GROUP 1 Civil Engineering Information System

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Leader: Basilio, Rhea
Members: Bautista, Kate Joy
Stalin Joseph V. Tallara
Catibayan, Darlon Subject Instructor
Dela Cruz, Nadine Carme
Desamito, Mark Rodel
What is an • The term can refer to individual pieces of software for analyzing and
organizing data – the traditional definition – or more broadly to the vast
networks of data processing applications accessed by large numbers of

information stakeholders, such as a digital library. Engineering managers can make use
of both types of tools.
• As projects have grown more complex, with heavier regulations, more

system, engaged stakeholders, and tighter budgets, information systems have

become increasingly essential on a number of levels.

Common Civil
Information Engineering
Systems Use in Civil
Engineering Systems
Civil engineering demands fluency with a great With such a vast amount of data, civil engineers
deal of information. Much of this information is have had to look for new and innovative ways to
traditionally quantitative, but the growing role of capture, store, access, process, and visualize the
qualitative information is increasingly helping information that surrounds them. When a project
engineers understand how their work affects includes a large quantity of very dense data,
community members and other stakeholders. No engineers face serious challenges when it comes to
matter how large or small a project may be, it is finding and using pertinent insights. In such a
sure to generate an enormous quantity of data that situation, information is unable to fulfill its role in
can be used to improve engineering performance. overall process improvement.
Common Civil Engineering Information Systems

General-Purpose Database Management

Systems Systems

Most every general information Databases provide a uniform way of

system can be labeled a “management capturing and correlating information in a
information system” (MIS). Such a machine-readable format. They are useful
system processes data at a fairly for a wide variety of tasks that support
rudimentary level, providing effective civil engineering, such as task
insight into day-to-day operations for scheduling, budgeting, and various
individual teams. human resources-related tasks.
Common Civil Engineering Information Systems

Enterprise Resource Feedback Management

Planning (ERP) Systems

Most civil engineering projects have a wide variety of internal and

An ERP suite is a software package intended to facilitate
external stakeholders. These could include community members, local
comprehensive strategic planning for a large organization. It does
politicians, regulators, industry groups, regional “special interests,”
this with custom-built modules that provide data analysis tools for
and so on. Soliciting and managing the feedback from these groups
the different divisions of the enterprise – such as sales,
can help facilitate broader community acceptance of a project’s goals.
operations, and so on.
Common Civil Engineering Information Systems

Document Management Special-Purpose Systems


Every phase of a project generates its

own unique documentation. Taken as a Most general-purpose information
whole, documentation provides insight systems operate at what could be
into emerging challenges and the called the tactical, or management
objectives of future project phases. A level. Special-purpose systems,
document management system however, generally focus on
facilitates more effective collaboration decision support and are designed to
between technical stakeholders, provide clarity for complex
clarifying objectives and alleviating decisions.
communication issues.
Common Civil Engineering Information Systems
Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Expert Systems

Expert systems are information systems developed using sophisticated

This software is used for collecting, synthesizing, and visualizing artificial intelligence techniques. The purpose of an expert system is to
complex topographical and geological information. One of the correlate “expert input” into a database that can be consulted when making
most common uses of GIS is in the mapping of terrain to plan specific technical decisions. Expert systems for engineering have the
efficient oil and gas exploration operations. Another is the potential to clarify the toughest decisions and to deliver greatly improved
mapping and optimization of transportation networks. project results.
The work of civil engineers involves a massive degree of complexity, where
multiple technical, environment, and social systems often intersect. In addition,
Information they are increasingly required to develop communications and feedback
mechanisms that allow them to access input from diverse stakeholders and keep

Systems and the those people and organizations well informed.

Future of Civil With all this in mind, there’s little doubt the civil engineers of the future will be
expected to plan, institute, and use complex information systems as a matter of
course. These systems are essential to achieving the best results possible before,
Engineering during, and even after a project is complete. Information technology engineers
who can make the most of such resources have much to offer modern



Leader: Basilio, Rhea
Members: Bautista, Kate Joy
Stalin Joseph V. Tallara
Catibayan, Darlon Subject Instructor
Dela Cruz, Nadine Carme
Desamito, Mark Rodel

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