Ap Infoe
Ap Infoe
Ap Infoe
- New Horoscope
Enter [First name] and [Last name] in the appropriate fields. If you leave one field open, a
question mark [?] is shown instead of the horoscope owner's name. The data are not saved then.
(A list of 45 question marks instead of owners' names wouldn't make much sense )
In the next fields enter date of birth, (day, month, year and time). Separate the natal time in hours,
minutes and seconds. You may use a random syntax, though it is recommended to use a number
of two digits (e.g. "03") for day and month, and a number of four digits for the year (e.g. "2000"),
because the cursor jumps to the next field automatically then. Jumping between the input fields
can be done with [Enter], [Tab] and the four cursor arrow keys.
Enter Natal Country and Place of birth in the next input field. If the name of the city stays the
same, simply jump to the next input field with [Enter] or [Tab]. Otherwise a dialog box opens by
clicking on the button [Search], where the new place can be found (See [Add Place].
The program searches and selects the appropriate time zone and potential daylight saving time
- Add Place
After entering the place please push the [Search] button. Every available name meeting the
criteria of the place you entered will be loaded. So, if the wanted name is present, the program
will show it, if not, you will see the most similar city names, according to Astroplus.
If the right place name cannot be found, you may enter the data of Coordinates and Time Zone.
Just push the button [Add new place], select the appropriate country for the automatic recognition
of the time zone and fill in the fields with the data coordinates. And - most important! - select a
reference city for the automatic recognition of the right daylight saving time. Of course this city
should be in the neighbourhood of the birthplace. The program saves the data if you click on
[Accept] and you will be back in the 'Select a place' dialog. Now confirm your choice by clicking
the button [Accept]. The dialog box closes, you find yourself back in the New Horoscope dialog,
where you will see the added place.
- Horoscope from Database
You may set up various horoscope databases (e.g. Private, Business, Occupation, etc.). The only
limitation is the length of their names: 256 characters at most. Using the button [...] you will reach
the [chart databases], where you can add new and delete old databases. You will see, no
explanation is necessary.
If the check box [Save charts automatically] is selected, the horoscope is automatically saved in
the database by pushing the [OK]-button. If you don't want to save every single horoscope, simply
deselect this check box and save clicking the homonymous button.
- Edit Horoscope
If you want to edit the data of an existing horoscope, e.g. because you entered a wrong time or
place of birth, please select [File] in the main window and then [Edit chart] instead of [New chart].
The dialog box is the same as in [New chart]. Now you should see the horoscope you want to
edit. You have to correct just one or two fields instead of entering all data over new. The
procedure is principally the same as in [New chart] - see this chapter. There is a specific feature
concerning imported or edited charts (e.g. Solars, Personars, etc.): The time zone is set on
Universal Time (UT) to avoid automatic checking of time zone and daylight saving time.
Principal topic is of course the astrological practice. A horoscope chart is shown in the main
window, and on the right you see the exact data and values, which can be modified by using the
little extra button [...] in each scale. You may choose several methods and functions using the
menu bar or tool bar.
Explanation of the several functions:
- Chart 1 and 2
On principle Astroplus is designed for the work with two charts at once. This offers a very effective
way to work, because you are able to select e.g. any natal chart as [Chart 1] and e.g. the current
natal chart as [Chart 2] . With one click on the [Synastry] button you will see one of the charts in
the inner circle of the wheel, and the second is in its outer circle. (You can send the outer circle
chart to the inner wheel, and vice versa.) If you selected [Synastry], you will see the current
transits belonging to the natal chart. This is the default setting of the program. [Chart 1] is opened
at every single program start, [Chart 2] will always be provided with the current date and time.
E.g.: In your last Astroplus session you opened your own chart as [Chart 1]. After the session you
close Astroplus and sometimes later you start the program again.
Now Astroplus starts with your chart as [Chart 1]. And as [Chart 2] you see the current chart. It is
opened as Here & Now Chart. If you want to look at your own transits now, just click on the
[Synastry] button (6th button from the left in the tool bar), and you see your actual transits in the
outer circle as [Chart 2]. More details see below.
You can even go one step further and, while the Synastry data is displayed, simply calculate your
Solar. Now in the outer circle your Synastry Chart will be replaced by your Solar. Thus you may
also look for Lunars, Personars, Directions etc. This way you always see the relations between
inner and outer chart at once. As a matter of fact, you can use the Time Stepper for the right
If you want to see a Synastry of two persons, do as follows: Load both natal charts to be [Chart 1]
and [Chart 2]. Then select [Synastry]. Details see below.
- The Chart Wheel
This is the heart of your astrological work: the Horoscope Chart Wheel. To work trouble-free and
efficient you can adapt rather everything to your wishes and preferences. Details see below in
[Settings]. Each relevant option (e.g. Orbs' Zoom, Secondary House System ...) is available at
See [Quick Settings]
- The Tool Windows
Any selection of Secondary Horoscopes, such as Solar, Lunar, all Directions, Personars, Full and
New Moon Horoscope, happens by using a tool window. They appear when needed and
disappear when you close them with the button [x] (top right). This method is much more effective
than normal dialog windows, because thus you are not limited to one single Solar after which you
have to enter new data, but you can 'walk' through a random number of Solars. Depending on the
method the tool windows are slightly differing.
Principally all tool windows work the same way. E.g.: You keep a natal chart in the main window
as [Chart 1] and you want to establish a Solar chart instead. Now select menu [Time quality] [Solar/Septar] or - shorter - click on the 10th button from the left in the tool bar (Sun symbol). Now
a tool window appears below the planets' data in the main window and the Solar is shown. Now a
change happens: [Chart 1] presents the Solar and will stay until you close with the button [x] (top
right). So you may switch between [Chart 1] and [Chart 2], and you see your Solar, if you select
[Chart 1] again. If you want your natal chart displayed again, close the tool window with the button
[x] (top right) - and here it is!
- Quick Settings
Working astrologically means sometimes to experiment with different astrological methods.
Maybe you want to see midpoints instead of aspects or you prefer no aspects. Or maybe you
want to see the elements' values in relation to the houses instead of the zodiac, or you want to
see a chart in different house systems. Perhaps you want to see a planet or house cusps more
precise: Everything happens by using the support of the tool windows.
Within the charts on the right you may select different ways of calculation by pushing [...] buttons.
To keep it simple: If you want to see the aspects or the midpoints instead of the planet's data, just
click on the button [...] in the window <Planets> (rightward). Now you may choose what you need.
Tip: If you click on a planet within the horoscope chart with the right mouse button, a so called
pop-up menu appears. So you may select [Aspects], [Direct / Indirect Midpoints], [Golden
Aspects] or [without lines]. Your choice is shown by a mark.
Values window
(Elements & Modes): This grid displays all selected factors (planets, AC and MC) according to the
spreading of the elements and in relation to the influences (cardinal, fixed, mutable). Astroplus
prefers to use the combination of elements AND modes at a glance instead of two separate
If you click on the [...] button, you may select, whether you prefer a calculation either depending
on the zodiac signs (standard) or in relation to the houses - or a display
of the distribution in quadrants. A look at the houses concerning the elements makes sense for
more subtle emphasis. E.g.:It is significant, when a chart shows zero points Air related to the
zodiac signs. When there are zero points Air related to the houses, too, this is still more
significant, whereas high Air emphasis shows a very different effect.
