Anesthesia DVM
Anesthesia DVM
Anesthesia DVM
Out line
• Definition of anesthesia
• Types of anesthesia
– Local anesthesia
– Regional anesthesia
– General anesthesia
• Premedication
• Induction
• Maintenance
• Commonly used anesthetic agents
• application anesthesia
Anesthesia: is defined as total loss of sensa-
tion in a body part or the whole body, induced
by a drug or drug combination that depresses
activity of nervous tissue peripherally (local
and regional anesthesia) or centrally (general
Common terminolgies
• Analgesia- A diminished or abolished per-
ception of pain
• Hypnosis - Drug-induced sleep
• Narcosis - Drug-induced sedation or stupor
• A sedative- is a drug which relieves anxiety
so that it easier (rest or sleep). E.g.xylazine
• A tranquillizer (ataractic)- is a drug with a
predominant action in relieving anxiety with-
out producing undue sedation.
Field block
E.g. Injection at the base of the teat to remove.
• To remove a digit we can deep the LA at metatarsal
area of the limb in a circular manner and called circu-
lar infiltration.
• Symptoms of toxic dose of LA:
– Depression of CNS
– Bradycardia
– Hypotension
– Convulsion
– Tremor
– Shivering
Regional Analgesia
Site of cornual block rostral view
note: site of injection and zygomatico-temporal nerve (1) as well as site of
captive bolt on euthanesia (x)
Cont……… lateral view
2. Para vertebral block
• The thirteenth thoracic nerve (T13), the
first, second and third lumbar nerves (L1,
L2 and L3) supply motor and sensory in-
nervations to the skin, fascia, muscle and
peritoneum of the flank.
• Indication–laparatomy, abosopexy, c-section
and rumenotomy
• For practical purposes with flank laparatomy,
blocking of the dorsolateral branch of L3 is not
generally necessarly considered and may be
contraindicated. Because if one has miscounted
the vertebrea, one may actually block L4,
which has nerve fibers which runs to the back
• Rumenotomy, 13T, L1
• C-section, 13T, L1,L2,L3
Paravertebral block advantages over
flank infiltration
a. Uniform desensitization of the abdominal wall in-
cluding the peritoneum
b. minimal volume of anesthetic solution is used
c. absence of anaesthetic solution in surgical field
d. rapid onset of action
3. Retrobulbar nerve block.
intra-ocular neoplasia
severe trauma
•Also called four point block (medial, ventral, lateral
and dorsal canthi)
•Enucleation—removal of an eyeball leaving adipose
tissue and muscle
•Extirpation-removal of everything within the orbit
– slightly curved 8-10 cm gauge needle
– 10ml lidocaine per site
4. Flank anaesthesia (line block, T block or
inverted L7 pattern)
-To produce adequate analgesia by infiltration
at or around incision site.
- used following unsuccessful Para vertebral
Advantage- is it’s simplicity.
dis adv- large volume of solution, local edema
and hemorrhage, distortion of tissue layers,
poor analgesia of peritoneum, poor muscle re-
laxation, increased post-operative swelling and
increased risk of wound infection
Note that- needle is only inserted through skin
twice in entire infiltration.
Spinal Anelgesia
. Although not licensed for use in animals, uesd as vet-
erinary anaesthesia and intensive care.
Used as-
- Anti-anxiety effects (anxiolysis)
Minimal effects on cardiovascular and respiratory
Muscle relaxation
Anticonvulsant effects
Appetite stimulation
Dose- diazepam 0.2-0.5 mg/kg IV is used and
for midazolam 0.2 mg/kg IM/IV
Alpha-2 adrenoceptor agonists
bind to alpha-2 adrenergic receptors in the central and
peripheral nervous system.
are potent sedative,premedication, hypnotics and
good analgesia (marked effect on CVS--healthy pa-
tient only).e.g. xylazine 1-3mg/kg
Side effects- Profound cardiovascular effects, Milder
respiratory effects, Vomiting, Diuresis, Premature par-
Dose of xylazine in domestic animals
Maintenance of Anaesthesia