Flexible Manufacturing Systems Using Iiot in The Automotive Sector Flexible Manufacturing Systems Using Iiot in The Automotive Sector
Flexible Manufacturing Systems Using Iiot in The Automotive Sector Flexible Manufacturing Systems Using Iiot in The Automotive Sector
Flexible Manufacturing Systems Using Iiot in The Automotive Sector Flexible Manufacturing Systems Using Iiot in The Automotive Sector
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Flexible manufacturing
manufacturing systems
systems using
using IIoT
IIoT in
in the
the automotive
automotive sector
Flexible Manufacturing Systems (FMS) is a domain where progressive research has been compiled and is an integral part offering the ability to get
Flexible Manufacturing
all systems to communicate Systems (FMS)
through IIoT.is Ita is
domain where
the ability ofprogressive
automotive research has been
manufacturers compiled
to change and is an
processes integral
from partway
‘it’s the offering the ability
we have alwaystodone
all systems to communicate through IIoT. It is the ability of automotive manufacturers to change processes from ‘it’s the way we
it here’ to incorporating small but regular changes to achieve ultimate flexibility that will consolidate competitiveness in a now global emporium.have always done
Thehere’ to incorporating
future of survival, insmall but regularcongested
an increasingly changes to achieve environment,
industrial ultimate flexibility
can bethat will consolidate
achieved by makingcompetitiveness in a noworganizational
an innovative, technical, global emporium.
majorfuture of survival,
financial insecure
effort to an increasingly congestedfrom
ultimate viability industrial environment,
low cost can be This
labour countries. achieved by paper
review making an examine
will innovative, technical,
flexible organizational
manufacturing and
major financial effort to secure ultimate viability from low cost labour countries. This review paper will
that utilize IIoT and the key elements to successful implementation of smart manufacturing for the automotive sector. examine flexible manufacturing systems
that utilize IIoT and the key elements to successful implementation of smart manufacturing for the automotive sector.
1. Introduction
1. Introduction
Flexible Manufacturing Systems (FMS) is a subject that has been well researched for decades but it is as relevant
today Manufacturing
as it was when Chen Systems
et al. (1) (FMS) is a subjectinthat
were researching thehas beenThe
1980s. wellresearch
decades was
but itbased
is as on
today as it was when Chen et al. (1) were researching in the 1980s. The research being compiled was based
Autonomous Vehicles (AV) for flexible manufacturing. (2) Alasdair Gilchrist also states that robots in manufacturing on early
Autonomous Vehicles (AV) for flexible manufacturing. (2) Alasdair Gilchrist also states that robots
are no longer new, but robotics are conditional to continuous improvement. Research and development in flexiblein manufacturing
are no longer new,
manufacturing usingbut robotics areIntelligent
Autonomous conditional to continuous
Vehicles improvement.
(AIV) and Research
incorporating the IIoTandcandevelopment in flexible
enhance productivity,
manufacturing using Autonomous Intelligent Vehicles (AIV) and incorporating the IIoT can enhance productivity,
2351-9789 © 2019 The Authors, Published by Elsevier B.V.
Peer review©under
Authors, Published by Elsevier
of the scientific B.V. of the Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing 2019
Peer review under the responsibility of the scientific committee of the Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing 2019
profitability, repeatability, ease of use and employee satisfaction. Advances from linear to cellular manufacturing
heralded much praise but it is the use of IIoT that offers inclusion to Industry 4.0, the next industrial revolution of
smart manufacturing.
To understand FMS this paper will be a synopsis of progression from traditional manufacturing to key elements of
smart manufacturing and IIoT.