Houses' window
Here you may select the method to calculate the houses (Placidus, GOH, Equal, etc., or without
Houses, Planets' Houses, Zodiac Houses) by clicking the [...] button. This selection takes place in
the main window, because it may be interesting to watch the effect of using different systems
within the horoscope. If the time of birth has to be corrected or if you want to see a mundane
horoscope chart, please select [without Houses]. The AC changes to 0 Aries, and within the
valuation of elements and modes the values for AC, MC and Part of Fortune will be removed
Planets' window
Here you see the precise data of the positions of the planets. For even more precision you may
select menu [Tables] - [Planets' details]. This is where you find the same data - and more calculated. Details see below in [Tables]. With the [...] button you may select either planets' data
or aspects.
Principle for calculation of planets: Within modern computer technology the calculations are much
more precise than their display. In Astrology we use the syntax "0000'00. Instead of using
traditional minutes and seconds calculation works with floating point values (e.g.
"29.8563834674538"), which will be formatted (e.g. 2953'17'').
Please select [Settings - Astrological Settings] :The current Rhythmic Progressions are optional
displayed clockwise [R(ight)] or anticlockwise [L(eft)] in the main window. In a natal chart the
rhythm is calculated as defined in the settings (e.g. 7 years per house). According to the doctrine
concerning Solars the horoscope has to be read clockwise, beginning with the AC (1 house = 1
month). Astroplus uses one Sun's orbit for a Solar, 7 months per house for a Septar and one
Moon's orbit for a Lunar, so the progressions are correct everytime.
Details see below in [Rhythmic Progressions)]
Septars and the special features: see [The Solar/Septar].
Here you may modify the orbs (see below) of planets and aspects once more. E.g.: You want to
look at the transits to your natal chart within Synastry. To avoid too many imprecise aspects,
simply click on the Orbs' Zoom and select e.g. the value "20%". Cancel by selecting menu [View]
and remove the check mark [Orbs' Zoom] by clicking on it.
Please note: Within the Astrological Settings you may set a so called Orbs' factor concerning the
Intra Aspects especially for the Synastry display. This means: Synastry possibly implies twice as
much aspects of planets (calculated between the inner chart and the outer chart) and thus a lot of
graphic display, so you could lose track. For more clearness you may select a zoom of e.g. 50%,
which means, all Intra Aspects are halved and fewer aspects are displayed. The principle is the
same as said about the Orbs' Zoom.
Normally the aspects to all displayed planets are calculated, unless you defined the value "0"
within the Astrological Settings for the orb of a planet. If you want to focus upon a planet or a
house cusp in detail, click on [Planets] and select this planet or house by simply clicking on it.
Clicking on a planet within the chart (left or right mouse button) offers you more details. Cancel
your choice within the chart by clicking outside of it.This way you may "walk" through all house
cusps to see the aspects with the planets. Thus even all small and Minor Aspects (as shown in
the Aspectarian) will be displayed. Respectively, if within the aspects' graphic the Midpoints have
been activated, next to the direct Midpoints also all indirect Midpoints are shown. E.g.: If a
semisquare exists in relation to a planet within a Midpoint, a dot-line is drawn from this planet to
the Midpoint, changing to a normal line.
Here you can process several charts (father, mother, child, etc.) to one Combine and follow up:
E.g. load the "Multiple" in [Chart 1] and project the current transits onto it. This cannot be done
with the simple Combine, because the data of [Chart 1] and [2] are used. Why this way? In fact it
makes sense: Normally you will compare two charts using different methods (clicking on e.g.
Synastry, then Composite, then Combine) one by one, without the need of loading all the
personal data again and again. 'Multi' takes its place as [Chart 1] or [Chart 2] (you may choose),
the other one remains free for another chart (also for comparison). When you select this item, the
chart database appears, where you select the wanted horoscopes by double-click in the list. They
will appear in the window [Select persons] ready for calculation. If you are done with it, click on
the button [Calculate].
- The Additional Combine
Down right in the main window click on [Favourites]. Clicking the button [Manage] another window
opens, where you select "Additional Combine". Now you may drag this line into the list of
[Favourites] or just click on it and select [Add to favourites]. Following you click on [Close].Now
the Additional Combines are located within the Favourites, just to click on, if needed. The method:
A Combine shows the common experience of two persons, the mean, the relationship. The basis
of a satisfying steady relationship is the ability of both partners to be in relation while remaining
true to oneself. This is exactly presented by Additional Combines: Which kind of being, of
behaviour is helpful to keep both partners in touch with themselves? The Additonal Combine is
based upon balance: A tightrope walker stretching one leg to the left has to move rightward with
his body, with his arms, to keep balance on the rope... Moving in a certain direction, departing
from one's own "center", needs equalizing motions.
Keeping distance and compensation in accordance creates harmony and balance. And thus
relations between people mean motion, too. You turn towards someone, partners become closer
to each other, allegorical and in reality. This is reflected by the Combine. The Additional Combine
shows the "helpful balance" for both partners. This chart is shown separately for each partner.
E.g.: The Additional Combine of a person (e.g. Anthony) results - in the Combine with the natal
chart of a partner (e.g. Belinda) - in Anthony's date of birth. So, if Anthony lives his "being" in
contact with Belinda as shown in the Additional Combine, he will be balanced. The Additional
Combine has been discovered by Werner Soranjo Lang. See his website www.lang-astro.de for
detailed informations about interpretation and application.
Here you may select from either menu [Time quality] or the several buttons of the tool bar.
exception: a Lunar corresponds to a Moon's return, and there are 13 during one year. Thus the
beginning of two Lunars may happen in one month (e.g. on the 1st and on the 30th). For this
account you cannot scroll for single months, but you may find the next beginning Lunar setting a
certain date. With the spin button you decide, which one you want to calculate.
Tip: Some astrologers use the place of birth as a reference to the Lunar, some use the domicile.
So you may try these options and make up your mind. If birth place and domicile are different,
both places are entered in the list, which appears in the bottom right corner after clicking on [...],
and moreover of course each place you add on. So you may "jump" between the different places
easily without repeating entry.
- The Secondary Progression
A method of progression, which has its origin in Placidus de Titis, using the key [1 day=1 year].
E.g.: Your age is 33 years, 10 months and 3 days.This progression's technique is equivalent to
nearly 34 days. (Of course Astroplus calculates on the dot.) For this calculation please click the
12th button from the left (Sek).
Tip: In the tool bar you may define the manner of calculation using the so called Kepler Arc (by
Johannes Kepler), which means, the True Time is used, or in conventional manner by Naibod.
Also regressive reflexion may be selected.
- The Solar Arc Direction
(Using the True Sun Arc - the daily movement of the Sun varies between 57" in summer and 61"
in winter - this is considered within this method). One year is equivalent to one day, but only for
the Sun. Direction "runs" according to this key. The distance between the Natal Chart Sun and the
"directed" Sun (=Sun Arc) is transferred to all other factors. Also regressive reflexion may be
selected. Tool bar: Button [SB]!
- The Tertiary Progression
This method of progression uses the key 1 day = 1 tropical month (27.32158 days) =(Tertiary I)
resp. 1 tropical month = 1 tropical year (Tertiary II). Tool bar: Button [Ter]!
