Quality Assessment of Poultry Farm and Product Processing Unit in Different Divisions of Bangladesh

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Quality Assessment of Poultry Farm and Product Processing Unit in Different

Divisions of Bangladesh

Article · March 2018


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3 authors, including:

Md Amirul Hasan Shamim Ahmed

Bangladesh Livestock Research Institute Bangladesh Livestock Research Institute


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Public Health and Preventive Medicine
Vol. 4, No. 1, 2018, pp. 1-10
ISSN: 2381-778X (Print); ISSN: 2381-7798 (Online)

Quality Assessment of Poultry Farm and Product

Processing Unit in Different Divisions of
Razia Khatun1, Md. Abdul Jabbar Howlader2, Shamim Ahmed1,
Md. Amirul Hasan1, *, Md. Nazrul Islam1, Md. Shariar Haider3,
Mohammad Showkat Mahmud1
Bangladesh Livestock Research Institute, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Department of Zoology, Jahangirnagar University, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Palli Karma Sahayak Foundations (PKSF), Dhaka, Bangladesh

A total of 630 questionnaires were filled following face to face interviews under seven Divisions of Bangladesh from randomly
selected poultry farmers to find out the existing status of poultry farming and poultry product processing plant. Lack of good farm
management knowledge resulting farmers are using drugs indiscriminately from farm to marketing chain creates health hazard on
poultry and human. The survey result revealed about 66.12% farmers marketed their birds before withdrawal period of drug
69.30% and 21.30% farmers sold their eggs and sick birds under treatment period of antimicrobial drugs indicates unsafe for
human health. It was observed that 54.10% farmers had superficial knowledge on residual effect of antibacterial drug and
Maximum Residue Limits (MRL’s) in poultry products. From the survey, cost of drug incurs 23% of the total rearing cost. It was
recorded that 32.45% of surveyed farmers marketed their products following the standard withdrawal period of antibacterial drugs
but 66.12% farmers marketed before withdrawal period of drugs. Drug that were used by the surveyed Division where
Enrofloxacin cases in Dhaka Division were higher (26.67%) than other Division 20.96% Oxytetracycline in Rangpur; 20.95%
Ciprofloxacin in Khulna; 28.57% Salfonamide in Sylhet; 21.67% Gentamicin in Barisal; 32.14% Cloramphenecal and 41.46%
Furazolidone in Chittagong Division respectively. It was observed during drug uses cases 44.62% farmers discussed and followed
ULO (local veterinarian) suggestion and 28.92% collected from feed supplier. During marketing transportation, 34.67% farmers
transported their broiler at morning, 19.39% at afternoon, 29.11% at evening and 16.82% at any time. During disinfectant using
cases 54.70% farmers’ disinfected before entering into the farm and 24.91% used disinfectant to wash eggs before sale. On
average 57.00% farmers cleaned their eggs before marketing and 23.80% farmers following standard method for egg storage. It
also observed that 45.00% farmers disinfected their dressing plant before slaughtering of birds where 61.00% farmers slaughter
their broiler inside the plant, Irrespective of Divisions, 65.60% farmers had drainage system to discharge the liquid wastes of their
de-feathering unit. Surveyed farmers were categorized on the basis of poultry management practice, whereas 9.38% farms
followed standard practice of bio-security, 41.48% farms followed good practices, 32.53% farms fell in fair category and 16.59%
farms remained in poor category. To get quality poultry product from farms to processing plant farmers must be trained on good
management practices to create awareness on poultry and human health hazards.

Assessment, Quality, Survey, Poultry Farming, Product Processing Unit and Bangladesh

Received: October 2, 2017 / Accepted: November 9, 2017 / Published online: March 13, 2018
@ 2018 The Authors. Published by American Institute of Science. This Open Access article is under the CC BY license.

