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Meaning and Definition

Teaching is the process of arranging situations that stimulate and guide

the learning activity towards the goal that specify desired changes in the
behaviour of people. Teaching consists of providing situations in which the
important things to be learned are called to the attention of the learners, their
interest developed, desired aroused and action promoted.

It is defined as the process of providing situations in which learning takes place.

It is a purposeful process where communication takes place with sympathetic

sharing and clearly explaining subject matter to the student.

Criteria for effective Extension Teaching:

1. Extension teaching requires specific and clearly defined teaching

objectives. Teaching must be clearly conceived and specifically defined.
There must be clear –cut concept about the end product, i.e. what is going
to be achieved.

Factors to be considered for deciding on the teaching objectives

 People to be taught
 Behavioral changes to be developed in people
 Content or subject matter to bring the desired change in
 The real life situation in which the action is going to take place
2. Extension teaching requires a suitable learning situation
3. Extension teaching requires effective communication
4. Extension teaching requires both content and method
5. Extension teaching must be looked upon as an intentional process
6. Extension teaching must accomplish certain kinds of educational
changes in relation to the subject matter taught
7. Extension teaching requires careful evaluation of results


Meaning and Definition

1. Learning is the process by which an individual, through his/her own

activity, changes his/her behaviour.
2. Self activity is influenced by the student’s abilities and efforts to bring about
the change in behaviour.
3. A process of progressive behaviour adaptation. It takes place within the
learner when one feels the need and strives for fulfilling the needs.
4. Learning is the goal of teaching
Process: Means a course of procedures, something that occurs in a series of actions
or events conducting to the desired end

Learning Experience

Meaning and Definition
A learning experience is the mental and/ or physical reaction one makes through
seeing, hearing or doing the things to be learned, through which one gains meanings
and understandings of the material to be learned.

1. Learning is an active process on the part of the learner.

2. Learning experience is not attained by mere physical presence in
a learning situation.
3. Reaction of the learner/ participant is more important
in Learning Experience
He must give undivided attention to the instructor and deep thought to getting facts,
understanding their meaning, and to seeing their application to his needs and

Effective learning experiences, therefore, can best be had in

effective learning situations provided by a skilful instructor who knows what he
wants, who has the materials to accomplish his goals and the skills to use them

Learning situation or Teaching Learning situation
Meaning and Definition

A learning situation is a condition or environment in which all the elements

necessary for promoting learning are present. The elements of learning situation are
instructor, learner, and subject matter, teaching materials and equipment
and physical facilities

Elements of learning situation

In effective learning situation is one in which all the essential elements for

promoting learning i.e., learners, teacher, subject matter, teaching
materials and physical facilities, relevant to a particular situation are present in a
dynamic relationship with one another

1. Learners
2. Teacher or Instructor
3. Subject matter or content
4. Teaching Materials
5. Physical Facilities
Criteria for effective learning

1. Learners

Persons who want and need to learn are the learners. In an

effective learning situation, learners occupy the most important central position and
all efforts are directed towards them.

The learners should:

1. Be capable of learning.
2. Have interest in the subject.
3. Have need for the information offered.
4. Be able to use the information once it is gained

2. Teacher or Instructor
They are the extension agents who impart training and motivate the learners.
They not only know what to teach, but also know how to teach.

The teachers should:

1. Have clear-cut and purposeful teaching objectives.

2. Know the subject matter and have it well organized.
3. Be personable, enthusiastic and interested about the learners and the
subject matter.
4. Be able to communication of the people.
5. Be able to encourage participation of the people.
6. Use good teaching plan.
7. Speak so all can hear.
8. Set a good example of leadership and teaching
9. Be skillful in the use of teaching materials and equipment.
There are certain approaches which can maximize the teaching process. The
teacher should proceed from.

 Known to unknown.
 Simple to complex.
 Concrete to abstract.
 Definite to indefinite.
 Particular to general.

3. Subject matter or content

It is the content or topic of teaching that is useful to the learners.

The Subject matter should be:

 Be pertinent to learner’s needs.

 Be applicable to their real life situations.
 Be taught at the intellectual level of the learners.
 Be well organized and presented logically & clearly.
 Fit into overall objectives.
 Be Consistent with the overall objectives and
 Be challenging, satisfying and significant to the learners.

4. Teaching Materials
These are appropriate instructional materials, equipments and aids.

The Teaching materials should be:

 Suitable to the subject matter and physical situation.

 Adequate in quantity and available in time and
 Skill fully used.

5. Physical Facilities
It means appropriate physical environment in which teaching learning can take

The Physical facilities should be:

1. Compatible with the objective.

2. Representative of the area & situation
3. Adequate and easily accessible
4. Well lighted
5. Adequate space for the group
6. Furniture comfortable and well arranged
7. Free from outside distractions.

Criteria for effective learning

Learning involves acquisition of knowledge, skill, and attitude, retention to stop

revision, and transfer to use it in real life situations. Learning to be effective,
should have the following characteristics

1. Learning should be purposeful. The learning must sense and be

useful to the learners. Objectives must be clear and meaningful to
the learners. What is to be learnt must be important to, and wanted by a
relatively large number of participants in the group, and must be

1. through the educational process

2. within the time limitations of the extension agent and the
3. within the physical and economic resources of the participants
4. within the social condition and learning ability of the

2. Learning should involve appropriate activity by

the learners that engages a maximum number of senses. Messages reach
the human mind through five senses namely, seeing, hearing, feeling,
tasting and smelling. learning should experience centered

3. Learning must be challenging and satisfying:Abilities acquired

through learning should help the learner to solve the problems, to
overcome the difficulties and gradually lead to a more satisfying life.

4. Learning must result in functional understanding. Mere

acquisition of knowledge is not enough, it must be understood and
applied in real life situation

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