Week 2, Teaching

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In preparation of these slides, materials have been taken from

different online sources in the shape of books, websites,
research papers and presentations etc. However, the author
does not have any intention to take any benefit of these in
her/his own name. This lecture (audio, video, slides etc) is
prepared and delivered only for educational purposes and is not
intended to infringe upon the copyrighted material. Sources
have been acknowledged where applicable. The views expressed
are presenter’s alone and do not necessarily represent actual
author(s) or the institution.
What Is Teaching?
 Teaching is one of the instruments of
education and its special function is to
impart understanding and skill.
 The main function of teaching is to make
learning effective.
 Teaching and learning are very closely
(1) H C Morrison:- Teaching is an close contact
between the more mature personality and a less
mature one.
(2)  Jackson:- Teaching is a face to face encounters
between two or more persons, one of whom
( teacher) intends to effect certain changes in the
other participants ( students).
Nature and Characteristic Of Teaching

 Teaching is a complete social process

 Teaching is giving information
 Teaching is an interactive process
 Teaching is a process of development and
 Teaching causes a change in behavior.
 Teaching is face to face encounter.
 Teaching is observable, measurable and
 Teaching is skilled occupation
Separation Of Teaching From Other Similar Processes

It is essential to understand the difference between

teaching and other similar concepts like
 Conditioning,
 Training, and

 Instruction
Conditioning  vs  Teaching
Teaching Conditioning
1. Aims at development of potential 1. Aims at modification of behavior
and brain. and learning habits.
2. It has broader scope 2. Scope of conditioning is relatively
3. Reinforcement is not necessary narrow
for teaching. 3. Reinforcement plays a vital role
4. In teaching repetition of the taught here.
subject matter is not necessary. 4. Conditioning is done by the
5. In teaching, there is a curriculum repetition of behavior to be
that is very comprehensive acquired.
6. In teaching qualitative and 5. In conditioning, curriculum is fixed
quantitative techniques are used 6. Evaluation in conditioning is done
for evaluation. on the basis of the acquisition of a
7. Teaching is a broader process with behavior or a habit.
various levels. 7. Conditioning is considered as the
lowest level of the entire process of
Teaching and Training
Teaching Training
1. Teaching is mostly 1. Training is practical orient
theoretically oriented 2. Training shapes habits.
2. Teaching fills the mind. 3. Training helps already
3. Teaching provides new knowledgeable people to learn
knowledge to the people tools and techniques .
4. Teaching continues for a 4. Training is for few days or a few
long time. months.
5. Teaching is the broader 5. Training is for specific areas.
area. 6. Training refers to workshops,
6. Teaching usually refers to seminars, role-plays, simulations
classroom learning etc.
Teaching and Instruction
Teaching Instruction
1. Scope is wide 1. Its scope is narrow and
2. It is both formal and limited
informal 2. Instruction is always formal
3. Teaching means the 3. Instruction is a part of
development of potential of teaching
an individual 4. Instruction means to impart
4. Range of methods used in knowledge of specific
teaching is very wide subjects
5. Teaching is imparted in 5. Instruction is generally
school, library, political confined to the classroom
group etc.
Elements of Great Teaching
 Content knowledge
 Quality of instruction
 Teaching climate
 Classroom management
 Teacher beliefs
 Professional behaviors
Basic Elements Influence The Quality Of
 The teacher and teaching methods
 Educational content
 Learning environment
 School management
 Preconditions for pupils

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