* Corresponding author
E-mail address: [email protected] (Md. A. Hasan)
2 Razia Khatun et al.: Quality Assessment of Poultry Farm and Product Processing Unit in Different Divisions of Bangladesh

1. Introduction prevention and veterinary services). So human have to faced

different food safety hazards; Biological (bacteria, viruses,
Poultry industry is growing very fast since the last decade in protozoa); Physical and Chemical (Agricultural
Bangladesh. Per capita demand for meat and fish products in Chemicals/Animal Drugs and Environmental Contaminants).
developing countries has grown a rate of 3.7 percent over the So all time those poultry and poultry products are
last 20 years [9]. At the same time, the new intensive contaminated with organisms. About 60% of human diseases
production systems of the developing world are facing more come from animals, so the link between animal health and
and more pressure to comply with the regulations that prevail human health is strong. The general publics are becoming
in the global market. The growth rate of chicken production aware of food safety issues and the concerning about of
in Bangladesh to be 5.3 percent per annum, and predicted potential for chemical and microbiological hazards in foods.
that consumption of broiler meat and eggs would grow by 95 The government has already taken drastic necessary action to
percent and 78 percent, respectively, in the period to 2020 control adulteration in food, drugs etc. But still the awareness
[23]. Most poultry is sold in live bird markets, and about 90 has not developed about this matter. However, the proper
percent of the rural families keep small numbers of chickens implementation of risk-analysis tools requires certain basic
[7]. Knowledge level in poultry production technology and components. These include efficient public health
lack of skilled management are the main barriers in flowering institutions, sufficient laboratory facilities, properly trained
poultry farming in the rural area. This rapid growth involved human resources and functional infrastructure [10].
diversified stakeholders in poultry production. In this
To reduce the unusual uses of drugs in poultry products from
transition many people come to engage themselves in
farms to consumers supply chain a group of approaches have to
different avenue of poultry business like; small farming,
be implemented for ensuring quality poultry products for
manufacturing of poultry equipment, feed mobilization and
consumers, especially for good human health concerned people.
marketing of medicine and biologics without having proper
To strengthen this program, each and every stakeholder should
training and knowledge in hygiene, bio-security and food
come forward either from GO, NGO or private entrepreneurs
safety measures. They started and practiced as they can. With
following regular surveillance on poultry products residue in
this rapid growth of farms, farmers and dealers government
farm or market or processing plant areas where poultry products
and non-government agencies fail to meet up the matters of
have more chance to contaminate with drugs. It also needs to
public health concern. Quality of poultry meat and egg is of
train how to produce quality food from farm to packaging in
great concern. Farmers are using growth promoter, antibiotic
every steps of supply chain. Infrastructure facility and transport
and toxin binder indiscriminately now a days to achieve
facility should also to be needed for getting quality food. Those
maximum growth potential and survivability [10; 16; 18 and
type that has already been discussed but not yet been studied.
35]. Antimicrobial agents are widely administered in
Considering these reasons, the present study was under taken
therapeutic treatment of livestock and poultry and constitute
with the following objectives.
a common cause of the presence of chemotherapeutic drug
residues in the product and by products [1]. Improper Objectives
dosages/discontinued course of treatment with antibiotic and
i) To know the status of poultry farming and poultry product
residue of drug from animal and poultry origin food play the
processing in Bangladesh
vital role for development antimicrobial drug resistance [2; 6;
8; 24; 28; 29; 32; 33; and 34]. It is very dangerous for birds ii) To identify the scenario of drugs used in the poultry
and also for human health [3; 4; 21; and 27]. In most cases industry in Bangladesh
before the withdrawal period of antimicrobial drug, the
livestock and poultry products and byproducts are marketed
in our country. Even farmers are selling their product during
2. Materials and Methods
the treatment period with antibiotic. Moreover peoples are 2.1. Location and Target Group
reluctant to buy from the slaughterhouses or warehouses
Preformed questionnaires were used for information
rather they are very fond of précising live bird from the open
collection from poultry farmers, aradder and dressing plant
market. The people are not so aware about hygienic in
operators to know the status of poultry farming and poultry
slaughter and meat processing. People of our country are
product processing. The data were collected by the author
rearing their flock and/or animals using traditional method.
with the help of Scientific Officers and Field Assistants from
They have very little knowledge about the scientific methods
seven Divisions of Bangladesh through several personal
of rearing livestock (on proper housing, management
visits for ensuring data quality. The primary data were
practices, efficient reproductive performances, disease
collected by direct interview from selected respondents.
Public Health and Preventive Medicine Vol. 4, No. 1, 2018, pp. 1-10 3

