IOT Based Smart Energy Theft Detection: Guided by

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IOT Based Smart Energy

Theft Detection
Team Members:
 Akshat Gohil
 Ankita Biswas
Guided by:  Monish Roy
 Priyanshu Vikram
Sumanta Karmakar  Shambhavi Raj
 Tarun Ball
Energy crisis is one of the major problems
that the world faces today. The energy crisis
can be reduced to a certain extent by
properly monitoring our energy
consumption and avoiding energy wastage.
Nowadays people face many problems like
power theft. Power theft may be a measure
crime and it also directly affects the
economy of our country. This system will
find energy theft easily. 

Objective of the Work
The proposed system will allow us to know the status of the smart
energy meter and hence help in controlling electricity theft to large
extent by deploying conducting wire with the seal on the circuit box
of the energy meter. This project successfully depicts that the smart
energy meter along with the wire integrating technology which will
eventually help in monitoring power usage and detects power theft
via wireless sensors in an efficient way.

The most common problem in our country is electrical power theft.
Population in India is very high and the electrical theft is also increasing
day by day. Every year, the country is facing number of domestic
electricity thefts and power thefts in industrial supply, that results in loss
of distributed power to the supplier. Because of power theft, the country
is facing continuous problems like power cut both in urban and rural
sectors. It is estimated that India’s power sector loss is around $16.2b
every year due to theft alone. This project helps to minimise and avoid
problems currently faced by the whole country.


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 Energy Meter  Resistors
 Current Sensor  Capacitors
 GSM Module  Transistors
 Atmega Microcontroller  Cables and Connectors
 WiFi Module  Diodes
 LCD Display  PCB and Breadboards

 Transformers
 Adapter
 Push Buttons
 Switch
 IC
 IC Sockets
ENERGY METER: An energy meter is an electrical device that measures the
electrical power being consumed and this allows the energy consumed over time
(by a residential building, a business, or an electrically powered device) to be
CURRENT SENSOR: Current sensors, also commonly referred to as current
transformers or CTs, are devices that measure the current running through a
wire by using the magnetic field to detect the current and generate a proportional
output. They are used with both AC and DC current.
GSM MODULE: A customized Global System for Mobile Application (GSM) module
is designed for wireless radiation monitoring through Short Messaging Service
(SMS). This module is able to receive serial data from radiation monitoring
devices such as survey meter or area monitor and transmit the data as text SMS to
a host server.
ATmega: An ATmega microcontroller is an 8 bit microcontroller with
Reduced Instruction Set (RISC) based Harvard Architecture.
WIFI MODULE: WiFi modules (wireless fidelity) also known as WLAN
modules (wireless local area network) are electronic components used in
many products to achieve a wireless connection to the internet.
DIODE: Diode is an electronic device with two transmitting terminals
that allows electric current to flow in one direction while blocking current
in the opposite direction. 
TRANSFORMER: A transformer is a device that transfers electric energy
from one alternating-current circuit to one or more other circuits, either
increasing (stepping up) or reducing (stepping down) the voltage.
SWITCH: A switch is an electrical component that can disconnect or
connect the conducting path in an electrical circuit, interrupting the electric
current or diverting it from one conductor to another.
IC SOCKETS: IC sockets (integrated circuit sockets) act as static
connectors between integrated circuits (ICs) and printed circuit boards
PCB: A printed circuit board (PCB) is the board base for physically
supporting and wiring the surface-mounted and socketed components in
most electronics.

Project Work Description:
This IOT electricity meter is consisting of Atmega 328 microcontroller with a WIFI module for IOT
connection and GSM module for mobile connection, on which users will receive information via SMS.
This smart electricity meter also consists of a current sensor that sends the current reading to the
We have to connect cell phones with the system via SMS which will help to configure with the system.
In case of an emergency, the information will be shared on the configured number. We have to set costs
for the unit and for which we have four buttons.
With the help of buttons, we can set costs for the unit. As we start the system, it shows reading on the
IOT screen. Reading will be changed with respect to time. In the case of energy theft, the theft will be
caught and displayed on the IOT screen. Even the information will be received through SMS on the
configured number. After receiving the alert, the operator can switch off the system using IOT to avoid
theft. It also shares turn off the message of the system on the cell phone.


Energy Meter Capacitors Transformers/

Current Sensor Transistors Adaptor
GSM Module Cables and Connectors Push Buttons
Atmega Microcontroller Diodes Switch
WIFI Module PCB and Breadboards IC
LCD Display LED
IC Sockets

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 [7]

In this project we reduce human participation in energy conservation. Electrical theft increases
customer costs. This program is therefore used to detect theft. In this project, an Iot based
Smart Energy meter Monitoring with Theft detection is proposed which would increase
awareness of energy consumption amongst devices and users. In the case of energy theft, the
theft will be caught and displayed on the Mobile. Even the information will be received through
the configured mobile number .After receiving the alert, the operator can switch off the system
using IOT platform to avoid theft. It also shares turn off the message of the system on the cell
phone.This system will find the energy theft easily and avoiding energy wastage. Thus, using
such smart energy meters in home management system is very important.
The project achieves the objectives of is
>>Improving awareness of energy consumption at domestic level.
>>Monitoring and controlling energy consumption at home through IoT.
>>Power theft detection 15


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