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Microsoft Excel - Module 1 - Intro

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ICTL for Secondary School programme - Spreadsheet Module



Curriculum Development Centre

Ministry of Education Malaysia

ICTL for Secondary School programme - Spreadsheet Module

Name of Module:

Introduction to Microsoft Excel 2003

Learning Outcomes:

The students should be able to:

1) State the steps to launch spreadsheet software

2) Launch a spreadsheet application
3) State and identify features in spreadsheet application and demonstrate
understanding of user interface
4) State the main toolbars in spreadsheet software
5) List icons in standard, formatting, formula and chart toolbars.
6) Create a new worksheet using spreadsheet software
7) Enter data into new worksheet
8) Copy, Cut, Paste and Delete data
9) Save the worksheet
Knowledge and Skills:
Module Summary:

Open, Save and Close workbook

Create New Workbook
Close Workbook
Exit Application
Type data
Copy, Paste, Cut and Delete
At the end of the module student should be able to produce
invoice worksheet.

ICTL for Secondary School programme - Spreadsheet Module

Activity 1: Launch Microsoft Excel

1. Click Start button at the Task Bar
2. Click All Programs

3. Click Microsoft Office to open Microsoft Excel application.

ICTL for Secondary School programme - Spreadsheet Module

Activity 2: Introduction to MS Excel window.

1. Main Menu

2. Formatting Toolbar

3. Standard Toolbar

4. Formula Bar

9. Active Cell
6. Column Heading

5. Document Window

7. Row Heading

8. Status Bar

1. Main Menu

Main menu consist of 9 commands (File, Edit, View, Insert, Format, Tools, Data, Window and
Help) which is the first letter of the commands word was underline. Otherwise you can open all
of the commands word with enter ALT + letter .
Example, enter ALT + F to open menu File.

ICTL for Secondary School programme - Spreadsheet Module

2. Formatting Toolbar

3. Standard Toolbar

Save Button

4. Formula Bar

Formula Bar is a bar (row) located above column heading. Any data contain in the active cell will
be displayed in the formula bar.
5. Column Heading
Column Heading

For each worksheet in Microsoft Excel its consist of 256 column and each column will represent
one letter; such as A, B, .. Z, AA, AB, AZ, BA, BB, IV. If you click the title of the
column, the column will highlighted.
6. Row Heading

Row Heading

For each worksheet in Microsoft Excel its consist of 65,536 row and each row is label as 1 until
65, 536.

ICTL for Secondary School programme - Spreadsheet Module

The figure below shows the cell A1, (column A and row 1)
Name box The
address of the
currently selected
(or active) cell
appears in the
Name box.

Active cell The

active cell is the
currently selected cell

8. Active Cell
The active cell is the currently selected cell (its address appears in the Name box); you enter
data in the active cell.

7. Status Bar

Status Bar

The status bar shows information about selected commands or procedures.

ICTL for Secondary School programme - Spreadsheet Module

Activity 3: Open Worksheet MS Excel 2003

1. Creating Worksheet
(i) Click File at a main menu after that click New. The dialog box will appear. (ii) One new
worksheet with name Book1 will open in a screen.

We can also open new sheet with shortcut key CTRL+N.
Activity 4: Entering Data
1. Enter a title in cell A1.
(a) Click cell A1.
(c) Press Enter key.

Cell A1

ICTL for Secondary School programme - Spreadsheet Module

2. Enter a text in cell A2, JALAN LOMBONG, KOTA TINGGI

cell A3, JOHOR
Note : Follow step 1

Cell A2
Cell A3

Cell A4

3. Enter text below

In cell
In cell
In cell
In cell
In cell
In cell
In cell
In cell
In cell
In cell
In cell
In cell
In cell

A5, type Customer

A6, type Name:
B6, type Computer Club
D6, type Invoice Number:
E6, type G1085
A8, type Address :
B8, type SMK Bandar Baru
D8, type Date
E8, type 8.9.05
B9, type Jalan Lombong, Kota Tinggi
B10, type Johor
D10, type L/O Number:
E10, type 12345

ICTL for Secondary School programme - Spreadsheet Module


Your screen will be shown below.

5. Continue the next activity to save your workbook.

Activity 5: Save A Workbook
Use the Save or Save As command in File on the bar menu to save the document for the
first time. There are few options to save your document. You can choose either one.
1. Save in My Document
The following examples shows how you can save a new document that you have open in
Activity 1 in Floppy disk. This document will be saving as try.xls in My Document folder.

a. Click File on the bar menu.



ICTL for Secondary School programme - Spreadsheet Module

b. Click Save As, then the Save As dialog box will appear.