2.2. Sample Size ii. Knowledge about the withdrawal period at marketing of
poultry products;
A total of 630 questionnaires were filled from seven
Divisions (Barisal, Khulna, Sylhet, Rangpur, Dhaka, iii. Broiler marketing;
Rajshahi and Chittagong). Ninety questionnaires were filled iv. Egg marketing;
for each Division considered as a representative sample.
v. Hygienic status of de-feathering unit;
2.3. Survey Method vi. Hygienic status of poultry processing in dressing plant;
Face to face interview method together with pre-tested and and
well-structured questionnaire was used for this survey. vii. Assessment of poultry farm on bio-security practiced
2.4. Statistical Analysis 3.1. Antimicrobial Drugs Use by Farmers
After collecting all the information were tabulated, a) Antimicrobial drugs use status
summarized and processed for further analysis. The target of
Quality of poultry meat and egg is a great concern. But this is
this study was to build-up awareness for producing safe
totally absent in our country because when any kind of new
poultry meat and eggs regarding food safety issues. For this
business are started as profitable a sort of people are going to
purpose data were generated on the present status of poultry
start that business without knowing of its ins and outs. As a
farming and poultry product processing in our country.
result, after certain period of time people are facing problem
Simple descriptive statistics (Frequencies, Means etc) were
and becoming looser. So prior to establish a poultry farm
used to analyze data obtained from the survey.
business, interested person should consult poultry experts. To
achieve maximum growth and survivability, farmers are
3. Results and Discussion using improper doses of growth promoter, antibiotic, toxin
binder. This misuse of feed additives and antibiotics is
The information collected through questionnaire is divided
hazardous for human health [17]. The basic information of
into the following groups.
antimicrobial drugs use in seven Divisions of Bangladesh are
i. Antimicrobial drug use by farmers; shown in Figure 1.

Knowledge about residual effect

Drug use for weather change
Drug using cost








Barisal Dhaka Khulna Rajshahi Rangpur Sylhet Chittagong


Figure 1. Knowledge, use and cost of drug use in seven Divisions of Bangladesh.

It was observed that 54.10% farmers have superficial did not know about withdrawal period of antimicrobial drugs,
knowledge on residual effect of antibacterial drug but they Maximum Residue Limits (MRL’s) in poultry products,
4 Razia Khatun et al.: Quality Assessment of Poultry Farm and Product Processing Unit in Different Divisions of Bangladesh

residual effect of antimicrobial drugs on human health and Pharmaceuticals Company those are directly related with
cost of drug in chicken rearing which were similar to the farm management, disease prevention and treatment also for
findings of [5]. From the survey, cost of drug has been production. The Antimicrobial drugs use pattern in seven
calculated near about 23% of the total rearing cost which was Divisions of Bangladesh is shown in Table 1. During the
similar to the findings of [22]. It was also observed from the survey, it was noted that 33% farmers use Ciprofloxacin,
survey that average 90.90% farmers use different drug in 29% Enrofloxacin, 27% Oxytetracycline, 22% Salfonamide,
poultry feed and rest of them use drugs in drinking water and 19% Gentamicin, 9% Cloramphenecal and 7% Furazolidone.
injected to mussels of birds during the drug administration. A This finding has similar with the findings of [19; 27 and 30].
total 59.10% farmer used drugs during weather change which It also observed that Enrofloxacin used by the farmers in
was extra stress on bird’s health and it also unethical. Dhaka Division were higher (26.67%) than other Division
whereas 20.96% Oxytetracycline in Rangpur, 20.95%
b) Pattern of Antimicrobial drugs use
Ciprofloxacin in Khulna, 28.57% Salfonamide in Sylhet,
The use of antibiotics as feed additives is currently 21.67% Gentamicin in Barisal and 32.14% Cloramphenecal
discouraged in developed countries. Even many countries and 41.46% Furazolidone in Chittagong Division
have already imposed a ban on it. [12] suggested that respectively (Table 1). Findings of the present investigation
antibiotics should only be used for therapy following clearly indicate that the present malpractice of antibiotics use
laboratory diagnosis of the illness in the flock. He also patterns in our country is so alarming. Farmers training
opined that to minimize the antimicrobial resistance problem especially on biosecurity and management must be
following judicious application of antibiotics in the farms in emphasized to overcome this problem.
accordance with qualified veterinarians, consultant or
Table 1. Antimicrobial drugs and their percentage use by the farmers in seven Division of Bangladesh.

