- than. All frozen turkey
should be thawed slowly and never at room
temp or in warm water.
Methods of Cooking
• Frying
• Broiling
• Roasting
• Stewing
• Braising

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