(i) Click the Save As drop down

menu to select the directory to
save your document.

c. The document will be save as try.xls file in My Documents folder

(ii) Type file

name (try.xls)


ICTL for Secondary School programme - Spreadsheet Module

2. Save in Floppy Disk

The following examples shows how you can save a new document that you have open in
Activity 1 in Floppy disk. This document will be save as try.xls
a. Click File on the bar menu.



b. Click Save As, then the Save As dialog box will appear.

(i) Click the Save As

drop down menu to
select the directory to
save your document.

(ii) Double click Floppy

A: as shown in Figure B.


ICTL for Secondary School programme - Spreadsheet Module

c. The document will be save as try.xls file in Floppy A drive

(iii) Folder name

(iv) Type file name

(try.xls) here

Notes: Make sure you have inserted a diskette in a Floppy A drive before you save, otherwise
your computer cannot detect the drive.
Activity 6:

Close A Workbook

After the document saved, you can follow the next step to close it from your computer screen.
1. Click File on the menu toolbar.
2. Click Close to close the current workbook.
3. The following dialog box will be displayed if the workbook is not save.

Click Yes to close and save the document. Click No if you do not want to save your document.


ICTL for Secondary School programme - Spreadsheet Module

2. Open An Existing Workbook

To edit the existing workbook, you need to open the document. The example below shows how
to open try.xls from My Document folder.
a. Click File on the bar menu.
b. Click Open from the dialog box below.

i) Click the Open drop down

menu to select the location
to open your document.

(ii) Double click your

selected folder as
shown in Figure B.

Follow the steps in figures below to open file try.xls

(iii) Click Try.xls

(iv) Click Open.


ICTL for Secondary School programme - Spreadsheet Module

Activity 5:

Inserting and Deleting data

1. Enter the text below

In cell A12, type number
In cell B12, type TOTL
In cell C12, type Item
In cell D12, type Qty
In cell E12, type cost
In cell F12, type total
2. Your worksheet will appear as following

3. To change the content of cell A12, use the steps below.


Click the A12 cell, the content of the cell will appear in the formula bar

Formula bar

Cell A12


Click inside the formula bar, and change the content to No.

ICTL for Secondary School programme - Spreadsheet Module

4. To edit the content of cell B12, use the steps below.


Double Click cell B12, and notice that the cursor will blinking inside the cell
instead of on the formula bar.

Cell B12


Edit the cell content, move the cursor before letter L, then insert letter A.


Click Enter, the new cell content for B12 is TOTAL as below.

5. Use either step 3 or step 4 to change the following cell content :

In cell C12, change Item to ITEM
In cell D12, change Qty to Quantity
In cell E12, change cost to Cost
In cell F12, change total to Total


ICTL for Secondary School programme - Spreadsheet Module

6. Your worksheet will be shown as below.


ICTL for Secondary School programme - Spreadsheet Module

Activity 6 : Copy, Paste and Delete Data

1. Use the same worksheet to do this activities . You can cut and paste the data to another
2. Highlight the cell A12 to F12

3. Click icon Copy

in Standard Toolbar.


ICTL for Secondary School programme - Spreadsheet Module

4. Move cursor to cell A13 and Click icon Paste

row A13 to F13.

. The highlighted cell will be copied in

5. Highlight cell A13 to F13 and press delete on the keyboard. The cell content from A12 to
F12 will be deleted.

6. Save the workbook.

Activity 7:

Exit Application

1. Click File on the menu bar.

2. Click Exit to exit Microsoft Excel
3. You can also Exit the application using icon


in the Title Bar.

ICTL for Secondary School programme - Spreadsheet Module

Activity 8:

Cut and Paste Data

1. You can use Cut and Paste to transfer your data from one cell to another cell. Base on figure
below you can see the example how the data from row 13 (cell A13 until F13) transfer to
another cell 14 (cell A14 until F14)

Highlight the location you want to cut (cell A13 until F13)


Click right mouse button to display the menu, then click Cut.


ICTL for Secondary School programme - Spreadsheet Module



Notice that the selected cells will change to blinking line.


Place the cursor in Cell A14, Click right mouse button to display the menu,
then click paste. The content of Cells A13 to F13 will be deleted and copied
into Cells A14 to F14.

Save and exit the application.

Copy and Paste operation is similar with Cut and Paste operation. But the different between the
two operations is Copy and Paste operation is not delete the original data. The differences
between Cut and Paste with Copy and Paste:

Cut and Paste the highlighted data will be deleted from sentence when Cut was
ii. Copy and Paste - the highlighted data will not be deleted from sentence when Copy was


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