Antimicrobial drugs use by farmers (%)

Enro. Oxyte. Cipro. Salfo. Clora. Genta. Furaz.
Total use 29.00 27.00 33.00 22.00 9.00 19.00 7.00
Dhaka 26.67 7.78 13.33 9.29 10.71 15.00 -
Rajshahi 7.78 17.37 19.05 16.43 23.21 18.33 12.20
Sylhet 11.67 16.17 6.19 28.57 26.79 12.50 24.39
Rangpur 9.44 20.96 12.86 12.14 7.14 10.83 17.07
Chittagong 8.33 8.38 11.90 14.29 32.14 11.67 41.46
Khulna 11.11 17.96 20.95 7.14 - 10.00 -
Barisal 25.00 11.38 15.71 12.14 3.57 21.67 4.88

The large majority of poultry farms in Bangladesh are 21.83% were self-users, 9.56% farmers followed others
engaged in small-scale farming. Mainly poor farmers, farmers suggestion and 42.67% farmers have taken their
unemployed youths and distress women are mostly involved decision discussed with of all sources (vetarerian, self and
other farmer). These results agreed with the findings of [5]
in small–scale farm operation to support their own
who reported that all poultry farmers frequently use different
livelihood. It was found in many cases that most of the
antimicrobial drugs interchangeably for treatment and control
farmers have no idea or training on commercial poultry
farming. They started their business to see their adjacent of diseases. Because of frequent occurrences of different
farmers without taking any training or consulting the poultry diseases in the farms and lack of proper veterinary extension
services, farmers are forced to overcome the problem by
experts or Upazilla Livestock Officer (ULO), Veterinary
indiscriminate use of antibiotics of which may do not follow
Surgeon (VS) etc. Profitability of such farms has not yet been
proper dosing and lack of advice on withdrawal period.
experimentally determined but field reports show highly
variable results. In general, the more the farms are c) Collection of Antimicrobial drugs and their use
scientifically managed, the less the mortality and higher is Antimicrobial drugs can be purchased in most of the
profit because they are receiving adequate technical advice developing nations in local pharmacies as over-the counter
from poultry consultants, veterinarians, ULO and also their
preparations, without prescription. This practice makes drugs
input and suppliers.
more accessible to the population. In Bangladesh most of the
Rate of suggestions are followed by the surveyed farmers farmers have no idea about modern poultry management
before using of antimicrobial drugs and drug collection in system and they do not know how to keep the farm free from
seven Divisions of Bangladesh is shown in Table 2. It was diseases following strict bio-security measures. It was found
observed in this table that 44.62% farmers discussed and many farmers were not in touch with modern technology to
followed suggestion of ULO in drug using time while augment production. When farms were found with different
Public Health and Preventive Medicine Vol. 4, No. 1, 2018, pp. 1-10 5

bacterial or viral diseases attacked, the farmers were worried It was found at farm level for minimizing the poultry
about to combat this problem instantly. For this they were production losses are different on the basis of farmer’s
going firstly to the adjacent farms to know the solution of education, training, consciousness, and surrounding facilities
this problem. In this cases farmers are not bother about the what he has. Most of the farmers collected their drugs from
disease nature or its preventive measure, he directly wants to feed supplier (28.92%) while 18.91% from market, 25.45%
instant recover from this problem. So the farmers had to go to from marketing agent and 26.73% from medicine supplier.
the surrounding areas for drug collection as early as possible. These results were similar to the findings of [5 and 25].
Table 2. Causes and ways of Antimicrobial drugs use by the poultry farmers in seven Divisions of Bangladesh.

Causes of Antimicrobial drugs use (%) Ways of Antimicrobial drugs use (%)
Collect Collect from Collect
Divisions As per suggestion of As per suggestion of All Collect from
Self from medicine from
vetererian other farmer Mixed feed supplier
market supplier agent
Barisal 58.50 4.16 14.50 22.84 16.66 29.40 25.00 28.00
Dhaka 78.00 4.54 14.00 3.46 21.10 24.00 33.00 19.00
Khulna 30.00 - - 70.00 21.00 40.00 12.00 34.01
Rajshahi 54.50 - 40.50 5.00 20.00 24.00 32.00 34.00
Dinajpur 33.00 - 16.00 51.00 23.08 15.00 32.40 15.66
Sylhet 35.00 - 28.00 37.00 - - - -
Chittagong 23.33 16.00 18.00 42.67 11.60 41.09 26.00 22.00
Average 44.62 9.56 21.83 42.67 18.91 28.92 26.73 25.45

