Refugee Camps

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Refugee Camps – All 

need to know
What are Refugee
• What is Refugee camp?

• Refugee camps are temporary facilities built

to provide immediate protection and
assistance to people who have been forced to
flee their homes due to war, persecution or
violence. While camps are not established to
provide permanent solutions, they offer a safe
haven for refugees and meet their most basic
needs such as food, water, shelter, medical
treatment and other basic services during

This Photo by Unknown author is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND.

How do Refugee
Camps work?
• Refugee camps accommodate
people who have crossed
international borders seeking
safe haven. The initial services
provided during an emergency
include water, food, shelter,
emergency relief items - such as
blankets, sleeping mats,
mosquito nets, clothing and
personal hygiene kits -,
healthcare, registration services
and legal aid. 

This Photo by Unknown author is licensed under CC BY-SA-NC.

How many people
live in Refugee
• Approximately 22 percent of the world’s
refugee population live in refugee camps –
an estimated 6.6 million people. Among
them, 4.5 million reside in planned and
managed camps and approximately 2
million are sheltered in self-settled camps
• The Kutupalong refugee settlement,
located in the Cox’s Bazar region of
Bangladesh, is currently the world’s
largest refugee camp. The settlement
includes approximately 26 camps that host
more than 700,000 Rohingya
Refugees who fled violence in Myanmar’s
Rakhine State -more than half of whom
are children.
Facts about refugee
• Fifty Five percent of refugees come from Afghanistan, South Sudan and

• More than half of the people seeking asylum in refugee camps are children.

• On average, refugees remain in refugee camps for more than 12 years. Their
temporary solution often has to become more permanent.

• At the end of 2018, the country hosting the most refugees was Turkey –
home to almost 3.7 million refugees. Other significant host countries for
refugees were Pakistan (1.4 million), Uganda (1.2 million) and Sudan (1.1

• While the vast majority of refugees live in urban areas, many seek safety in
camps while they find a solution to their displacement.
• Refugee camps are temporary facilities built to
provide immediate protection and assistance to
people who have been forced to flee their homes
due to war or violence.

• The UNHCR - United Nations High

Commissioner for Refugees - plays a big role in
providing international support and protection for

• Becoming a donor is the best way to help us

ensure families in refugee camps have access to
immediate aid, including critical supplies and
programs to help them rebuild their lives. Your
generosity can keep their hope alive during these
unprecedented times. 
Thank you!

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