Releasing Life by Stephen Powell

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RELEASING LIFE by Stephen Powell

A Book Report
By Alyssa Cabrera

Releasing Life is a book that teaches Buddhists as well as other

people the what, why, and how for a sentient being to be released from the
samsaric cycle of life. On the first chapter or part of the book, the author
discussed the cause which is the karma. Karma, as defined, is a major factor
that could define on how our future course will be. All the thoughts, words,
and deeds in the present will affect and influence what our future will be thus
the result is karma. However, they could bear fruit at different time; maybe
in the near future in this life or maybe later in our next life. A common
misunderstanding though is confusing predestined fate with karma. The
difference though is that in karma there is free will while on the other hand,
theres not.

The second part discussed is the motivation. According to Buddha, the

root of suffering is ignorance which forms the ego. If theres I or ego, we
create a fortress within us that isolate us from others thus making it difficult
for meaningful relationships to develop. In order to destroy this fortress, we
then should then counter this with compassion which is the antithesis of
ignorance. By being compassionate, we surrender ourselves and focus on the
welfare of others which enables us to connect with others and our
environment. However, compassion should be partnered with wisdom. With

wisdom, we will not close-mindedly label others as bad or wrong. With

wisdom, we will be able to understand that they are not absolutely bad but is
a product of his environment, education and karmic traits.
By understanding then compassion and wisdom, a Buddhist then will
achieve the mind of bodhichitta and become a Bodhisattva. In order to
become one, one must have the foundation or heart to alleviate others from
suffering. One should also take refuge and vow their commitment to the
welfare of all sentient beings. Once these are all taken, then they can set off
to their journey.

The greatest means to practice the Bodhisattva spirit is by saving life.

Releasing life or saving life is the practice of saving sentient beings from
imminent death. This is solely not just applicable to humans but also to
animals. Since sentient beings are reborn according to their karma, weve all
transmigrated through various animals realms. Thus, by saving life of an
animal, we are also saving life of our past mother, father, or sibling.
However, there are debates regarding being a vegan and not eating meat.
But it was stated that the intention of eating meat, is to eat, not to kill. But
by not eating meat, we help by not contributing to it.

The last chapter of the book discusses the method of releasing life. The
opportunity to save life could be at any time or place. In order to respond, it
requires compassion in which the goal is to protect sentient being and

prolong their lives. However, by extending life, it doesnt automatically

promote happiness. We should then create conditions that would result in
liberation from samsara. Another goal is also gaining enlightenment in order
to help sentient beings in a profound level. The goal then is mutually
beneficial for both the practitioner and sentient being.

After reading the book, I gain more depth and insight about karma and
compassion and how I could help sentient beings. Also the good thing about
this book is that the author included not just the perspective of a Buddhist
but also those of who questions some the contradicting teachings of the
Buddha. Its good that the author answered and cleared those questions.
Moreover, after reading the book, Ive realized that practicing Buddhism is
doable since the book is written just in 2004, the content is much near to the
present reality or much modern. Plus, its good that Stephen Powell included
on how to save not just humans but also animals, since I have this thinking
that Buddhism is practiced only with humans since thats what commonly
taught. And since I have a soft heart on animals, its really good that the
author included animals. But I dont think that would stop me from eating
meat but Ill do refrain.

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