antibiotics by nonqualified persons is responsible for any

3.2. Knowledge About the Withdrawal alarming situation. Poultry product sales after drug
Period During Marketing of Poultry
administration in seven Divisions of Bangladesh are shown
in Table 3. Generally, the withdrawal periods of most of the
Different feed and Pharmaceuticals Companies marketed a antibacterial drug are 7 days. It was observed that only a few
lot of antibiotics, feed additives, and growth promoter to farmers (32.45%) marketed their products following the
popularize their products to the poultry farmers about the standard withdrawal period of antibacterial drug. However,
beneficial effect of their drugs rather than bad impacts on 18.56% farmers for 3 days, 25.01% farmers for 5 days,
poultry or human health or the actual withdrawal period have 27.86% farmers for 7 days sold their poultry products. Total
to be maintained. Each and every antibiotics or stimulates 66.12% farmers marketed their birds before withdrawal
have a specific withdrawal period after administering on period of drug. It was noted that 69.30% farmers sold their
poultry or any living beings for treatment purposes. It was eggs and 21.30% farmers sold their sick birds during the
found except commercial large farmers or trained farmers are treatment period of antimicrobial drugs which is unsafe for
following the antibiotics uses along with withdrawal period human health (Table 3). The actual withdrawal period of
in their farm. Most cases following withdrawal period for respective antibiotics that maintained for control the drug
antibiotic use not found. Injudicious application of various residues.
Table 3. Poultry product sales after drug administration in seven Divisions of Bangladesh.

After drug administration, bird sales at

Poultry product sales during the treatment period (%)
different withdrawal periods (%)
Bird sales
Egg sales 3 days 5 days 7 days 10 days
Before withdrawal period After withdrawal period Sick birds
Barisal 85.00 5.00 26.00 72.00 17.00 41.00 27.00 5.00
Dhaka 61.78 38.22 20.00 57.00 14.28 23.50 24.00 38.22
Khulna 57.00 43.00 - 100 - 17.00 40.00 43.00
Rajshahi 67.00 33.00 14.00 68.00 19.00 13.00 35.00 33.00
Dinajpur 67.00 33.00 18.00 75.50 14.00 19.00 34.00 33.00
Sylhet 90.50 9.50 44.00 54.20 28.50 50.00 12.00 9.50
Chittagong 34.55 65.45 5.900 58.50 - 11.55 23.00 65.45
Average 66.12 32.45 21.30 69.30 18.56 25.01 27.86 32.45

adverse weather conditions, especially during rapid weather

3.3. Broiler Marketing changes. Animals should be protected from heat stress while
a). Broiler transportation time in transport. If a loaded truck has to be parked during hot
weather, fans or water should be provided to keep animals
Transport and handling stresses can be aggravated greatly by
6 Razia Khatun et al.: Quality Assessment of Poultry Farm and Product Processing Unit in Different Divisions of Bangladesh

cool. During cold weather, wind protections should be should have open wall box so that the chickens inside the
provided and also arranged adequate ventilation if the baskets can get sufficient air supply. It is necessary to give
animals would spend more than a few hours in the transport attention to the height of the basket stack. The maximum
vehicle. Increased fear [15], leg breakage [11] and mortality stack for one truck is 6 baskets and 4 baskets for one pick up
have been associated with poor catching and loading and car. During the present survey it was found that about
transporting techniques (Weeks, 2007). 50.14% farmers kept 40-50 birds/cage, 24.57% farmers kept
Farmers do not consider proper handling and loading 51-60 birds/cage and 25.43% farmers kept 61-70 birds/cage
(Table 4) during transportation in a cage measuring 4×3×1
procedure from farm area to poultry marketing due to their
feet, where mostly provided spaces was not sufficient. These
lacking of knowledge and awareness irrespective of animal
findings were more or less similar to the findings of [25].
welfare [31]. Irrespective of Divisions, 34.67% farmers
transported their broiler at morning, 19.39% at afternoon, c). Broiler transport cage
29.11% at evening and 16.82% at any time (Table 4). To For comfort to the birds, the cage should have facility to
minimize the heat stress maximum farmers selected morning proper aeration, good ventilation system, easy to handle,
and evening to transport their broilers for marketing. smooth and flexible. It was observed that 28.90% farmers
b). Spaces for broiler transportation used bamboo made cages whereas 71.10% farmers used steel
The carriers or cages which were used to carry the bird made cage (Table 4). To minimize the heat stress and control
the breast blister of birds, a suitable cage have selected for
should have proper space for proper ventilation and proper
transportation of broilers.
movement. During transportation, the trucks or pick up cars
Table 4. Status of broiler transportation in seven Divisions of Bangladesh.

