03 Lecture 04

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Conceptualizing Research


Research Process
Phase 1
1) Step I: Formulating a research Problem
Phase 2
1) Step II: Conceptualizing a research design
2) Step III: Constructing an instrument for data collection
3) Step IV: Selecting a sample
4) Step V: Writing a research proposal
Phase 3
1) Step VI: Collecting data
2) Step VII: Processing and displaying data
3) Step VIII: Writing a research report
Step II: Conceptualizing Research
What is research design?

 A research design is a plan, structure and strategy of investigation so conceived as to obtain

answers to research questions or problems. The plan is the complete scheme or program of the
research. It includes an outline of what the investigator will do from writing the hypotheses and
their operational implications to the final analysis of data (Kerlinger, 1986)

 A traditional research design is a blueprint or detailed plan for how a research study is to be
completed-operationalizing variables so they can be measured, selecting a sample of interest to
study, collecting data to be used as a basis for testing hypothesis and analyzing the result.
(Thyer, 1993).
Step II: Conceptualizing Research
The functions of research design

 Conceptualize an operational plan to undertake the various procedures and tasks required
to complete your study;

 Ensure that these procedures are adequate to obtain valid, objective and accurate answer
to the research question.
Step II: Selecting a Study Design
Differences between quantitative and qualitative study designs

 Qualitative researches focus is to understand, explain, explore, discover and clarify situations,
feelings, perceptions, attitudes, values, beliefs and experiences of a group of people, so the
study design is often based on deductive logic which are flexible and emergent in nature. The
most qualitative research are not structured and sequential as quantitative ones.

 In quantitative research enough detail about a study is provided for it to be replicated for
verification and reassurance.

 It is more difficult to check researcher bis in qualitative studies that quantitative studies.
Step II: Selecting a Study Design
Differences between quantitative
and qualitative study designs
Step II: Selecting a Study Design
Study Design in Quantitative Research

1. Survey/Descriptive Research
◦ Cross-sectional survey

◦ Longitudinal survey

1. Correlational Research

2. Casual-Comparative Research

3. Experimental Research
Step II: Selecting a Study Design
Study Design in Qualitative Research

1. Phenomenological

2. Ethnographic

3. Grounded theory

4. Historical

5. Case study

6. Narrative Model

7. Focus Group

8. One to one Interview

9. Process Observation
What to do?
Due to 01 July 2022

1. Reading section

• Chapter 07 and 08 of reference book;

• https://blog.faradars.org/%D8%AA%D8%AD%D9%82%DB%8C%D9%82-%DA%A9%D9%85%D

• https://parsmodir.com/db/research/resqual.php

2. Write the following sections

• List of research questions and purposes;

• Writing the necessity and importance of research.

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