Tip: In the tool window you may define the manner of calculation using the so called Kepler Arc
(by Johannes Kepler), which means, that the True Time is used, or in conventional manner by
Naibod. Also regressive reflexion may be selected.
- The Degree Directions
Please click button [1]. One year is equivalent to one degree. Thus a synthetical chart follows,
which doesn't have any relation to astronomy, because all factors of a natal chart around this
exact span of degree are directed equally. Any key may be defined. 1 is default, but e.g.
profections of 30 may be selected just as well.
Naibod key: The specific characteristic of this method is the "translation" of the daily progress of
the sidereal time into rectascension degrees (the key is about 59'08"). All values are directed with
the average daily progress of the Sun, and thus the results are precise even in case of very old
persons. Also regressive reflexion may be selected.
- The Diurnal
One day = one day :-), which means: Directed planets ar transit planets. The houses on birthday
resemble the houses of the natal chart, circulating the zodiac exactly once during a year.
Here the position of planets, of AC, MC, of a house cusp or of another Sensitive Point in the natal
chart becomes an annual interval and thus an annual progress. Thereto the particular position is
multiplied by the incident age. The result may be added either on the basic position or on the
zero-point of a ruled zodiac sign or on a Sensitive Point. In this way new constellations are
formed, whose interpretation sometimes shows the incident abundantly clear. Moreover all
calculated results are to add on one planet only, which is shown then more emphatic, e.g. as the
ruler of a house. Furthermore you may realize a planet's distance from 0 Aries to the natal chart
position multiplying it by the incident age and adding on the natal chart position. Look for more
details in www.dav-astrologie.de/1-organe/forsch/multiple.htm, or in the book "AstroPur" written
by Stephan Lehrieder.
MULTI 1 multiplies the natal chart position of each planet by the incident age and adds the result
on the related planet.
MULTI 2 - results are the multiplication of the distance 0 Aries to the related planet by the
incident age. Again these results are added on the related planet.
Compared to the above-named alternatives Multi 2 takes a special position, because possibly you
have to multiplicate by great distances and thus by great annual progresses. A special advantage
for exact corrections of the time of birth.
MULTI 3 also multiplies the natal chart position by the incident age and adds all results on each
planet, i.e. on a natal chart position, e.g. on the Sun only,the AC or the MC, or the ruler of a house
MULTI ZERO EAST also multiplies the natal chart position of the planets by the incident age and
adds results on the zero-points of the ruled signs of SA = AQU, JU = PIS, MA = AR, VE = TAU,
ME = GEM while in
MULTI ZERO WEST finally the results are added on the ruled zero-points of the remaining signs,
as ME = VIR, VE = LIB, MA = SCO, JU = SAG and SA = CAP.
Tip: This method needs absolutely precise planets' data (natal chart), because even slight
inaccuracy of one arc second may result in differences of quite a few arc minutes and degrees
(mistakes are multiplied, too). No problem for Astroplus, as it uses the worldwide exactest "Swiss
Ephemeris" to calculate planets and houses.
society). It shows, what's especially aroused resp. activated on a certain day at a certain point in
time relating to my Mercury themes in the horoscope. Details: See literature.
- The Planetary Cycles' Directions
This method is especially suitable to consider the "planets' vibrations" in short time leaps, but
unsuitable concerning long-lasting psychic-mental processes. Its special feature is the very
straight and concrete kind of direction.
- Transits' Tables / Diagrams
Any transits are displayed extensively in several variations: Simply select the natal chart factors
you want to prove, select the transit planets, the aspects and/or Midpoints you want to calculate,
fix the date and the period, and the transits' tables or - if selected - the transits are already shown
in graphic display as a Time Axis Diagram. At once you see, how long a transit lasts and transits
running at the same time.
Table: Here you see the transit as such, its continuance (from - to; depending on the selected
orbs) and the moment, when the transit is quite exact. It is shown, too, whether the transit repeats
natal chart themes, which is very important for the analysis indeed: If there is displayed [Aspect]
next to a repetition, the very same transit's aspect already exists in the natal chart (e.g. Me-SaSquare). If [Theme] is displayed, it concerns the repetition of a natal chart theme (e.g. Me-SaSquare in the natal chart, in transit now Me-Sa-Sextile). In the rightmost column you see, in which
house the transit planet is placed. [!] behind the final date shows furthermore ongoing activity.
Tip: If you click on a line, Astroplus starts the transits' interpretation with the adequate text (if
existing). Details see menu [Text analyses] ->->
Time Axis Diagram: Vertically the natal chart factors receiving transits are listed (left-most). The
graphic display shows all transits within the selected period of time (start -> end of transit
calculation). For visual discrimination horizontal striplines are drawn between the natal chart
factors. The transits themselves are displayed lines in different more or less intensive colours
according to more or less intensive effectivity.The exact effectuality is marked by a point. Moving
the mouse you may watch when e.g. a transit begins or ends. Recurrent themes and recurrent
aspects to the natal chart are drawn as well (see Table): If [A] is placed next to the identifying
information, this transit exists as an [A]spect in the Natal Chart, too. [T] next to an aspect glyph
means, this transit exists as a [T]heme in the natal chart. (This aspect is shown as a glyph behind
the [T]).
- Directions' Tables / Diagrams
Any directions are displayed extensively in several variations: Simply select the natal chart factors
you want to prove, select the directions' planets and the aspects you want to calculate, fix the
date and the period, and the directions' tables or - if selected - the directions are already shown in
graphic display as a Time Axis Diagram. At once you see, how long a direction lasts and
directions happening at the same time.
Table: Here you see the direction as such, its continuance (from - to; depending on the selected
orbs), and the moment, when the direction is quite exact. It is calculated, too, whether the
direction shows a repetition of natal chart themes, which is very important for the analysis, of
course. If there is displayed [Aspect] next to repetition, the very same direction's aspect already
exists in the natal chart (e.g. Me-Sa-Square). If [Theme] is displayed, it concerns the repetition of
a natal chart theme (e.g. Me-Sa-Square in the natal chart, in direction now Me-Sa-Sextile.) [!]
behind the final date shows furthermore ongoing activity.
Time Axis Diagram: Vertically the natal chart factors receiving directions are listed (left-most).
The graphic display shows all directions within the selected period of time (start -> end of transit
calculation). For visual discrimination horizontal striplines are drawn between the natal chart
factors. The transits themselves are displayed lines in different more or less intensive colours
according to more or less intensive effectivity.The exact effectuality is marked by a point.
Recurrent themes and recurrent aspects to the natal chart are drawn as well (see Table): If [A] is
placed next to the identifying information, this direction exists as an [A]spect in the natal chart . [T]
next to an aspect glyph means, this direction exists as a [T]heme in the natal chart. (This aspect
is shown as a glyph behind the [T]).
Evaluating Tables
In Astroplus a lot of tables is included, which show different astrological details and calculate
astrological methods. Select menu [Tables] and next the table you want. Moreover all evaluations
may be printed in tabular form and may be exported to other programs to follow up.