Many automotive companies use a linear sequential manufacturing system, using traditional conveyor systems to
distribute products through the assembly process. Traditional sequential line design concepts are currently used in
some automotive manufacturing plants. The Flexible Manufacturing Systems (FMS) is a progressive type, with
product flow in a unidirectional path of a delineated system (3). Sub-assemblies are presented to the start of an
assembly line, where product flow will have sequential operations. It will be completed by a variety of trained
operators on the assembly line. Where there is no cellular connectivity with conveyors, operators must handle parts
and distribute them physically into Kanban stations or trolleys. Furthermore, if there is a distance from one workstation
to the next, trolleys must be loaded and pushed to the next station for the subsequent operation.
Leung et al. (4) explains that cellular manufacturing is a practical element of Group Technologies (GT) and that
GT is an element of Just-In-Time-manufacturing (JIT). Kruger describes cellular manufacturing as an integral part of
GT. Its purpose is the adaption and modification of high variety - low volume processes (5). Typical cellular
manufacturing presents spaghetti movement of product that streamlines material flow and reduces non-value adding
activities. Advanced Cellular Manufacturing (ACM) practices promote shorter life cycles of products while offering
expeditious time to market for contemporary product mix (5). Cells are connected by either an operator or a conveyor.
Although it depicts flexibility, it does not show the actual cost matrix and how inefficient it may be. Computerised
Relative Allocation of Facilities Technique (CRAFT) is an accurate algorithm that uses a distance matrix to calculate
a plant layout for optimal product flow. It was first proposed in 1964 by Buffa et al. and is represented as a block
layout diagram using centroid techniques (6). It is used to take an industrial layout from a perceived ideal layout, to
arrange the facility in a most cost efficient layout. The ultimate goal of product flow is cost saving. Rexroth (7) has
visualized factories of the future and through the use of IIoT, it conforms to Industry 4.0.
Section 2 gives a description of how IIoT is transforming manufacturing. Section 3 reviews recent implementations
of IIoT and draws insights into the key elements to the success of the state-of-the-art approaches. Section 4 outlines
The concept of smart manufacturing is an action by the United States that brought together manufacturing
stakeholders. The alliance of the non-profit stakeholders is to consolidate industrial knowledge to conform to standards
and share intelligence (8). Smart manufacturing in the automotive sector can only be made possible through the
support of IIoT. It is computational architecture that allows for coherent automation integration to develop dynamic
processes. Stokic et al. claims that manufacturers have an objective to construct a product that is cost-effective to the
consumer using cyber physical systems, while building intelligent services to allow cost effective solutions for all (9).
Fernández-Caramés et al. states to achieve successful implementation of Industry 4.0, (German government funded
project) IIoT and Cyber Physical systems are fundamental for the collection of real-time data (10). Smart automotive
manufacturing must have the ability to ramp-up and down production of current production. It is achievable through
the use of sensor technology, autonomous intelligent vehicles (AIV), smart machines and IIoT integration (11). The
automotive sector must have the capability to adapt to market demands of current products while also having the smart
systems to produce new products at a lower cost. A smart manufacturing view incorporates horizontal and vertical
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integration of systems. A simple schematic representation of horizontal and vertical integration can be seen in figure
Both Fernández-Caramés et al. and Crnjac et al. agree that the integration of the aforementioned systems is a
challenge, but their implementation will provide greater flexibility to the customer and smart manufacturers as a
whole(10) (13). They describe the horizontal integration as the use of information in production planning and business
systems. It offers knowledge of the manufacturing operations, as well as the current state of production to customers
and suppliers which can be shared with companies. This offers a level of openness and clarity. If problems present
themselves, the belief is that horizontal integration will enable customers to decide on an approach to problem solve
from the information in the smart product. Crnjac et al. suggests that the vertical integration is the use of process
information from sensors used on the machines linking all aspects of manufacturing. Tao et. al construes that the
vertical consolidation of all manufacturing processes convey all real-time data from the sensed world to the virtual
space platform (14). By using wired and wireless sensors throughout manufacturing, Wan et al. explain that the
collected data is forwarded to the industrial cloud platform and divided into three layers. These layers, he explains,
are the exchange of information among “physical layer devices”, “data processing in the cloud” and “mobile
terminals”(15). Quality and efficiencies can be achieved by linking all processes throughout the industrial processes.
