Hubungan Interpersonal: Pemahaman Diri
Hubungan Interpersonal: Pemahaman Diri
Hubungan Interpersonal: Pemahaman Diri
Pemahaman Diri
A force that draws people together Types:
Friendship love
Feelings Positive thoughts toward others Inclination to act in positive ways toward them
Physical Attractiveness
Key factor determining romantic attraction Women preferences on men Men preferences on women Some aspect of beauty appear to be crosscultural. Example?
Attitude Similarity
A key to contributor to initial attraction Women place greater emphasis Way to cope with dissimilarity
Try to convince others to change their attitudes Reevaluate our attitudes, explore the possibility of changing them End the relationship
Determines whom we are likely to come into contact so that attraction can develop Increases the chance of interacting with others Does not always spill over into positive attraction
Powerful determinant of attraction Tendency to return feelings and attitudes that are expressed about us. Positive reactions to flattery, compliments, attention.
A relationship between people characterized by intimacy but not by passion and commitment.(Philip Zimbardo)
The tendency to desire what is best for the other Sympathy and empathy Honesty Mutual understanding and compassion Trust Positive reciprocity
Girls typically form closer friendship than boys Clique a small group of close friends who share confidences Crowd a large number of loosely knit friends who share activities
Tugas Kelas
Apa saja kriteria teman yang baik menurut anda, tuliskan sebanyak-banyaknya. Dari kriteria2 tersebut, buatlah peringkat kriteria yang paling penting (1-3) dan yang paling kurang penting (1-3)
Complex concept, involving many areas of experience emotional, cognitive, and motivational (Sternberg, 1988) The word used to label the sexual excitement of the young, the habituation of the middle aged, and the mutual dependence of the old (John Ciardi) An attempt at penetrating another being, but it can only succeed if the surrender is mutual (Octavio Paz)
Styles of Love
Eros romantic love
Begins with powerful pshysical attraction or feelings of passion
Intimacy + Commitment
Intimacy alone
Passion + Commitment
Passion alone
Intimacy + Passion + Commitment
Empty Love
Commitment alone