2 - Chapter 2 Vector

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General Physics with Calculus 1

Chapter 2

• 2.1 Scalars and Vectors

• 2.2 Coordinate Systems and Components of a Vector
• 2.3 Algebra of Vectors
• 2.4 Products of Vectors
Scalars and Vectors

Vector, as initial (tail) and end point (head). This method is named as tail-head

What is Displacement?

A displacement is one example of

The movement(s) A to B has a
direction that represents by an arrow
Relation Between Two Vectors
a) because
b) because not parallel and
c) , different direction event
d) , parallel and have identical
e) , different direction, not
parallel, but has
Algebra of Vector in One Dimension

Displacement vectors for a fishing trip. (a) Stopping to rest at point C while walking from camp
(point A) to the pond (point B). (b) Going back for the dropped tackle box (point D). (c) Finishing up
at the fishing pond.
Vector Characteristics

𝑨+ ⃗
𝑩+ ⃗

𝑨+ ⃗
𝑩) + ⃗
𝑪 =⃗
𝑨+( ⃗
𝑩 +⃗
𝜶𝟏 ⃗
𝑨+ 𝜶𝟐 ⃗
𝑨=( 𝜶𝟏 + 𝜶 𝟐) ⃗
Vector Characteristics

b) addition
c) substraction
Example 1: Algebra of Vector in One
Example 1: Algebra of Vector in One
A Ladybug Walker case
A long measuring stick rests against a wall in a physics laboratory with its
200-cm end at the floor. A ladybug lands on the 100-cm mark and crawls
randomly along the stick. It first walks 15 cm toward the floor, then it
walks 56 cm toward the wall, then it walks 3 cm toward the floor again.
Then, after a brief stop, it continues for 25 cm toward the floor and then,
again, it crawls up 19 cm toward the wall before coming to a complete
rest (Figure 2.8). Find the vector of its total displacement and its final
resting position on the stick.
Example 1: Algebra of Vector in One
A Ladybug Walker case

The displacement is
Example 1: Algebra of Vector in One
The resultant of all the displacement vectors is

The final position is (100 – 32) = 68 –cm mark

Algebra of Vector in Two Dimensions

In navigation, the laws of geometry are used to draw resultant displacements on

nautical maps.
Algebra of Vector in Two Dimensions

Two vectors in geometric construction follows parallelogram rule

(a) Vector with mutual direction (parallel) will form a resultant or vector sum

(b) Vector difference will form a vector substraction

Example 2: Displacement

𝑦 ⃗𝐶
You walk 3.00 km following
vector A, and 4.00 km following
⃗𝐴 vector B. Determine the resultant
of displacement!
Example 2: Displacement
𝑦 ⃗𝐶 Let’s follow the equation of
parallelogram of resultant


𝑧 However, the magnitude of the vector
follows Pythagorean theorem which is
5.00 km
Coordinate Systems and Components of a

Vector is a sum of vector and

Coordinate Systems and Components of a
the component form of a vector:
Example 4: Coordinate Systems and
Components of a Vector
Displacement of a Mouse Pointer
A mouse pointer on the display monitor of a computer at its initial position is at point (6.0 cm, 1.6 cm)
with respect to the lower left-side corner. If you move the pointer to an icon located at point (2.0 cm,
4.5 cm), what is the displacement vector of the pointer?
We identify , , ,

The vector component of the displacement

Coordinate Systems and Components of a
Coordinate Systems and Components of a

For vector , its magnitude and its direction angle are related to the magnitudes of its
scalar components because , , and form a right triangle.
Coordinate Systems and Components of a
Coordinate Systems and Components of a
Example 5: Coordinate Systems and
Components of a Vector
Find the magnitude of and direction of
Example 5: Coordinate Systems and
Components of a Vector

The direction

Polar Coordinates
Vector in Three Dimensions
Vector in Three Dimensions

The scalar component of three-

dimensional vector

If we know the specific coordinate

Vector in Three Dimensions

The magnitude expression of

vector A
Example 6: Vector in Three Dimensions
During a takeoff of IAI Heron its
position with respect to a control tower
is 100 m above the ground, 300 m to the
east, and 200 m to the north. One minute
later, its position is 250 m above the
ground, 1200 m to the east, and 2100 m
to the north. What is the drone’s
displacement vector with respect to the
control tower? What is the magnitude of
its displacement vector?
The drone IAI Heron in flight. (credit: SSgt
Reynaldo Ramon, USAF)
Example 6: Vector in Three Dimensions
The components of then, from the question we identify

The displacement

Magnitude of displacement
Example 7: General Rule of Unit Vector
unit vector
= vector direction

If the velocity vector of the military convoy is km/h, what is the unit
vector of its direction of motion?
Example 8: General Rule of Unit Vector
Magnitude of is
Scalar of Product of Two Vectors
The scalar product of two vectors is defined by

⃗ 𝟐 ⃗ ⃗
𝑨 ≡ 𝑨. 𝑨= 𝑨𝑨𝒄𝒐𝒔 𝟎°= 𝑨
Scalar of Product of Two Vectors
Scalar Multiplication is Comutative

And obeys the distributive law

Scalar of Product of Two Vectors
When the vector in is given their vector component forms
Scalar of Product of Two Vectors
We can use the commutative rule, in case the axes give zero degree

In order to Find the angle between two vectors

The degree can be obtained by using inverse cosine

Exercise 5: Scalar of Product of Two
Three dogs are pulling on a stick in different directions. The first dog pulls with force . The second dog pulls
with force , and the third . What is the angle between and ?
Vector Product of Two Product (Cross

The vector product, and is denoted by is referred as cross product

The vector product is a vector that has its direction perpendicular to both vectors .
In other words, vector is perpendicular to the plane
The magnitude of cross vector
Vector Product of Two Product (Cross
The vector product of two vectors is drawn in three-
dimensional space.
(a) The vector product is a vector perpendicular to
the plane that contains vectors and . Small
squares drawn in perspective mark right angles
between and , and between and so that if and
lie on the floor, vector points vertically upward
to the ceiling.
(b)The vector product is a vector antiparallel to
vector .
Vector Product of Two Product (Cross
In vector product there is a rule of anti-commutative which defines by

Vector product follows the distributive rule

Vector Product of Two Product (Cross
When we apply the definition of cross product to unit vectors we can find that

The vector multiplication of magnitude the direction of the multiplication is

identically same to
Vector Product of Two Product (Cross

The illustration of multiplication

identification is shown by these figures
Vector Product of Two Product (Cross
(a)The diagram of the cyclic order of
the unit vectors of the axes.
(b)The only cross products where the
unit vectors appear in the cyclic
order. These products have the
positive sign.
(c)(d) Two examples of cross products
where the unit vectors do not appear
in the cyclic order. These products
have the negative sign.
Vector Product of Two Product (Cross
Vector Product of Two Product (Cross
Vector Product of Two Product (Cross
Exercise 6: Write on Paper
Exercise 7: Write on Paper
• Find the resultant of
• a) ,
• b) ,
• C) ,
• D)
• F)
• G)

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