This eliminates potential errors in the system. Research by Tao et. al explains that the industrial cloud relays
information from machine sensors on the factory floor to a mirrored virtual shop floor model. This process can inform
operators on the floor of errors so that they may respond accordingly. It operates as a closed loop feedback system
that collects and stores information on the smart products throughout the manufacturing process. Tao et. al points out
that as information accumulates on products from current manufacturing, there will be a saving in time for future
production of new products due to documentation. This documentation will expedite product design and development
and simplify any future change. (1)
3. IIoT and the key elements to successful implementation of smart manufacturing for the
automotive sector.
The IIoT and the cloud use big data analytics, cyber physical systems, artificial intelligence, 5G communication,
Autonomous Intelligent Vehicles, (13) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) and the smart-manufacturing through physical
and virtual process interconnection (21). The main key elements that will be discussed will revolutionize automotive
manufacturing to state-of the-art smart manufacturing. Smart manufacturing of the future will have all its machines
and devices equipped with smart sensors, allowing for networking and sharing of collected data that will have a high
positive impact on automotive manufacturing. When an organization decides to invest large finance and expertise into
cloud manufacturing, they will be rewarded with the riches of collecting data that will add value, market share,
machine and personnel safety, preventative maintenance, profitability, (22) and the ability to respond to any change
from market or product. The following are some key elements to successful IIoT functionality.
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4 Author name / Procedia Manufacturing 00 (2019) 000–000
The Boston Consulting Group (BCG) indicate how data analytics of “large data sets” is relatively new to
manufacturing settings and describe how companies are benefitting from the appraisal. They refer to improvements
and savings through monitoring of equipment, energy usage and process control (23). This data allows for early
identification of failures by correlation of all data (23). Big data is most necessary for the dissemination of the huge
mass of data from systems services and traffic. It must subsequently dissect relevant data for the advancement of
preventative failures, maintenance, productivity and profitability in manufacturing (10). Zhang et al. recognize that
even though data analytics is expensive, large manufacturing enterprises currently enjoy the perks of analysis as their
purses and budgets support it (24). In manufacturing, data analytics can cultivate industrial performance through
connectivity of machines, equipment, radio-frequency identification (RFID), barcodes, market performance and profit
(13) (15) (17) (21) (25) (24).
CPS is an integral part of Industry 4.0 and is well documented in IIoT related documents. S. Jain et al. refer to CPS
as a parallel connection with the virtual and physical worlds simultaneously to facilitate decentralized decision making
(25). Tao et al. makes the assertion that the physical manufacturing system must marry cyber physical manufacturing
systems for the analytic processes of operators and managers to present decisive managerial decisions (26). Tao et al.
also mentions that there are four interactions between the physical and cyber space. CPS can be described as operating
in a decentralized, structured and unstructured communication (21).
(27) explains that AI’s nodes are an imitation of the human brain’s neural network that replicates biological
neurons. AI has developed and evolved due to large scale research in computing and machine learning through
“powerful machine-based techniques used to solve many based world problems” (28). In theory, AI is the cloning
and portrayal of human acumen with the ability to retain learnt knowledge and enforced in future simulated executions.
Speech recognition is one of the key components of AI with (29) explaining, that machine learning also incorporates
“face recognition, visual object recognition, hand writing recognition and machine translation”. It is the want and
need for AI in most machine dependent sectors that is driving research in the area of deep learning. (29) believes that
by developing interpretable deep learning models and the creation of new algorithms, it can overcome limitations of
prediction and decision making. Li Deng quotes “Learning to learn is a powerful emerging AI paradigm and is a
fertile research direction expected to impact real-world AI applications” (29).
Edge computing utilizes fringe networking rather than centralized data centres, through the optimization of open
platforms by creating “agile connections, data analytics via edge nodes and highly responsive cloud services” (30).