- Sortable Aspects' Table
All aspects of the active chart (resp. Synastry - if selected) may be listed according to different
criteria: Standard sorting order is [Sorted by precision], which means, from aspects with the least
orbs to those with the biggest orbs. Alternatively you may select [Sorted by aspects], which
means, from Conjunctions, Semi-sextiles, et sqq., up to the Mirror Points (if selected). Or you
select [Sorted by planets], which means, from the Sun up to the AC. All aspects ticked within the
Astrological Settings [Aspects] are calculated. At the Orbs' Selection you may find [A] or [S],
which signify application resp. separation. Application means, the aspect has not reached the
exact distance at the chosen time yet and has become more exact afterward. Separation means
the opposite, so the aspect has been exact before the horoscope date and is leaving now.
Application means, the theme symbolized by the aspect intensifies during life (becomes more
exact), while separation means, the aspect's theme is shown less intensive over the years.
- Sortable Midpoints' Table
All Midpoints of the active chart (resp. Synastry - if selected) may be listed according to different
criteria: Standard sorting order is [Sorted by precision], which means, from Midpoints with the
least orbs to those with the biggest orbs. Alternatively you may select [Sorted by planets] - see
above. Furthermore you may either calculate all the Midpoints (direct, indirect, standard sorting
order) or Direct Midpoints only. All Midpoints, ticked within the Astrological Settings [Aspects], are
- Zodiac Aspects
In this table all zodiac degrees, arising Midpoints from two planets resp. arising the aspects of a
planet are calculated. All (selected) planets are examined in turn, and the Midpoints and/or
aspects are sorted from 0 Aries to the end of Pisces. You may either calculate all (direct and
indirect) Midpoints or Direct Midpoints only. Calculating aspects you may select main aspects
either (as used within the chart) or all aspects (as used within the Aspectarian). Please note: If
you select [all Midpoints] + [all aspects], the print-out of this table requires ca. 20 - 30 pages of
normal paper format (depending on the chosen font).
- Rhythmic Progressions
With the houses' progressions and the direct current temporal progressions: As defined within the
Astrological Settings the rhythm factor is effective (e.g. 7 years per house). Details see above
[The Rhythmic Progressions].
Tip: The scale on top helps visual oriented people to see the rhythmic distribution of all planets
within one house's rhythm at a glance. So if the rhythm factor is e.g. 7 years, the scale shows 0
leftmost and ends with 7 years on the right. The planets in the scale are displayed in their position
of triggering. If the Sun e.g. is located in the middle of a house and becomes active e.g. after 3
years and 6 months in this house, exactly the same place is shown on the scale.
- The Planets' Details
Astroplus offers a table with the exact planets' data, the houses' positions and the exact
information of movement per day. This daily movement is quite important, because this value
shows the pace of a planet (e.g. whether it will become or has been regressive, resp. whether it is
moving faster-than-average and thus in distance of the Sun.
Common Midpoint of selected planets:
Here the Midpoint values of the ticked planets (resp. factors) are calculated, which results in a
Sensitive Point within the zodiac as a total mean value. Whenever a transit planet crosses this
point, it activates the sum of the planets' data, which means, this point refers to the whole chart.
- The Houses' Details
Here the size of the houses, the exact data of the house cusps and the sign, where they are
placed, are displayed. In the second table you see extra information, such as East Point, Vertex
(situated opposite to East Point), the Equatorial-, Polar- and Co-AC (according to Michael
Munkasey) and finally the Co-AC by Walter Koch (which agrees with the Polar-AC after
Munkasey), the ARMC and the Sidereal Time relating to GMT (= completely calculated, as e.g. in
the book "Tables of Houses". Perhaps you remember: If you calculate "by hand", you have to add
up the ST of the Ephemeris to the True Local Time of birth to get the Culmination Point, which is
found within the houses' table .
- The Sensitive Points
Also called "Arabic Parts". Best known is the Part of Fortune. Now, there are some more.
Astroplus calculates more than 200 different Parts. They consist of several
formulas (e.g.: Ac + Saturn - Sun = "Father" ). All the Main Aspects to an Arabic Part are
calculated and displayed in the table. If you want to see the aspects of a Point exactly ( regarding
to orbs and sorting method), just simply click on the corresponding line in the table and next
[Aspects' details...].
- The Influences
Here the classic dignities/debilities, exaltation or fall of the planets are analysed. Calculation
happens according to the position of signs and of houses .
- Planetoids & Uranian Planets
Here you get tables showing the most current planetoids and small planets. The exact position
within the ecliptic, the houses and the aspects to the natal chart factors are calculated in the main
screen. Uranian Planets means "fictitious" planets, which do not exist according to astronomical
science but are analysed by some Astrological schools - see appropriate literature. Also all the
main aspects to a selected Point are calculated and displayed in the table. If you want to see the
aspects of a Point exactly ( regarding to orbs and sorting method), just simply click on the
corresponding line in the table and next [Aspects' details...].
- Fixed Stars
Some astrologers use certain fixed stars for analysis. Astroplus calculates altogether 395 fixed
stars and displays them in a sortable table. Some fixed stars show an Astrological signature (e.g.
Ve/Ju), which means supplementary information for the analysis and is very interesting for
experiments and research. The table may be edited by clicking the right mouse button. Sorting
can be done either by zodiac signs or in alphabetical order. The calculation shows the position of
the fixed stars within the ecliptic and their aspects to the natal chart.
Tip: Clicking the right mouse button in the table you may set the calculation of either
Conjunctions only or of all aspects (defined within the Astrological Settings), and also, whether
you want to use either a fixed orb of 1 or the orbs' value as selected within the Astrological
- Retrogrades
Here you get tables containing exact moments of retrogrades of all the planets, for free definable
periods. [ -->] next to the start date means, the planet has been already retrograde before, so a
start date is not given within the selected year. [-->] after the final date means, the planet stays
moving retrograde, so a final date is not given within the selected year. The last column shows
the date, when the planet arrives at the exact position where the retrograde motion began.
- Ephemerides
Here you may generate - and of course print -planets' tables for any calendar months. Time
period and time zone are restricted to 0:00 or 12:00 h and GMT. Please determine the time and
the time zone on your own!
Tip: A graphical Ephemeris (visual displayed planets' moving diagram) is available in the menu
[Calculations] - [Graphical Ephemerides].
Several calculations
- The Aspectarian
The primary effect of an Aspectarian is to display all main and minor aspects in clear order. Within
the Astrological Settings you may decide to display aspects separated in chart or in table. Details
see below [Settings - aspects]. The Aspectarian shows aspect stairs for single charts. It wouldn't
work with a Synastry of course, because in this case e.g. a Sun-Sun-aspect could be given.
Therefore the Aspectarian is shown as a square table with horizontal placed planets for [Chart 1]
and vertical placed planets for [Chart 2].
Sometimes you may find a [-] right of the aspects' glyph, which means separation. (If not, the
aspect is applying.) Application means, the aspect has not reached its exact distance yet at the
selected date, but became more exact afterward. Separating is the opposite: The aspect has
been exact before the selected date and is leaving now. Application means, the theme
symbolized by the aspect intensifies during life (becomes more exact). Separation may be
interpreted the same way, the aspect's theme is shown less intensive over the years then.
