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• Introduction
• Models for CMS design
• Integer programming problems and types
• Notations
• Formulation of problems


 Cellular manufacturing (CM) is the application of group technology (GT)

principles to production.
 Approach that helps to manufacture a variety of products with as little waste
as possible.
 Objective is to achieve efficiencies in production by exploiting similarities
inherent in the production of parts.
Thus, firms adopting CM seek to obtain many of the efficiencies associated
with mass production in less repetitive batch environments.

Models For CMS Design

Part-machine incidence matrix model

Clustering-based models
Models of mathematical programming
Artificial intelligence-based models

Models For CMS Design Contd…

Part-machine incidence matrix model

A matrix is constructed in this model, with rows representing parts and columns
representing machines.
A 1 in the matrix indicates that a machine is capable of processing a part, while
a 0 indicates that it is not.

Models For CMS Design Contd…

Clustering-based models
Group machines and parts into cells based on their similarity or proximity
using clustering algorithms such as K-means, hierarchical clustering.
The goal function is typically to minimise inter-cellular movements and setup

Models For CMS Design Contd…

Models of mathematical programming

These models optimise cell formation by using mathematical optimisation
integer programming, mixed-integer programming, or dynamic programming.
The goal function is typically to minimise inter-cellular movements, setup
times, and maximise machine utilisation.

Models For CMS Design Contd…

Artificial intelligence-based models

These models optimise cell formation using artificial intelligence techniques
such as neural networks, genetic algorithms, or ant colony optimisation.
The goal function is typically to minimise inter-cellular movements, setup
times, and maximise machine utilisation.

Integer Programming Problems And Types

Pure Integer Programming Problems

Mixed Integer Programming Problems
Pure Binary Integer programming Problems
Mixed Binary Integer Programming Problems

Integer Programming Problems And Types Contd…

Pure Integer Programming Problems

Have decision variables that can only take integer values, and no continuous
solutions are permitted.
It is a powerful tool for solving problems with discrete decision variables and
combinatorial optimisation.

Integer Programming Problems And Types Contd…

Mixed Integer Programming Problems

mixed integer programming problems involve decision variables that can take
both continuous and integer values.
provides a flexible and powerful tool for optimising the design and operation of
cellular manufacturing systems.

Integer Programming Problems And
Types Contd…
Pure Binary Integer programming Problems
They have decision variables that can only have binary values, with no
continuous or integer solutions allowed.
Tool for optimising the design and operation of cellular manufacturing

Integer Programming Problems And Types Contd…

Mixed Binary Integer Programming Problems

Type of mathematical optimisation problem in which the objective function and
constraints contain a mix of binary and integer variables.
Many real-world applications, such as resource allocation, scheduling, and
network design, involve MBIP problems
Goal is to minimise or maximise a linear function of variables subject to a 15
set of linear constraints.

α𝑖 - number of intercell transfers due to part i
𝛽𝑖 – demand of part i
𝛾𝑖 – unit intercell transfer cost of part i
𝑀𝑖𝑘 – machine part required for the operation k of the part I
i – index of the parts i= 1,2,3…..𝑁𝑝
j – index of cells j = 1,2,3…..𝑁𝑐
k – index of operation k = 1,2,3…..𝑁𝑖
M – index of machines M = 1,2,3….𝑁m

Notations Contd…

𝑁𝑖 - number of operations required to complete the processing

requirement of part i
𝑚𝑚𝑖𝑛 - minimum number of machine types per cell
 𝑚𝑚𝑎𝑥 -maximum number of machine types per cell
Z - intercell material handling cost
θ - Minimum number of parts per family

Notations Contd…
𝑥𝑖𝑗 = 1 if part i is assigned to cell j
0 otherwise

σ𝑀𝑖𝑘 , j = 1 if machine type M is assigned to cell j

0 otherwise

Steps For Creating IP Problem
Step 1 - Define the decision variables
For each of the n items in the problem, define a binary decision variable xi.
If item I is chosen, xi equals 1, otherwise xi equals 0
Step 2 - Create the following objective function
Create the objective function that should be minimised or maximised.
The decision variables should be used to express the objective function


Step 3 -Specify the constraints

Provide constraints on the decision variables & can be expressed as linear
equations or inequalities
Step 4 -Determine feasibility
Determine whether at least one set of values for the decision variables meets
all of the constraints
Step 4 - Solve the problem by using appropriate algorithm
Use appropriate algorithms to solve the IP problem

Formulation Of The Problem

Formulation Of The Problem Contd…

Formulation Of The Problem Contd…

• An objective function can be built using the specified route matrix and additional parametric
• Then, based on the available data and the problem scenario, write all of the other possible
constraint equations from 3 to 8 as shown above.
• Solution of the problem is not intended now as it may requires other supporting tools and more
lengthy procedure.

Example :
The details of the example problem are given below and Table shows the part-machine
incidence matrix which is an input to the model. M1, M2 ... M5 are types of machines which
process 3 parts – P1, P2 and P3. The number of cells considered for this problem is 3.

Example :

•The optimum objective function value (Intercell moves) for this problem is 2
•The cell configuration is
Cell 1 – (M1)
Cell 2 – (M2, M3, M5)
Cell 3 – (M4)

IP is a mathematical tool for optimising CMS by determining the optimal
allocation of machines and workstations to various cells.
Manufacturers can optimise their production processes, reduce costs and
improve product quality & customer satisfaction by leveraging the power of
mathematical optimisation.
As a result, manufacturing processes become more efficient and effective,
allowing businesses to stay ahead of the competition.

1.C R Shiyas et al. / International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology
2.Arora, P. K., Haleem, A. and Singh, M. K., 2011, Cell formation techniques – A
study. International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology, 3, 2, 1178 –
3.A Goal Programming Approach to the Cell Formation Problem JOURNAL OF
OPERATIONS MANAGEMEN'I Spec1.4 Issue on Group Technology and
Cellular Manufacturmg Vol. IO. No. I, January 1991
4.Cellular Manufacturing Systems Design, planning and control Nanua Singh
Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering, Wayne State
University, Detroit, USA and Divakar Raiamani Department of Mechanical and
Industrial Engineering, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada


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