Field Study 01: Observation of Teaching-Learning in Actual School Environment
Field Study 01: Observation of Teaching-Learning in Actual School Environment
Field Study 01: Observation of Teaching-Learning in Actual School Environment
Learning Episode Focus on Gender, Needs, strengths, Interests, Experiences Language, Learning Episode Assessment OF learning (Summative Assessment)
3 Race, Culture, Religion, Socio-Economic Status, Difficult 13
Circumstances, and Indigenous people
Learning Episode Learners Diversity: The Community and Home Environment Learning Episode The Teacher as a Person and as a Professional
4 14
Learning Episode Creating an Appropriate Learning Environment Learning Episode Towards the Teacher Quality: Developing a Glocal teacher
5 15 of the 21st century
Learning Episode Classroom Management and Classroom Routines Learning Episode On Teacher’s Philosophy of Education
6 16
In this learning Episode it primary focus on observing the learners ages,
and grades and how they interact, how they responds on the situations in
school, there characteristics and development in that particular age,
development domain consist of Physical, social, Emotional and Cognitive. In
addition in this learning episode give a flashback on our younger years as a
Learning Episode 3 Focus on Gender, Needs, strengths, Interests, Experiences
Language, Race, Culture, Religion, Socio-Economic
Status, Difficult Circumstances, and Indigenous people
A Teacher should always carries Lesson plan, this learning episode gives
glimpse towards constructing a lesson plan, SMART, Specific towards the
lesson or content, Measurable and Attainable on the learning Objectives,
Realistic on the Activities or the Assessment and Time bounded.
As an Educator we should always consider the learners preferences and
capabilities in order to achieve the learning outcomes
Learning Episode 10
The Instructional Cycle
The Highlight of this learning Episode is the content of OBTL or
Outcome Based Teaching Learning, This approach or strategy is helpful
towards the teaching learning process, it also serves as a guide to
evaluate or assess students based on the outcome or output.
In addition this learning episode also gives insights on appropriate
activities that could help as a teacher to construct.
Learning Episode 11
Utilizing Teaching- Learning
Resources and ICT
As a Teacher and as A learner in 21st Century, it focus on the
utilization of technology such as utilizing computers, online
platforms, PowerPoint, presentation, and learning materials.
in this learning Episode it gives more emphasis on how are
we going to conduct a class via online platform also professional
development through the use of MOOC
Learning Episode 12
Assessment FOR learning and Assessment AS
learning (Formative Assessment)
Formative Assessment provides information to both teacher and
learners on how they can improve the teaching- learning process,
also in this learning episode it gives as glimpse o how teachers
conduct formative assessment that provide them idea to develop and
improve teaching process and also the learning process of the
Learning Episode 13
Assessment OF learning (Summative
Assessment of Learning refers to the use of assessment to
determine learners acquired knowledge, skills for the instruction and
whether they were able to achieve the curriculum outcomes.
in this learning episode it gives emphasis on how students are
evaluated what is the purpose of portfolios, report cards and
Learning Episode 14
The Teacher as a Person and as a
Being a teacher is quite a challenge, one of the most respected
profession in the Philippines, possessing personal and professional
qualities, in this learning episode it dig deeper on how the teacher
works, how a teacher act and address certain concerns in the field
of education
Learning Episode 15
Towards the Teacher Quality: Developing a
Glocal teacher of the 21st century
As a Teacher and as A learner in 21st Century, it focus on the utilization
of technology such as utilizing computers, online platforms, PowerPoint,
presentation, and learning materials, also consider the classroom
organization, the ambiance of the learning environment, in this learning
episode it gives us idea on how are we going to manage a classroom in 21 st
Learning Episode 16
On Teacher’s Philosophy of Education
As a Teacher we have own Philosophy of Education that
identifies the belief values and understanding of an individual or
group respect of education. A Teacher have own philosophical
view of education, what kind of teacher he could be.
in this learning episode it give understanding on 12
philosophies of education.
Venn Diagrams
Mercury Saturn
It’s the smallest 10% It’s composed
planet in the Solar 75% mostly of hydrogen
System and helium
Mars 20% Neptune
Despite being red, Neptune is the
it’s actually a cold farthest planet
place from the Sun