Chapter - 4
Chapter - 4
Chapter - 4
Decisions regarding what, when, how much, by what means concerning an inquiry or a
research study constitute a research design “A research design is the arrangement of
conditions for collection and analysis of data in a manner that aims to combine relevance
to research purpose with economy in procedure”. In fact, the research design is the
conceptual structure within which research is conducted; it constitutes the blue print for
the collection measurement and analysis of data. As such, design includes an outline of
what the researcher will do from writing the hypothesis and operational implications to
the final analysis of data. More specifically the design decisions happen to be in respect
Keeping in view the above stated decisions, one may split the overall research design in
to the following parts.
a) The Sampling Design: which deals with the methods of selecting items to be
observed for a given study?
b) The Observational Design: This relates to the conditions under which the
observations are to be made.
c) The Statistical Design: which concerns with the question of how many items
are to be observed and how the information and data gathered are to be
d) The Operational Design: which deals with the techniques by which the
procedures specified in the sampling, statistical and observational designs
can be carried out.
1. It is a plan that specifies the sources and types of information relevant to the
research problem.
2. It is a strategy specifying which approach will be used for gathering and
analyzing data.
3. It also includes the time and cost budgets since most studies are done under these
two constraints.
4. In brief a research design, at least contain:
(a) A clear statement of research problem.
(b) Procedures and techniques used for gathering information.
(c) The population to be studied.
(d) Methods to be used in processing and analyzing data.
context of some other research problem. One single design cannot serve the
purpose of all types of research problems.
A research design appropriate for a particular research problem, usually involves
the consideration of the following facts:
1. The ways and means of obtaining information.
2. The availability and skills of the researcher and his staff.
3. The objectives of the problem to be studied.
4. The nature of the problem to be studied.
5. The availability of time and money for the research work.
Design Strategies:
Early in any research study, one faces the task of selecting a specific design to
use. A number of design approaches exist but, unfortunately, no simple
classification system define all the variations that must be considered. Here the
research designs are classified using different descriptors. A brief discussion of
these descriptors illustrates their nature and contribution to research.
(2) Based on the Researchers control over the variables: In terms of the researchers
ability to manipulate variables we differentiate between experimental and ex post
facto design.
(3) Experimental design: the researcher attempt to control and manipulate the
variables in the study. It is enough that we can cause variables to be changed or
held constant in keeping with our resear5ch objective. It is appropriate when one
wish to discover whether certain variables produce effect on other variables.
(4) Ex post facto design: the investigators have no control over the variables on the
sense of being able to manipulate them. The can only report what has happened or
what is happening.
(5) Based on the purpose of the study: The essential difference between descriptive
and casual research designs lie in their purpose /objective.
Decretive: it is concerned with finding out who, what, where, when, how much.
The purpose is to describe.
Casual: it is concerned with why and how one variable produce changing in
anther. The purpose is to explain causal relation among variables under
(6) Based up on the time dimensions: based on the time dimension of the research
design can be classified as longitudinal and cross- sectional.
Longitudinal: if the data collection for the research taken place in multiple time
points and the research is undertaken in several time periods. The advantage of
longitudinal design is that it can track changes over time and comparison of data
across time is possible.
Cross- sectional: if the data collection is taken place in single time point are research is
undertaken in single time period (i.e., carried out once and represent a snapshoot one
point in the time)