Edge computing facilitates decision making on the periphery of the factory floor, closer to the machines and devices
operating in real-time (11). Edge computing alleviated safety concerns with latency of control integration for cloud
manufacturing. Latency is a safety concern in real-time manufacturing, where time in motion and collaboration with
humans is critical. Comparisons can be drawn with incessant monitoring of health in the hospital setting and
monitoring of processes in manufacturing, with their explicit need for real-time analysis and transmitting of data [28].
Edge computing communicates through Open Platform communication (OPC) in the middle layer of architecture. It
expedites communication between Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES), Programmable Logical Controllers
(PLC) (11), smart machines and sensors through edge optimization. It is the integration of edge nodes and networks
that process massive amounts of data that would otherwise be processed by the MES. Edge computing through a
mobile 5G system “enables selection of an IP anchor node close to the network edge and offloading of IP traffic from
the 5G network onto traditional IP routing networks via an IP anchor node close to the network edge” (20). This
offers enhanced machine optimisation and OEE.
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Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) has a function that uses a gateway to interlink a 7-layer model to allow
machine to machine communication autonomously amidst smart sensors and devices. Each of the 7 layers has a
package with unique protocols. The network communication is the key essential feature that ties IIoT together for the
successful implementation of smart manufacturing in the automotive sector. The 7 layers of network communication
demonstrate how data is sent from one device to another, maintaining real-time, accurate and error free connectivity
in automotive industrial applications. (31) states that traditional wireless sensor networks (WSNs) is a “pure
measurement tool that only allows to observe the environment, and decision making processes typically happen
outside of the network”. WSN operate as a middleware application for the advancement and control of wireless sensor
utilisation. Expanding on mobile WSN, it offers a greater capacity of flexibility in the automotive industrial
manufacturing environment. Mobile WSN are deployed throughout industry that work effectively. For real-time
application and feedback combined with cutting edge technology, (20) proposes 5G communication that must be
considered and investigated.
3.6. Communication 5G
Third Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) is the standardisation of telecommunication from seven organisation
standards to one stand-alone document. It is from the platform of 3GPP that the vision of 5G was envisaged and
researched. To infuse the automotive industry in Industry 4.0, communication is key to flexible connectivity through
the concept of 5G communications. The driving prerequisite for 5G is identified by (20) as needing low-latency,
reliability, connectivity, speed of data transfer and high-accuracy positioning. High levels of automation within the
automotive industry demands the aforementioned prerequisite as a necessity for autonomous flexibility. The promise
of offering real-time connectivity, low cost solution, adaptable industrial manufacturing and redundancy of hardwiring
will enable the automotive sector to evolve in Industry 4.0. (20) states, automation within industries that is
continuously expanding has motivated the development of 5G communication. In automation, many sensors may be
remote in relation to the factory floor but these sensors need to be responsive, reliable and operate in real-time. These
can be expedited through 5G. The ability to connect thousands of devices through the wide bandwidth of 5G is the
fundamental ingredient of its proposed success. The bandwidth can be compared to a multi-lane motorway and the
sensors compared to a smart car therefore symbolising the large capacity of 5G. (20) informs us that due to the
necessity of dedicated network applications for smart devices, machines and sensors that return critical data should
have priority on the network. The biggest concern is security for 5G within the factory or sensor/devices. With ever
growing cyber criminality, every company must through IIoT networks, defend against these possibilities. Machines
within the automotive industry work to precision, many operate remotely and many are collaborative robotics. 5G
communications will enhance automation in manufacturing and it is this communication platform that needs superior
Tao et. al outlines that it is crucial to convene a physical and virtual shop floor because the shop floor is the
cornerstone of manufacturing (21). Virtual manufacturing is a development tool that allows many departments in the
automotive sector to simulate their work. Tao et. al proposes another axiom, “Digital twin shop floor”. This is a
method of having two systems working together with flexibility and maximized capabilities. The two system approach
displays errors that can be resolved for optimisation (21). He also explains the interactions between the physical and
virtual models, where the physical state creates tangible updates in the virtual model and where a comparison is
appraised. He says the virtual model gives “feedbacks control orders to make Physical system (PS) achieve
synchronism with the predefined process” (21). Manufacturing Execution System (MES) in the Automotive sector is
a fundamental tool to maintain knowledge of all undertakings throughout the shop floor (11). It is an integral part of
IIoT. (32) believes that the need for MES is necessary for continued administration, control and development of
manufacturing processes. This can be accomplished from the physical system, through the digital processing of the
virtual system.
