NCERT in promoting
Centre for Environmental
• Established in August 1984.
• Headquarter in Ahemedabad.
• Supported by Ministry of Environment and Forest.
• 41 offices across in India.
• Regional centres in Bangalore, Guwahathi, Lucknow, Ahemedabad
and Pune.
• State offices in Delhi,Hyderabad,Raipur, Goa and Coimbatore.
• Many field offices.
• International offices in Australlia and Srilanka.
• Karthikeya Sarabhai – Director of CEE.
Thrust Areas of CEE
• Education for Children
• Environmental education at higher secondary level.
• Examination system in environmental education.
• Education for Youth.
• Communicating environmental information through media
• Experiencing nature
• Industry initiatives
• Water and Sanitation
• Waste management
• Eco tourism.
• Disaster prepardness etc
Functions of CEE
• CEE has inherited with Nehru Foundation for development,
its parent organization.
• CEE was the only organization actively engaged in
environmental education in the country.
• It aimed at creating environmental awareness in the
communities, conducting wide spread environmental
education and training program through a very vast network.
• It has a vast range of publications, books, posters,
educational packages, bibliographies etc.
• Nodal agency for implementation of sustainable development
in India.
• UNEP stands for
• United Nations Environment Programme.
• International environmental agency.
• Founded by Maurice Strong in June1972.
• Headquarters in Giriri, Nairobi in Kenya.
• UNEP has 6 regional offices.
• Various country offices.
• Support of United Nations Organization. (UNO)
UNEP -- Activities
•Co-ordinates the activities
•Assisting developing countries in
implementing environmental
polices and practices.
Functions of UNEP
• Activities cover a wide range of issues like
Atmosphere (pollution,acid rain,ozone depletion etc)
Marine ( factories and industrial discharge, kills marine
plants, shellfish like crab,lobster, oysters, mussels etc)
Terrestrial ecosystem (shortage of water, ultraviolet
radiation, pesticides used in agriculture etc)
Green economy (reducing environmental issues and
sustainable development)
• Developing international environmental conventions
• Promoting environmental science and information etc
• Active in funding and implementing environment related
development projects.
Formulation of guidelines and issues like
International trade in potentially harmful
Trans boundary air pollution.
Contamination of international water ways etc.
Implementing agencies for global environment
Multilateral fund for implementation of Montreal
protocol etc
• The National Council of Educational Research
and Training (NCERT)
• An autonomous organization.
• Set up in 1961 by the Government of India.
• To assist and advise the Central and State
Governments on policies and program for
qualitative improvement in school education.
Role of NCERT in Environmental Education
• Extension activities such as publication of quarterly journals.
• Organizing National Science Exhibition every year.
• Training program for teachers and teacher educators.
• Development of film or video program on Indian
• Publication of supplementary reading materials.
• Collaboration with international agencies like
Role of Teachers in Environmental Education
• To arouse the children’s interest in the environment and raise
challenging problems.
• To discuss the approach to problems.
• To organize working groups and to provide with the help of work
• To arrange visits
• To provide reference materials for children’s use.
• To provide materials needed for practical work.
• To arrange for visiting speakers.
• To develop discussion and debate.