Mirror Points (if considered): Sometimes two planets are connected by an aspect (e.g.: Square)
and a Mirror Point. Therefore you may select (within the Astrological Settings), whether Mirror
Points are displayed in the Aspectarian as an aspect (marked "S") or whether the square
containing the Mirror Point is coloured (gray is standard). The disadvantage in this case: No orbs'
information of Mirror Points. The advantage: The aspect is listed with orb and the Mirror Point is
marked. Differentiation direct/indirect Mirror Points v. [Settings] - [Aspects] below.
Tip: Far below is a list in which the number of all different aspects is displayed. At a glance you
see, e.g. how many Squares are found in this horoscope.
Tip 2: If you start the Aspectarian of a "Here & Now chart" (single or in Synastry), a time
navigation is possible. So you see at once, when an aspect becomes quite exact.
- The Personars
This chart type is invented by Peter Orban and Ingrid Zinnel (Study Group Symbolon),
Frankfurt/Main (Germany). I experimented with this technique for years and got very good results
and light-bulb-moments. Literature: Peter Orban/Ingrid Zinnel, "Personare - die zwlf Personen im
Inneren der Seele".
Tip: Astroplus takes one experimental step more: You may calculate "normal" planet personars
and also house cusp personars (e.g. related to the MC or to the 7th house)!
- Individual Moon Phase Cycles
Here the monthly return of the phase of the moon on the date of birth (= the distance between
Sun and Moon in the moment of birth) is calculated for one calendar year. Just select the
requested date in the list - the appropriate chart is already calculated.
Dr. Eugen Jonas recognized a natural coherence between the moon's returns and the
menstruations' cycle of healthy women. After more than 16 years he realized enhanced fertility
during these days (return of the phase of the moon) .
- Tattwas
Tattwas are part of the holy Vedic philosophy and relate to the sunrise, calculated on Local Time.
They represent cosmic vibrations in a rhythm of 5 times 24 minutes = 2 hours. Beginning with
sunrise five periods of 24 minutes succeed one another within two hours every day: Akasha, Vaju,
Tejas, Apas and Prithivi, time and time again.
The first 20 minutes after sunrise Akasha energy rules twice, followed by Akasha-Vaju, etc.
Unfortunately the sequence of the periods is given wrong in a great number of German books.
A.M. Grimm, a German astrologer of the last century, became aware of this problem.
Akasha represents meditation, yoga, silence. In this time "secular" affairs are not as effective as
Vaju represents velocity, motion and short terms. During Vaju legal affairs, long lasting business
or f.e. marriage are not advisable; gossip, discord and dishonesty may arise. On the other hand
an excellent moment to find lost things.
Tejas represents energy. Tejas works stimulating and creative but also restless and can be
responsible for quarrelsomeness, jealousy, anger and struggle. Food consumed during Tejasperiod helps best to lose weight, because nutrients are taken worse. A good time for immediate
high performance.
Apas is the best time for commerce, intuition and (artistic) publications. Short-termed projects,
purchase and sale are the themes.
Prithivi represents the energy of life, of success and of joy. Unhealthy things are not really bad
during Prithivi. A very positive period!
- Temporal Equation
Normally we know a days length of 24 hours, also known as Mean Solar Day. But there is also
the True Solar Day. The difference between both is called Temporal Equation. The True Solar
Day's length may differ from a Mean Solar Day unto 16 minutes. To see the difference you may
take any chart and fix it at strictly 12:00 a.m. In theory the Sun is placed at the MC, but in practice
it is not, because we live in a mean - civic - time. Now count up the days using the time navigation
and watch the distance between Sun and MC. You will see the Sun reaching an orb up to 4 left
or right from the MC during one year, because in fact a day hardly lasts exact 24 hours, but a few
minutes more or less. Using the Temporal Equation this phenomenon does not exist and
furthermore does not matter, but is required within some Astrological methods.
- Mundane Aspects
These are aspects growing during a certain selected period. If you want to see what happens
e.g. in August 2008, it may be easily calculated. If you wonder, when the last Sa-Pl-Opposition
has been or the next will happen, there is a simple way: Drop everything except Sa-Pl-Opposition
and look for calculation. If you click on an aspect in the table a small preview chart to overlook is
shown. Of course it is possible to load the chart in the main window by button [Chart].
- Planets' & Houses' Statistics
In this window you may filter planets and houses according to accumulations concerning all
charts. So you will see potential accumulations of glyphs concerning planets and/or house cusps.
This is very helpful in astrological research, when you look for significant accumulations e.g.
within political or artistic groups (e.g:. Mars- emphasis in Pisces). Select your special category
and condition (single planets or house cusps in the opening list) and decide, whether you look for
accumulations concerning houses or signs. (If you select a house cusp in one list, you may of
course select signs only in the second then.) Astroplus analyses the column and shows the result
in a clear graphic way: On top the signs of the zodiac or the houses, beneath the frequency of
occurrence (e.g. Sun in Leo ninetimes in the current column), following the frequency per cent
and finally - for an overall view - a diagram.
- Astrological Accordances
In this window you may discover facts in common, concerning all charts. Simple criteria of search
are e.g.: Show me all charts with Saturn in 4th house; or: Find all charts with Scorpio-AC. Of
course you may combine both. This way you can also find e.g. all persons with Me-Sa-Trine, et
sqq. A complex example could be: Look for all charts with the 4th house in Pisces, Saturn in it
and furthermore with a Mo-Sa-Mirror Point.
- The Astrogeography
This function is used to calculate the planets' lines of Astrocartography and to relocate charts.
Youll find out ones reference to several places on earth. Of course this is an excellent way to
watch the effects of eclipses, New or Full Moons in different regions. Just move the mouse
(reticule!) over your selected region. Maintaining day and time of the chart, degrees of longitude
and latitude are correlated to the mouse position. This means, the chart changes according to the
mouse position on the map. You see very clear effectiveness of the houses' systems.
A digitized and optimized map of the world and a map of Europe are available. You may zoom
them in up to 1000% to have a detailed look at your selected region. The place of birth appears
red, the most important towns are dark grey. Of course you can select your own colours and font
using the button [].
Tip: Brush up your geographic knowledge by using the button [Search place]. Supposed you
want to know, where to find a certain place. Using this button you get
into the places' data base. The place is shown on the map until you leave Astrogeography, but is
not stored as a point. If you want to last a place shown as a point,
please select the button [Add place].
Please note: Whenever a new map is displayed, it makes sense to center the mouse at the place
of birth .
- Graphical Ephemeris
The planets' orbit for calendar months or years or any defined periods is shown as a "gyro"
ephemeris. So you see the emergence of Conjunctions, the entrance of planets into new signs,
progressive or regressive phases, or days of Full Moon or New Moon at a glance. (Full Moons
are drawn as little yellow balls on the orbit of the Moon. Moving the mouse on them shows the
exact moment. You may print wonderful planetary calendars, too!
Tip: A schedular Ephemeris is available selecting [Menu] - [Tables] - [Ephemeris].
Brilliant text modules for interpretations written by Anita Cortesi may be integrated (by extra
charge). Anita Cortesis scripts are well founded, plain and written with empathy, best for
interpretation, but also for edition (= for clients). Available are: Personality Analysis, Career
Analysis, Children's Analysis, Partnership Analysis, Professional Relations & Friendship, Transits'
Analysis, Solar Analysis and Day Chart.