Type of cage for

Time of transportation (%) Number of bird transported each time (%)
Divisions transportation (%)
Morning Afternoon Evening Any time Steel Bamboo 40-50 birds 51-60 birds 61-70 birds
Barisal 42.10 23.80 27.00 7.10 82.00 18.00 50.00 15.00 35.00
Dhaka 11.00 40.00 49.00 - 89.00 11.00 39.00 44.00 17.00
Khulna 45.00 15.00 0.00 23.09 71.40 28.60 66.70 0.00 33.00
Rajshahi 35.00 27.50 24.50 13.00 80.20 19.80 52.00 29.00 20.00
Rangpur 40.00 19.50 11.20 29.30 75.10 24.90 50.00 25.00 25.00
Sylhet 41.00 9.90 45.10 4.00 40.00 60.00 33.30 29.00 38.00
Chittagong 28.60 0.00 47.00 24.40 60.00 40.00 60.00 30.00 10.00
Average 34.67 19.39 29.11 16.82 71.10 28.90 50.14 24.57 25.43

24.91% farmers used disinfectant to wash eggs before sale

3.4. Egg Marketing while 46.35% farmers used water to clean and germ free of
a). Egg Cleaning and Disinfection eggs, 16.84% farmers used different disinfectants, 11.90%
farmers used soap and 24.91% farmers used other
In local area the small farmers could not find suitable market
disinfectant. On average 57.00% farmers cleaned their eggs
to sale their egg instantly with a reasonable price. As egg is
before marketing, whereas 43.00% farmers never clean their
highly perishable, the local traders and commission agents
eggs (Table 5).
reduce their wholesale price, which incurs less profit to the
farmer. In the absence of storage and good marketing b). Egg storage
channel, the farmers are penalized with lower price and the As the proper storage system of whole egg has not yet been
consumers are deprived of quality products at reasonable developed. Price fluctuation is very high within the years and
price. For maintaining the quality of poultry eggs to the the breakage and spoilage of eggs goes 2-4% [12]. The
consumers as well as to get maximum price some farmers do not get remunerative price throughout the year.
intervention is needed at farms level that is practiced in For getting good price and keep the egg for certain period,
developed countries. Unfortunately, in our country this is still some sorts of measures (Cleaning of eggs and egg’s tray,
absent. Whether, some farmers are found practicing for storage egg properly, hygienic environment maintained) have
supplying quality eggs from their farm area to market place to be undertaken. Research findings among the divisions
which is not remarkable. The disinfection status during egg noticed that, 2.90% farmers cleaned egg trays at 10-15 days
marketing in seven Divisions of Bangladesh is shown Table interval, 40.10% farmers cleaned egg trays at 15-20 days
5. It was observed that, on an average 54.70% farmers’ interval and 57.00% farmers cleaned egg trays at 25-30 days
disinfected egg’s vehicles before entering into the farm and interval (Table 5). It was also observed from this survey that
Public Health and Preventive Medicine Vol. 4, No. 1, 2018, pp. 1-10 7

23.80% farmers used standard method for egg storage and storage. For getting quality egg from poultry farm, eggs
76.20% farmers said that they do not have any place for egg should be stored with suitable tray and place.
Table 5. Disinfection status during egg marketing in seven Divisions of Bangladesh.

Disinfection (%) Type of disinfectants (%)

Eggs Egg’s Tray (%)
Divisions Egg’s
(before 10-15 days 15-20 days 25-30 days Water Disinfectant Shop Other
sale) Interval Interval Interval
Barisal 27.80 65.60 22.10 26.70 51.20 40.00 47.50 10.00 2.50
Dhaka 19.60 60.00 5.00 35.00 60.00 47.50 6.30 26.30 19.90
Khulna 20.85 67.00 7.00 50.00 43.00 30.00 10.00 3.60 56.40
Rajshahi 24.10 64.00 25.50 42.50 32.00 35.00 8.10 4.90 52.00
Rangpur 27.60 50.00 6.70 46.30 47.00 41.50 8.00 3.50 47.00
Sylhet 20.45 64.00 29.00 12.00 59.00 61.00 27.00 12.00 0.00
Chittagong 34.00 12.50 29.00 23.00 48.00 64.00 11.04 23.00 1.96
Average 24.91 54.70 2.90 40.10 57.00 46.35 16.84 11.90 24.91

