Benefits of BG
Benefits of BG
Benefits of BG
BG 18.54
dehino ’smin yathā dehe
kaumāraṁ yauvanaṁ jarā
tathā dehāntara-prāptir
dhīras tatra na muhyati
arjuna uvāca
sthita-prajñasya kā bhāṣā
samādhi-sthasya keśava
sthita-dhīḥ kiṁ prabhāṣeta
kim āsīta vrajeta kim
Kṛṣṇa says that one will become sthita-prajña, i.e., one will remain
undisturbed in any condition by reading BG. Prajña means
consciousness and sthita means stable. There is a difference
between dhīra and sthita-prajña. A dhīra is detached from the body
and mind and is free of kāma-vāsana. A sthita-prajña is
undisturbed is unaffected by any situation in this world. He is not
disturbed by any problem in his life. He is almost dead from the
world’s perspective.
brāhmaṇe gavi hastini
śuni caiva śva-pāke ca
paṇḍitāḥ sama-darśinah
By reading BG or following its injunctions, one will become a paṇdita. Paṇdita
has all good qualities, including vinaya or humility, the queen of all good
qualities. If one cultivates humility, all other good qualities will manifest
naturally. One also develops vidyā, or the wisdom of life. Vidyā also means
experience or anubhava that one is not the body but ātmā and develops
śraddhā in the laws of karma, among others. One will also see every living
entity with an equal vision as part and parcel of Bhagavān. He will not
discriminate between a good and a bad person and a sinful and pious person.
A paṇdita sees that everyone is part and parcel of Bhagavān and tries to bring
everyone back to Bhagavān.
janma karma ca me divyam
evaṁ yo vetti tattvataḥ
tyaktvā dehaṁ punar janma
naiti mām eti so ’rjuna