With Astroplus you create professional Text Analyses of top quality in a quick and simple way. All
analyses may be exported to follow up (e.g. in Winword). For professional printing the Makro
abilities may be automated. By the way Astroplus uses the original Cortesi system, which is
unsurpassed in settings, convenience and flexibility. Last but not least it is enhanced and
administered all the time. Concerning updates and upgrades Astroplus you are always up-to-date!
In the window [Create text analysis] you have to select the sex of the horoscope owner. For
Partnership, Professional relations & Amities' Analysis you put in the sex of both persons. For
transits' prognoses you may select the natal chart planets, the transit planets and the aspects
with the button [Settings] (for calculation of factors only). Considering the text evaluation the
settings of the text generating program (Cortex) are competent. -See [Personal Report
->Settings]. Clicking the button [Create setting] the analysis is generated and - according to the
setting - transferred to Winword or Wordpad, or printed in Astroplus (Default).
Tip: Oftentimes the results are gender-specific interpreted, the assignment is done by Astroplus.
Actually the handy aces make a program extra user-friendly. After a few analyses it might be
boring to click [male] or [female] everytime. So Astroplus has integrated an adaptive algorithm to
attach the sex of a horoscope owner at least 99%.
Settings: The transfer to Wordpad or Astroplus-printing are made for PC-beginners and for people
preferring simple and completely automatic processing (just click [Create] and the Analysis
appears). Individualists however will be fond of Winword's layout options.
The text generating program makes up the texts for each analysis. Therefore Astroplus needs the
path and the name. If you change the pre-settings at the installation of the Cortesi text, you have
to enter the change (path and filename; standard is C:\Program Files\Cortesi
Texte\cortext\cortext.exe). Working with Word there are various settings: Just click on
[Parameters text program] within the settings, select menu [settings] -->[connection with text
Details: See text generating program - [Help] - (cortext.hlp).
The Print-out
There is a great number of easy handling options: For standard layout settings select the button
[Settings] as described in detail below. (Symbol layout, type face, zodiac layout.) The prints size
is defined by your print driver. (Standard is DIN A 4, but with an A 3 - driver you can get a
horoscope poster. If you select A 6 - format, you will get a pocket horoscope, etc.).
aesthetically presented, including Aspectarian, Elements, Houses' and Planets' Tables. If you
want a simple zodiac drawing, select landscape format.
- The Print Preview
is generated automatically by request and shows the chart's "look" in advance. If you need a
lens, just click on the list --> Auto and select a different zoom factor
(up to 200 %) and the preview will be adapted. If the display detail is too big, you may either use
scrollbars to navigate or you take the picture with the mouse (i.e. click on and move the mouse
by pressing mouse button) and displace.
- The Export
Using this button the graphic is not printed but sent to the Windows-clipboard as a vector graphic.
(Compared to a common bitmap a vector graphic's arbitrative advantages are the completely free
modification and a true coloured image, while generating is sure enough superior.) So you may
insert the graphics on external (suitable) programs (e.g. Winword) and follow up. Tables (without
glyphs) are exported in RTF format, which means, a data ".rtf" is generated and the appropriate
task (able to display, e.g. Word or Wordpad) is started by Astroplus.
Tip: If you want to insert a graphic of best quality (WMF) on a document and you'd like to follow
up (e.g. scale down to the size of a stamp), please select [Export]. Filesave is answered with
"no", then select [Insert] OWTTE and following adapt to your preferences. If you answer "yes",
you may filesave the export as bmp, gif, jpg, png. This makes sense, if you want e.g. load the
charts on the Internet.
Menu View
- Orbs' Zoom
The Orbs' Zoom in the main window offers to scale up or down the orbs, which are set individual
(planets and aspects). This makes sense, if you want to see the exact aspects in the Here &
Now" chart only. If you want the Orbs' Zoom in the main window at all, it is to set here.
- Factor Selection / Planets' Filter
If you want to have a look at single planets or house cusps concerning aspects or midpoints in
the main window, please use the Secondary factor selection, where you may define (select) a
single planet or house cusp. Here you set, whether you want the factor selection's function
displayed in the main window.
The tool-window Secondary Houses' system appears in the main window. Any other different
house may be plotted in addition to the usual system. So, if you would like e.g. Placidus and Koch
houses(GOH) both in one chart, just tick off in the menu.
- Mansions of the Moon (Lunar Mansions)
With this entry (ticked off) the Mansions of the Moon are displayed in the zodiac. Predominantly
this method is used in Vedic Astrology and means a series of 28 divisions of the moon's travel
through one complete circuit of 360 degrees. Each Mansion represents one day's average travel
of the moon (12 51' 25.2", or roughly 13 degrees), beginning apparently at the point of the Spring
Equinox, or 0 Aries. In the Hindu System they are called Asterisms, measured from the
beginning of the Hindu Zodiac. See Literature: Elsbeth Ebertin (Germany), A. Volguine (France).
This system is almost inviting to experience with. It is not generally agreed upon the beginning
and the length of time (27 or 28), so you may select on your own: Menu [Settings] - [Aspect lines].
0 Aries and 27 Mansions are default. Each Mansion is displayed in the colour of the related
planet, accordant to the Chaldaean Sequence.
- Fixed Star Marking
The delineation of all registered fixed stars of 1st magnitude shows small red lines within the
zodiac in the main window. So you can see a potential position of a planet next to a fixed star at a
glance. To change the colour please select menu [Settings] - [Astrological settings] - [Aspect
Please note: Single fixed stars (or e.g. also the Galactic Center) may be plotted just like normal
planets: Please select [Astrological Settings] - [Additional factors].
- Zodiacal Degree Points
For details see tables' menu of the same name. All registered points are accented within the
zodiac in the main window. You see at a glance, whether a planet is placed on a crucial point.
- Progressions' Circle
A visual help to have a better look at the houses partition of the rhythms. Depending on
astrological attitude houses e.g. are divided into sevenths.
- Zodiac Partition (360- 90- circle)
Here you may select, whether in addition to the normal 360-circle the 90-circle should be
displayed outside , or the 90-, or the normal 360-circle only.
- 360- Circle with foil 'Signs of the Zodiac'
This is thought especially for sidereal display, because the fixed star sky is well corresponding to
the siderean positions. Rudolf Steiner, Maria Thun and some more mentioned, a planet is as long
influenced by the signature of a sign as staying in it. Astroplus meets this kind of consideration,
because the single signs of the zodiac are shown separated (and of course the included fixed
- Horizon's Display
There is an option to display the chart as an Azimuth Horoscope. North is on top (like in maps). It
is well depicted in which direction the orbits of the planets are moving - a phantastic connection of
Feng Shui and Astrology, valid in a large scale and in detail. So e.g. putting the Horizon chart on
your desk with the Saturn's line "running" straight to your phone could be - or IS - the reason, why
few people will call you up then. If you place this chart on your domicile's plan, you might have a
couple of light bulb moments.
Settings - Techniques
You may adapt the charts' design to your individual convenience. For Astrological settings (e.g.
selection of planets, value, selection of aspects etc.) please select Menu [Settings] - [Astrological
Settings], for the optical adaption you may select Menu [Settings] - [Layout settings]. All these are
adjustable for either main window or print, because e.g. yellow colour for Mercury appears too
pale. Standard practice concerning spin-buttons: Raise value = click the arrow upwards, reduce
value = click the arrow downward.
