Economy Analysis of Broiler Production
Economy Analysis of Broiler Production
Economy Analysis of Broiler Production
Abdurofi, I., Ismail, M.M., Kamal, H. A. W. and Gabdo, B. H.
Institute of Agricultural and Food Policy Studies, Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43400 Serdang,
Selangor, Malaysia
*Corresponding author.
Email: [email protected]
762 Abdurofi et al./IFRJ 24(2): 761-766
necessity of huge investment compounded with high was the major source of data while in some instances
feed cost is required to meet maximum performance secondary information was also used. The primary
and achive breeder’s objective (Tangendjaja, 2013). data was obtained via questionnaire that had been
In view of the anticipated unstable profit in the pretested and improved before actual interviews.
broiler industry necessitated largely by high cost of
production, an economic analysis aimed at revealing Sampling method
the current status of broiler production in terms of In order to closely represent the population, the
costs and benefits through various performance multi-stage sampling technique was used to select
indicators is indeed important for newcomers and a sample of broiler farmers from 2403 registered
policy formulation in Malaysia. farms in Peninsular Malaysia (DVS, 2012). The
In poultry production, total expenses greatly first action of multiple-stage sampling in this study
influenced by feed price that can reach up to 70% was to stratify the states in Peninsular Malaysia
of total cost. Feed component of total costs for according to Northern, Southern, East Coast and
broiler production increased from 51.8% in 2001 to Central regions. The second stage was the selection
68.7% in 2008 at the peak of food crisis (Donohue of the broiler farmers that are engaged in small,
and Cunningham, 2009). Production input (phsyical medium, and large scale across the regions. Finally,
amount and cost) and farm size affect inefficiency in a simple random sampling was conducted to obtain
broiler production (Padilla-Fernandez and Nuthall, 310 broiler farmers who were administered with
2012). However, this circumstance can be seen as the survey questionnaires and this sample has fulfil
a threat, particularly to small scale farmers because more than 10% of total population of broiler farms in
they have limited capital. Another findings supported Peninsular Malaysia.
that there are some problems that often plague poultry
production and heighten competitive pressure on Analytical techniques
existing farms (Adepoju, 2008). The general problems In this study, the analytical tools applied were
may include high feed cost, other production cost descriptive statistics and simple economic analysis.
like diseases and marketing problems. Therefore, the Descriptive statistics provide a summary data that
contract farming could minimize the risk and provide is normally presented as graphical and numerical
higher expected profit for small operators (Nguyen figures in order to have a clear overview of the data
et al.,2011). The poultry industry in Mirpur using (Jaggi, 2012). The data include the age of farmers,
economic analysis also was investigated that the education level, working experience, scale of broiler
production costs and benefits were used to analyze business and source of capital. On the other hand,
the relationship between resources and outputs. The economic analysis can be simple or complicated,
result revealed that high production cost and lower which depends on farm commodity and technology
profit forced several commercial farms in Mirpur (Heady and Dhillon, 1988). The research used farm
area to close down (Ahmad et al.,2008). Similar budgetary technique to compute economic indicators
study concluded that broiler farming is considered such as fixed cost, variable cost, net return and
as a profitable business and has accomplished good input-output ratio.
prospect in Punjab. However, more attention should
be given to small operators where they received Production function equation :
marginal income (Singh, 2010).
Descriptive analysis
Socioeconomic and demographic characteristics
are essential information to describe socially the
current status of broiler farms ownership and
management in Peninsular Malaysia. The categories
include age of farmers, education background,
working experience, business scale and its capital
sources. The data disclosed that in terms of age,
40% of farmers are in the age class of 51 years and
above while the young farmers accounts for only 8%.
Broiler production is a capital intensive operation and
this deters new comers from entering the industry.
This could be the reason for small number of young
farmers in the industry. With respect to education,
majority (56%) of the farmers completed secondary
education, 27% of the respondents obtained primary
Source : Survey Data 2013
school certificates, 9% with degrees while 8% with
diplomas. In terms of farming experience, nearly
of 3.75% as an incentive to the industry.
60% of the farmers engaged in broiler production for
Economic analysis of broiler farming
more than 10 years, about 20% of the farmers with
5-10 year production experience and another 20% of
Broiler production and price
them with 0-5 year experience. The entrepreneurship
The result indicates that the number of broiler
training provide positive impact on management
production among each region differs slightly (Table
practices (Ezeibe et al. ,2014). In order to identify
2). The Southern part of the Peninsular Malaysia
specifically their resource management, productivity
produced the highest number of day old chick
and sustainability, the operators were classified
(DOC) while the Central part (Selangor) produced
into three categories; small scale (less than 30,000
fewer number of DOC. This is not surprising because
birds), medium scale (between 30,001 and 125,000
Johor is the largest producer. On the other hand, the
birds) and large scale (above 125,000). The result
price of DOC among regions is similar, that is, at
showed about 90% of farmers were in the small
RM 1.60 per bird. The average weight of broiler
and medium scale categories while the rest are large
production among regions ranges between 2.1 Kg
scale production. This will affect productivity since
and 2.3Kg at farm gate with a mortality rate of 3.6%
there are no economies of scale in small operations.
- 5.1%. The result of average weight of broiler and
The similar finding is reported elsewhere (Farooq et
the mortality rate identified in this study are within
al., 2001; Ahmad et al., 2008) that majority of the
the DVS statistics. The precise information on FCR
farmers are focussed on small and medium scale
that varied among regions is important to calculate
operators. Credit is an important item that enables
feed consumption each bird (Sahzadi et al., 2006).
farmers to purchase adequate inputs and to have
The East Coast maintains the highest FCR of 2.1;
optimal working capital to achive an ideal yield.
implying the consumption of 2.1Kg of corn based
In this study, it can be seen that 52% of the broiler
feed will increase the bird’s weight by a kilogram.
farmers source their credit independently, while 48%
of the farmers rely on loans from institutional source
Cost of production
to raise credit for broiler production. However, at
The components of variable cost are cost of DOC,
present government provides loans at subsidized rate
feeds, manpower, vitamins and vaccines, utility,
764 Abdurofi et al./IFRJ 24(2): 761-766
Table 2. Production background and average price Table 3. Cost of broiler production (RM) in Peninsular
Table 4. Net return to broiler production in Peninsular Table 5. Value of input to output (returns) in broiler
Malaysia production in Peninsular Malaysia