to limit microbial contamination on equipment’s and working

3.5. Hygienic Status of De-Feathering Unit surfaces which is agreed with the finding of [18]. They
The hygienic status of de-feathering unit in seven Divisions reported that the chlorinated-water were used for limiting
of Bangladesh is shown in Table 6. It is observed that microbial contamination on equipments and working surfaces
average 45.00% farmers disinfected of dressing plant before and also found the campylobacter numbers of packaged
slaughtering of birds and 49.30% farmers disinfected of carcasses were significantly lower to improve hygienic
slaughtering instrument and rest of them was not disinfected condition. But 32.30% farmers used disinfectant 1 time,
their dressing plant and instruments, whereas 49.00% farmers 9.38% farmers used disinfectant 3 times and 9.32% farmers
said they used disinfectant 2 times daily (standard procedure) used disinfectant 4 times daily (Table 6).
Table 6. Hygienic status of de-feathering unit in seven Divisions of Bangladesh.

Disinfection of De-feathering unit and

Disinfection (%) Type of disinfectant (%)
Instrument (%)
De-feathering unit Instrument Soap Other Once Twice Thrice Fourth
Barisal 10.00 32.00 78.00 20.00 2.00 38.30 50.00 - -
Dhaka 33.00 35.00 77.00 19.00 4.00 34.00 29.00 3.00 34.00
Khulna 70.00 35.00 65.00 20.00 15.00 30.00 50.00 15.00 5.00
Rajshahi 50.00 35.00 80.00 10.00 10.00 49.00 51.00 - -
Rangpur 82.00 92.00 65.00 23.00 12.00 34.44 49.00 11.00 5.56
Sylhet 20.00 60.00 80.00 20.00 - 21.00 52.00 18.00 9.00
Chittagong 50.00 56.00 50.00 41.00 9.00 19.33 62.00 18.67 -
Average 45.00 49.30 70.71 21.86 7.43 32.30 49.00 9.38 9.32

The name of the major disinfectants which were used by the essential for slaughterhouse workers to protect the
farmers was bleaching powder, soap, wheel powder, savlon, contamination.
detergent, timsen, povicep. Irrespective of Divisions average 3.6. Hygienic Status of Poultry Processing
70.71% farmers used bleaching powder, 21.86% farmers in Dressing Plant
used soap and 7.43% farmers used other disinfectants for
cleaning and disinfection their dressing plant (Table 6). With the increasing broiler production a hollowstic approach
Findings of this results indicated that, slaughter house is required for collection, processing, storage and distribution
personnel or operator are not know of which disinfectant are to markets and finally to the consumers. To improve the
corrosive or effective to reduce slaughter house present condition of dressing plant, it would requires
contamination. Standard slaughter house remain launching promotional as well as motivational media activity
environmental hygiene will consist of: proper fencing to grow awareness among the consumers to consume the
(public, dogs, etc.) pest control (rodents, insects), liquid or hygienically dressed chicken. The hygienic status of dressing
solid waste disposal and hand-washing facilities with plants in open market are shown in Table 7. Among the
adequate water supply. Clothing and hand gloves are Divisions all farmers used normal dress during the processing
of broiler on dressing plant and none of the farmers used
8 Razia Khatun et al.: Quality Assessment of Poultry Farm and Product Processing Unit in Different Divisions of Bangladesh

apron and also 26.70% used hand gloves in dressing plant. farmers used storage water to clean the birds properly.
Average 61.00% farmers slaughter their broiler inside the The evisceration process of poultry should be done
plant, whereas rest of 39.20% farmers slaughters their birds
hygienically to limit/control microbial counts in broiler
outside the plant. About 38.30% farmers used drum for
market condition. The result agreed with the finding of [36].
disposal of blood after bird slaughtering, whereas 61.7% used
They reported that the evisceration process resulted in a
soil and on the other hand 41.00% farmers said they dispose significant (P > 0.05) increase in microbial fecal
offal and feathers in pond and 59.00% used pit. Irrespective contamination. Statistically significant lower microbial
of Divisions, 65.60% farmers have drainage system to
counts were observed in hygienically processed carcasses as
discharge the liquid wastes of their de-feathering unit
compared with market carcasses. E. coli and fecal
whereas 34.40% farmers did not use any drainage system
Streptococci are completely absent in hygienically processed
(Table 7). Irrespective of Division, 71.20% farmers said they carcasses.
use flow water after de-feathering of birds whereas 28.8%
Table 7. The hygienic status of dressing plants for poultry processing in seven Divisions.