- The Planets' Selection
Here you select planets and factors to be calculated by point-and-click. Whenever a planet or
another factor is opted, it is active (someone wants to display e.g. the Part of Fortune, someone
won't.). Astrology is - as generally known - multifunctional, and ideally a software should leave
nothing to be desired and of course should be up-to-date. Some users wish to include the
planetoid Nessus or the last detected Quaoar in the graphic display, some want the Uranian
Planets, some others a certain fixed star or a newfound Point, etc.,etc.
Tip: If you click on a planet with the right mouse button, you may define the size of the glyphs
(small, medium, large,...) If you prefer the Sun's or the Moon's display shown bigger than the
other planets, there you are!
The button [Added functions] opens a window, where you may select and define several
planetoids, Uranian planets, fixed stars and some more in addition to the "normal" planets. The
selection is ordered by different groups: Planets, Uranian Planets, Fixed Stars, Nodes of the
Planets, "Various" and "Personal Definition".
With a doubleclick on the entry of available factors or clicking on [Add to selection] the selected
factor is loaded in the list. If you click on the factor there, you may set according to your
preferences. You may select the colour and the orbs' value, which means, if you select e.g. value
0 for the orbs' factor, it is
plotted without aspects or midpoints ( it would make sense, if e.g. you'd like to draw in the
Descending Moon's Node without aspects). If you define the orbs' value at e.g. 50 %, only the
most important aspects are displayed, etc. See [The Orbs' Value] below.
Glyphs for some planetoids and for the Uranian planets are available.Therefore you should tick
the checkbox [As symbol]. If no glyph is available, the checkbox is deactivated and the factor is
shown by text (e.g. Quaoar).
[Personal Definition]:
Here you may link all available planetoids (65 000 at the moment) from Astrodienst Zurich
(www.astro.com). The Planetoids' Ephemerides are not integrated in Astroplus, but - if required may be downloaded from www.astro.com. (In this place many thanks to astro.com!) In practice it
works this way: You want e.g. to add the planetoid "Barbara". So you enter the Swiss-EphIdentification, which is found clicking on [Swiss Ephemeris] -> [Special purpose list] -> [All named
asteroids]. There you look for the planetoid "Barbara" (maybe using search function). You will find
the entry "234 Barbara", whereat the number 234 is important: This is the Swiss-EphIdentification. Now you enter this value in the field [Swe-Nr] and following click on [Search &
Sample]. If the Ephemerides' data is not included in the list yet, Astroplus asks, whether you want
to download the data now - and you should do that. The configuration of astro.com's ftp-server as
follows: For approximate navigation there are different "ast??"- registers, e.g. ast50 for the files
from no. 50000 to no. 50999, or ast0 for all files of Numbers > 1000. In our example this is the
right place, because we search for an ephemeris no. 234 - which means a file "se00234s.se1".
( E.g. the Quaoar-ephemeris' name is "se50000s.se1 then, as Quaoar's number is 50000.)
Download this data by double mouseclick, filesave in your download folder and copy (or shift) into
your Astroplus register (Standard: C:\Program Files\Astrocontact Astroplus). After you succeeded
doing this, please click on the button [Search & Sample] once again. Now Astroplus finds the
Ephemeris and identifies "Barbara" at once. (You may follow up and re-name as e.g. "Barbie", if
you want, or entitle a discovered planetoid, whose preliminary name has been changed.) At last
please select [Entry] to register the planetoid in Astroplus. It appears in the list of available factors
then and is ready for your active selection.
- Evaluation of the Elements
Here you place a key to look upon the elements & qualities (cardinal, fixed and mutable). If a
certain factor shouldnt be evaluated, please enter 0.
- The Orbs
The selection of orbs is rather difficult. Astroplus works this way: First a general orb is set for an
aspect, e.g. Square: 5. Now, this is too static, because there is a serious difference, whether a
Square with an orb of 5 is formed by slow moving planets or a Square with an orb of 5 between
Moon and AC (which allows a bigger orb, due to the rate). To balance this you may place
individual orbs emphases.
- The Orbs Emphasis
Depending on the Astrological method it could make sense to work with an orb bigger than 5 (as
to Moon/AC), but concerning a Square between Pluto/Uranus, lasting a few years with an orb of
5, you might take less.
To cut the story short: According to the planet you have to place various percent graduations: 100
% is the registered orb - e.g. 6. If you select only 80% for a slow moving planet, actually 80% of
the whole orb (= ca. 5) will be taken.
- The Rhythmic Progressions
Here you have to enter the circulation factor (e.g. W. Dbereiner: 7 years per house = 84 years
circulation, left planet rhythm; or: API: 6 years per house = 72 years circulation, right planet
rhythm). In the print-out (Planets' data) the planets' rhythms refer to the release in the house.
E.g.: Sun 6Y08M means: The Suns release starts with 6 years and 8 months. (If the Sun is in
the 10th house, you have to add e.g. 2 houses = 14 years, accordant to Dbereiner.) Handling
see literature!
Point of Age/ Release: In the main window the current rhythmic progressions are displayed
optional clockwise [R(ight)] and anticlockwise [L(eft)]. According to your selection they are shown
in the outer circle (R and L). If you want aspects displayed to the Points, simply select the almost
homonymous checkbox. (For a display of quite exact aspects only you may set an orbs' emphasis
here, too.
Settings - Aspects
A total of 23 different aspects and (direct and indirect) Mirror Points, Parallels and Contra
Parallels are available. Within the basic selection the main aspects and the most commonly-used
minor aspects are eligible. Using the button [More aspects] an extended window opens, where
you may define 12 aspects in addition.
Please enter the aspects you want to see displayed on the chart in the first (left) checkbox, the
aspects for the Aspectarian in the second checkbox. Thus - for more clearness - you avoid
overloading the zodiac with a lot of minor aspects. For exact knowledge have a look at the
Aspectarian, where all minor aspects are arranged clearly.
Aspect Lines Design: Clicking on the homonimous button you reach a window, where you may
define the lines' view: With the spin-buttons on the right you select various lines and styles
(thickness, whole or broken line, etc.).
Lunar Mansions' Marks: If you select an entry in the opening list, the so-called Mansions of the
Moon (also known as Lunar Mansions) are displayed in the zodiac.
Details see Menu [View] - [Lunar Mansions' Marks].
If you want to see at a glance, whether an aspect is quite exact (within 1 orb), just activate the
almost homonimous checkbox.
Preferring Parallel Aspects in Aspect Stairs: You may select to display Parallels, Contra
Parallels and Mirror Points as glyphs in the Aspectarian. They take priority over another
coexistent aspect (e.g. a Square of both planets), which cannot be drawn in the Aspect Stairs
then, too. In extreme cases two planets show e.g. a Conjunction, a Parallel and a Mirror Point at
the same time - only the Mirror Point is displayed as an aspect symbol then.
Otherwise you may deselect this checkbox. In this case this "normal" aspect is drawn and - for
complete information - the small square is coloured as defined: Plane colour for Mirror Points,
coloured (as defined) frames for Parallels and Contra Parallels ( e.g. if Parallel and Mirror Point
meet at the same time). The disadvantage of this way: No orbs' statement for these aspects.
