Meaning and Definition
People to be taught
Behavioral changes to be developed in people
Content or subject matter to bring the desired change in
The real life situation in which the action is going to take place
2. Extension teaching requires a suitable learning situation
3. Extension teaching requires effective communication
4. Extension teaching requires both content and method
5. Extension teaching must be looked upon as an intentional process
6. Extension teaching must accomplish certain kinds of educational
changes in relation to the subject matter taught
7. Extension teaching requires careful evaluation of results
Meaning and Definition
Learning Experience
Meaning and Definition
A learning experience is the mental and/ or physical reaction one makes through
seeing, hearing or doing the things to be learned, through which one gains meanings
and understandings of the material to be learned.
Learning situation or Teaching Learning situation
Meaning and Definition
Elements of learning situation
1. Learners
2. Teacher or Instructor
3. Subject matter or content
4. Teaching Materials
5. Physical Facilities
Criteria for effective learning
1. Learners
1. Be capable of learning.
2. Have interest in the subject.
3. Have need for the information offered.
4. Be able to use the information once it is gained
2. Teacher or Instructor
They are the extension agents who impart training and motivate the learners.
They not only know what to teach, but also know how to teach.
Known to unknown.
Simple to complex.
Concrete to abstract.
Definite to indefinite.
Particular to general.
4. Teaching Materials
These are appropriate instructional materials, equipments and aids.
5. Physical Facilities
It means appropriate physical environment in which teaching learning can take