Interdisciplinary Extrapolation Approach

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 Educational administration is regarded as the process of

integrating the appropriate human and material
resources that are made available and made effective for
achieving the purposes of a programme of an educational
 The term administration doesn’t refer to any single
process or act.
Scope Of Educational Administration

 The educational administration encomposses all the levels of

education in its jurisdiction. These are:
1. Pre primary or pre school education
2. Primary education
3. Elementary education
4. Secondary education
5. Higher secondary or post secondary education
Educational Administration-Forms of
 It is educational administration that determines what should be the nature and system of
administration for all the above levels of education
 It covers all forms of education such as:
1. Formal education
2. Non formal education (Community education,life long education, adult education )
3. General education (1-10 years)
4. Vocational education
5. Special education (children who differ socially, mentally, or physically)
6. Teacher education
7. Integrated education
 Educational administration covers the following aspects relating to
the management in its jurisdiction
1. Planning
2. Organizing
3. Directing
4. Coordinating
5. Supervising
6. Controlling
7. Evaluating
 Educational administration takes place at various levels such as:
1. Central level
2. State level
3. District level
4. Block level
5. Institutional level
 The following activities and programmes come under the scope of
educational administration at the institutional level.
1. Deciding the purposes of the institution or school.
2. Planning for academic or curricular and cocurricular activities.
 Preparing the timetable and time schedules for various activities
 Assigning duties and responsibilities to the staff members
 organizing curricular and co-curricular programmes
 directing and motivating the staff of the institution
 Exercising control over the staff
 conducting periodical reviews about the progress achievements
and failures of the institution
 Taking measurement for staff development
 Maintaining order and discipline
 Management of finance
 Management of materials
Types of educational administration

1.External adminstration
2. Internal administration

External administration
・ It indicates the influence and direction which are exercised by the educational
department of government
• State formulates the framework of rules and regulation besides prescribing the
curriculum and text book
 • It prescribes the
- Scales of salaries of various categories of the Staff
- terms and Condition of their service Code of Conduct tutiion
fees for various Classes
- fixation of the duration of the School Session and determines
financial and regulation other matters for welfare of the staffs and
 The Schools have to teach only to that material which is prescribed for
different classes by the education department
 Under such a system the teachers administrators and educationists function
in a team spirit
Internal Administration
•The system under which the headmaster of a school manages and directs the
day to day programmes and activities with the help of his colleagues and
students with general rules and regulations laid down by the department.
A democratic outlook Should be brought to bear on the Internal management
of the school

• Students the also held equally accountable for the administration of the school in
balanced coordination established between their activities and functions
•Main subject of educational administration is supposed “authority and control “
• The form of administration and its qualities depend upon this matter that authority
and control are based on what point and how they are used
•The control is a process by which the power is utilized

 Educational Administration has a vast area of operation

ranging from Planning to Budgeting in an effort to make
the educational process purposive and functional. An
important tool it is effective, systematic and has a definite

• Ribbins, P. (1985). Organisation theory and the study of educational institutions, in M. Hughes, P.
Ribbins and H. Thomas (eds.). Managing Education: The System and the Institution, Holtt.




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