Personnel hygiene Slaughter of birds Cleaning the dressed

Waste disposal (%)
(%) (%) birds (%)
Divisions Offal and feather
Normal Hand Inside Outside Blood disposal Drainage system Flow Storage
dress use gloves plant plant water water
Dram Soil Pit Pond Present Absent
Barisal 100 10.0 59.8 40.2 20.0 80.0 20.0 80.0 25.0 75.0 60.0 40.0
Dhaka 100 33.3 66.2 33.8 32.0 68.0 33.3 66.7 51.0 49.0 95.0 5.0
Khulna 100 10.0 89.0 11.0 74.0 26.0 100 0.0 95.0 5.0 95.0 5.0
Rajshahi 100 21.0 75.0 25.0 53.8 46.2 66.6 33.4 73.0 27.0 90.0 10.0
Rangpur 100 92.0 50.0 50.0 33.4 66.6 100 0.0 92.1 7.9 93.0 7.0
Sylhet 100 20.3 59.0 41.0 40.0 60.0 42.0 58.0 48.0 52.0 59.7 40.3
Chittagong 100 0.0 28.0 72.0 15.0 85.0 51.0 49.0 75.1 24.9 6.0 94.0
Average 100 26.7 61.0 39.0 38.3 61.7 59.0 41.0 65.6 34.4 71.2 28.8

The hygienic status of hot water bath at dressing plants in 66.60% farmers said that they use 5 liters water in hot water
bath during dressing of birds whereas 29.40% farmers used 8
seven Divisions are shown in Table 8. Generally the hot
liters water and 4.00% farmers used 10 liters water.
water bath are using in dressing plants for poultry processing.
Irrespective of Divisions, 83.30% farmers used tube well Irrespective of Divisions, 65.40% farmers said that they bath
30 broilers using same hot water while 29.60% farmers said
water, 16.00% farmers used pond water and 0.70% farmers
they bath 40 broilers and 5.00% farmers said they bath 50
used supply water to clean their hot water bath. It has been
broilers. Average 90.50% farmers said they change of water
observed that, in all Divisions 96.40% farmers used hand for
once daily in hot water bath whereas 9.50% farmers changed
measuring water temperature (standard temperature is 60-
70°F) and 3.60% used thermometer for this purpose. Average water twice daily.

Table 8. Hygienic status of hot water bath at dressing plants in seven Divisions.

Type of water use in hot Amount of waters in hot Change of water in Temperature Number of broilers bath in
water bath (%) water bath (%) bath (%) measure (%) same hot water (%)
Tube Supply 5 Thermo 40
Pond 8 liters 10 liters Once/day Twice/day Hand 50 birds 30 birds
well water liters meter birds
Barisal 39.0 12.0 49.0 68.0 27.6 4.33 78.5 21.5 100 - - 3.0 97.0
Dhaka 54.0 6.16 39.8 66.8 30.0 3.20 100 - 91.0 9.0 - 61.0 39.0
Khulna 53.0 15.1 31.8 86.0 12.7 1.24 99.0 1.0 100 - 3.0 56.0 41.0
Rajshahi 23.0 55.0 22.0 76.0 21.0 3.00 94.0 6.0 98.9 1.1 18.0 42.0 40.0
Rangpur 65.0 12.0 23.0 50.2 45.0 4.80 95.0 5.0 100 - 6.5 42.3 50.0
Sylhet 45.0 32.0 23.0 40.3 56.0 3.70 100 - 96.0 4.0 - 1.0 99.0
Chittagong 62.0 17.0 21.0 79.0 13.3 7.64 66.7 33.3 89.0 11.0 6.0 2.0 92.0
Average 83.3 16.0 0.70 66.6 29.4 4.0 90.5 9.5 96.4 3.6 5.0 29.6 65.4

practice. It was showed that 9.38% farms followed standard

3.7. Assessment of Poultry Farm on practice of bio-security, 41.48% farms followed good
Bio-Security Practiced
practices, 32.53% farms fell in fair category and 16.59%
Surveyed farmers were categorized as standard, good, farms remained in poor category securing 80 and above, 70-
fair/moderate and poor on the basis of poultry management 79, 60-69 and below 60% marks, respectively (Figure 2).
Public Health and Preventive Medicine Vol. 4, No. 1, 2018, pp. 1-10 9

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