Parts of MS Excel Window
Parts of MS Excel Window
Parts of MS Excel Window
Microsoft Excel XP is a spreadsheet application in
the Microsoft Office suite. A spreadsheet is an
accounting program for the computer. The primary
purpose of a spreadsheet is to work
with numbers and text. Spreadsheets can be used
to organize data like alphabetizing a list of named or
sorting records, as well as to calculate and analyze data
using mathematical formulas.
Some parts of the Excel window (such as Ribbon and scroll bars) are standard in most
other Microsoft programs. However, other features are more specific to spreadsheets, like
the formula bar, worksheet tabs, and name box.
The following are the basic parts of the Microsoft Excel Window:
Page Layout View: - The Page Layout view shows the precise layout
of an Excel page it will be printed.
Page Break View: - This displays page break preview before printing.