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Autonomous Intelligent Vehicles (AIV) is an area that is well researched in recent years. AIVs are the final key
elements to the successful implementation of smart manufacturing for the automotive sector. AIV technology is the
final piece of the jigsaw to promote and sustain flexibility in the automotive sector. It will offer real-time, repeatable,
accurate, and eventually after payback, a cost effective long-term product flow solution. AIVs will offer the ability to
change processes and enable product change thereby counteracting any expensive machine change and industrial
machine layout. Any product change has the possibility of being very expensive in current manufacturing operations
if flexibility is not available. AIVs will eliminate the use of most conveyors on the shop floors allowing greater shared
access and walkways. AIVs coupled with 5G communication and IIoT will secure manufacturing in high labour cost
countries. It will promote all aspects of manufacturing e.g. logistics, flexibility, Overall Equipment Effectiveness
(OEE), quality, production, time to market and customer satisfaction.
4. Conclusion
In summary, it has been shown from this review, that IIoT is still a very challenging platform by what is demanded
from it. The cost of sensors is continuously reducing and therefore enabling more automation. However, the greatest
difficulty is acquiring the substantial expertise required in cloud manufacturing to implement a virtual and physical
system in parallel. High level management must invest in time and provide finance through a phased roadmap. It is
up to individual companies to analyse their manufacturing and find the area for phased implementation for best
payback. Research in the area informs us that it is not as simple as buying and implementing cloud manufacturing
packages as an ‘off the shelf’ solution. Although there are a limited amount of companies offering solutions, there is
a complexity of product lock-in by the experts. Ensuring appropriate systems, services and support for IIoT should be
a priority for the automotive industry to enable OEE, profitability, company market leaders and moreover
sustainability. Environmental sustainability is imperative for all stakeholders. There has been a negative
environmental impact from manufacturing in the past, but with ever-reducing resources, investment in Industry 4.0
can align processes through smart manufacturing. It can be said that FMS is an integral part offering the ability to get
all systems to communicate through IIoT
Digital twin manufacturing offers attractive solutions through a closed-loop feedback system. It allows for
continuous real-time monitoring of a physical and virtual system offering control, data acquisition, system efficiencies
and product improvement with customer satisfaction. Smart manufacturing through physical and virtual process
interconnection, paralleled with 5G will be the future gold standard. 5G will enhance telecommunications but will
have an enormous positive impact on transport, manufacturing, health, smart cities, electrical and power-related
activities to name a few. Energy consumption is the greatest disadvantage due to additional power requirement for
computational power and data storage. The cost to resource new/future change or company buy-in is always a
challenge while estimating the investment pay-back. Huge resources have been combined by global
telecommunication leaders to present an industrial standard that combines knowledge and will benefit all stakeholders.
AIV technologies are the key component to endless flexibility in the automotive sector. Components may be heavy
and have ergonomic concerns that an AIV will greatly reduce. Repetitive strain is a common injury in most
manufacturing environments and is an issue AIVs may alleviate.
This work was supported, in part, by Science Foundation Ireland grant 13/RC/2094 and co-funded under the
European Regional Development Fund through the Southern & Eastern Regional Operational Programme to Lero -
the Irish Software Research Centre (www.lero.ie).
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