Subject Mirror Points: You may select to display either Direct Mirror Points only or Mirror Points'
Squares and Oppositions, too. Direct Mirror Points are drawn "S", MPSquares a smaller "S" plus
Square symbol, MPOppositions a smaller 'S' plus Opposition symbol. The very same symbols are
used in the Aspectarian, if you prefer Parallel Aspects (see above). If not, the small squares are
filled with the appropriate selected colour for Mirror Points. Indirect Mirror Points are displayed as
follows: For MPSquares a small square is left blank within the coloured area, for MPOppositions
the middle of the area is left blank.
Potential Aspects:
Conjunction = 0, Semi-Sextile = 30, Semisquare = 45, Sextile = 60, Quintile = 72, Square =
90, Trine = 120, Sesquiquadrate = 135, Bi-Quintile = 144, Quincunx = 150, Opposition =
180, Direct and Indirect Mirror Points, Triline = 105, Biline = 75, Undecile = 32,72, Tao = 165,
Triseptile = 154,28571, Biseptile = 102,85714, Septile = 51,42857, Quadronovile 160, Binovile
= 80, Novile = 40, Tridecile = 108, Decile = 36, Parallels, Contra Parallels.
Tip: To calculate the Moiety of the aspects, as used for Horary Astrology within the Englishspeaking area, do as follows: Basic setting 5 orb for each planet, Sun: 340% orbs' emphasis (=
17.5), Moon 250% (= 12.5), Mercury 150% (= 7.5), Venus 160 % (= 8), Mars 150% (=7.5),
Jupiter 240 % (= 12), Saturn 200 % (= 10). Part of Fortune, Moon's Node, AC and MC: Each
with 1% (they don't have an orb of their own). These values accord to the informations of the
Renaissance astrologer William Lilly. Considering the "modern planets" an orb of 7 seems
suitable, hence: Uranus, Neptune and Pluto each to set with 140%. The calculation of the moiety
("half") concerning an aspect of two planets happens this way: (orb Planet 1 + orb Planet 2) over
Example: Sun's aspect with Mercury: (17.5 + 7.5) = 25
-> 25 : 2 = 12.5
The aspects between Sun and Mercury obtain within an orb of 12.5.
Settings - Layout
- Select Colours
The layout settings are a small Cockaigne for individualists. The options are working in a selfexplanatory way. E.g.: You would like to modify the colour of a planet, of a sign or of an aspect.
So please click the particular glyph. In the opening window you may select your colour.
Potential problem: If your computer presents only 16 or 256 colours and you define e.g. a mix of
light red and cyan for Mars, Windows tries to compose this colour at the best, or at least to scale
down to the most similar primary colour. If possible you should use High or TrueColor or adapt
your colour system.
- Symbols' Layout
Several symbol fonts are available (separably for main window or printing): Signs sans-serif
(looking neutral), with serifs (serifs are small ticks), or a handwritten layout (looking like painted
by felt pen). If you combine this font with an accordant typeface, you will get a chart looking
nearly hand made.
- Symbols' Sizes
All chart versions are totally scaled, which means, the size of the different glyphs (zodiac,
planets) is adapted to the general display. But with Astroplus you may even adapt the sizes at
your own choice (some people prefer bigger planets, some don't.)
Tip: Here you may define the size of all planets - if you want e.g. Sun and Moon displayed very
big, but the Part of Fortune very small, just click on the planets' display within the [Astrological
Settings] with the right mouse button: Additional you may dial among 5 various nuances.
- The Typeface
Astroplus uses the same fonts as your Windows system. Please select the button [] in the field
[Font] and chose type, colour, style and size.
Manage Settings
You may manage all your settings altogether within sets, e.g. give your own names to your own
settings. There are several sets enclosed in Astroplus yet, e.g. settings concerning specific
methods of Astrological rhythms, favourite layouts preferred either in Vienna or in Great Britain (a
set sticking out because of the accent on blue).
All sets are saved within automatic data backup.
Tip: You may select a set, adapt to your own ideas and either overwrite or rename then.
Youd like to write your own interpretation texts? No problem with Astroplus! You write your notes
and findings about constellations, and Astroplus allocates them to the particular chart. The
administration of the texts is extremely simple and the result is quickly shown in the main window
- and perfect in print. By the way: You may describe simple constellations (e.g. Moon in Taurus
or Mercury Trine Saturn) as well as extensive ones (e.g. Mercury = ruler of House 3 in House
4, or Sun in Gemini in House 10). If you find out news or very important informations or read
them in a book, you may put this knowledge into writing and add to the particular chart. Of course
you may write a complete text analysis system. Please dont mistake this function for the Cortesi
Text Analysis System, which is made up much more extensive.
In the schedule on the left all constellations of the particular chart are registered, the text analysis
appears in the description field on the right. The first entry <Complete Report> contains all texts
found about the individual constellations, which means, all constellations below are executed. If
you are interested in a single constellation, just click on the particular entry.
Tip: If you click on a planet in the planets' table rightmost in the main window of Astroplus, the
text analysis begins with this planet.
You may export whole databases into AAF- or GAM-format at once: Menu [File] - [Export chart
database]. Please select the Astroplus database and device, index and name of the AAF- or
GAM- file. With the button [Export] you start proceeding.
You may import whole databases into the Astroplus database format at once, too: Menu [File] [Import chart database]. Please select device, index and the AAF- or GAM-file you want to
import and entitle the new Astroplus database. With the button [Import]you start proceeding.
Please note: To avoid errors (even computers are able to talk at cross-purposes) unknown time
zones by Astroplus are transformed into UT (universal time) without any time specials, and the
time of birth is adapted (e.g.: 12:00 MEZ --> 11:00 UT, while MEZ is in fact identified. This way
Astroplus receives clear dates and you dont have to struggle with particular kryptic time zones in
connection with particular daylight saving time or other specials.
Tip: If you want to get charts of all horoscopes' import forthwith, please dial into the almost
homonymous checkbox and select, whether you want charts of the screen graphics (looks like
[Copy chart] in the main window) or charts of the print-out (WYSIWYG = what you see is what
you get).
Merlin, Robby, Peedy and Genius - these animated little helpers with personality are available,
too. Merlin is integrated in Windows ME (or later versions) for immediate use: Menu [?] [Animations]. If you use Win 95/98, or if you prefer different characters in addition, you may install
all four (Astroplus-CD: File \Animate\). By the way: The animations are able to speak and to read
texts. To install this function please use LHTTSGED.EXE in \Animate\ on the CD. Enjoy it!
Different versions
(Comparing Beginners' Edition and Professional Edition): The Beginner Edition includes only the
12 most important Main Aspects. The following functions are not integrated into the Beginners'
Edition of Astroplus: Astrological Search & Statistics, Rhythmic Progressions, Midpoints, Multiple
Composites & Multiple Combines (Composite and Combine are available), Additional Combine,
Planetoids, Uranian Planets, Fixed Stars, Sun & Moon Eclipses, Astrogeography, Diurnals,
Transits' Directions, Multiple Directions, Planetary Cycles' Directions. An upgrade to the
Professional Edition is possible by extra charge at any time.