Week 1 - Basics of Technical Communication - Oct22
Week 1 - Basics of Technical Communication - Oct22
Week 1 - Basics of Technical Communication - Oct22
CO 2:
Ability to produce clear, well structured technical document based on the
fundamentals of technical communication and supported with
appropriate examples.
CO 3:
Ability to discuss critically and express agreement and disagreement
within a group on a variety of topics related to the technical discipline.
SMB31202’s Assessments
Continuous Assessments:
Course Outcome Assessment Percentage Individual/Group
CO 1 Quiz 30% Individual
CO 2 Poster 40% Group
CO 3 Group Discussion 30% Individual
TOTAL 100%
80-100 A
75-79 A-
70-74 B+
65-69 B
60-64 B-
55-59 C+
50-54 C
45-49 C-
40-44 D+
35-39 D
Quiz (30%)
• Week 6 (Online - Centralised)
• Topics covered:
• Week 1 – Basics of Technical Communication
• Week 2 – Preparing for Workplace
• Week 3 – Primary & Secondary Information
• Week 4 – Word Formation
• Week 5 – Parallelism
In a group of 5, you are required to Within the same group members, you
design a Poster which promotes and will do a Group Discussion for a
highlights: maximum of 30 minutes (including
⮚ problems/ issues, Q&A session):
⮚ recommendations and ⮚ giving opinions,
⮚ conclusions ⮚ expressing agreement and
related to one of the Sustainable disagreement, and
Development Goals (SDGs). ⮚ taking turns diplomatically
Presentation will be done in CLASS
and each member will be evaluated
Basics of Technical
First of all, what is
• The transmission and interchange of ideas, facts, feelings or
course of action.
Flow of Communication
Sender (means) Barriers
to Receiver
Memo n (Decoding
Phone call The
Sms message)
Barriers to Communication
• A barrier acts like a sieve, allowing only a part of the message to filter
through; as a result, the desired response is not achieved.
Public Communication
Different individuals hold different
viewpoints about the same situation.
1. Intrapersonal Barrier
Differing Background
• Due to education, culture, language, environment,
financial status, etc.
• Influences how we interpret messages
• Lack of experience or knowledge may result in
misinterpretation or lack of appreciation.
• Essential to know the audiences’ backgrounds to
anticipate potential gaps in communication
Wrong Inferences
Different individuals hold different
viewpoints about the same situation.
2. Interpersonal Barrier
• Interpersonal barriers occur due to the inappropriate transaction of words
between two or more people.
• They may also occur because of some disturbance in the channel or medium
of communication.
Incompatibility • Someone conveys a message in his speech saying that he is very delighted
of to have all employees gathered, but his facial expression just show the
Verbal and Non- opposite of what he is saying.
verbal Messages • The stark difference between the verbal and non-verbal aspects of his
communication leave his listeners feeling confused or puzzled.
• Organizational Barriers:
– Too many transfer stations
– Fear of superiors
– Use of inappropriate media
– Information overload
3. Organizational Barriers
Too many • The more links there are in a communication chain, the greater
transfer stations are the chances of miscommunication.
• The message can get distorted at each level not only because of
poor listening or lack of concentration, but because of several
other reasons. Some may filter out the parts of the message they
consider unimportant.
Personal Essay Academic Writing Technical Communication
Readers from all walks of life. Lecturers requests the Specific readers. The writer
assignment and reads it from responds to the needs of the
beginning to the end. readers at the workplace.
The writer expresses view, Writer expects understanding
shares experiences and expects The writer writes according to from readers and specific
understanding from readers. the topics and criteria laid out actions after reading.
by the lecturer.
Features of Technical Communication
Personal Essay Academic Writing Technical Communication
Standard use of topic sentence Standard use of topic sentence Use of headings to help
and transitional expressions. and transitional expressions. readers form their perceptions
at a single glance.
Readers need to read in-depth Readers need to read in-depth Headings draw attention to the
before the main point and the before the main point and the information in the document
organization become apparent. organization become apparent. and enable readers to read
only what they want or need
to read.
Personal Essay Academic Writing Technical Communication
Casual, conversational and Requires depth, logic, clarity, Simple concise &
predictable. supporting evidence and straightforward (easily
grammar. understood)
Uses examples and Use of short sentences and
descriptions. predictable sentence order.
Features of Technical Communication
Personal Essay Academic Writing Technical Communication
Expressive, portraying Academic, formal and Objective and business-like.
emotions such as sadness, objective.
excitement & humor
Personal Essay Academic Writing Technical Communication
Rarely used. Sometimes used to explain and Frequently used to help
persuade. readers to find important
information as quickly as
Surrounding situation such as time and
place, relationship between the sender and
receiver and other factors that impact the