Jesus came to
establish an eternal
kingdom which is
founded on love
and gives peace,
freedom, and
fullness of life.
Ki Our Father…
Jesus is a king. What kind of king is he?
Ki Before we begin…
‘As for you, my sheep, I will judge between sheep
and sheep, between rams and he-goats’ (Ezek: 34)
Jesus is a good king; he looks over us like
a caring shepherd, making sure that we
are safe and protecting us from harm
unlike other dominant rulers.
T How can you prepare to meet Christ?
‘The Lord is my shepherd, there is
nothing I shall want’ (Ps: 22)
Jesus is a descendant of King David
who was the shepherd boy who
defeated Goliath.
David was also a skilled musician who
wrote many of the psalms including this
one. David had a great love of God and
trusted him deeply.
Jesus invites us to do the same.
Although times can be
difficult and we are given
many challenges to
overcome, Jesus teaches us
that God will give us
everything we need. Christ
our king will protect us from
all spiritual harm.
Jesus takes this
responsibility even further.
He, who is King of the
Universe, is both the ruler
and servant of all.
His crown was not one of
jewels, but of thorns.
He rules in triumph and he
rules from the cross.
Let us pray
Christ be beside me
Christ be before me
Christ be behind me
King of my heart
Christ be within me
Christ be below me
Christ be above me
Never to part.