Smart Real Time Health Monitoring System Using Arduino
Smart Real Time Health Monitoring System Using Arduino
Smart Real Time Health Monitoring System Using Arduino
Smart real time health monitoring system using Arduino and Raspberry
Pronami Bora, P. Kanakaraja ⇑, B. Chiranjeevi, M. Jyothi Sri Sai, A. Jeswanth
Electronics and Communication Engineering, Koneru Lakshmaiah Education Foundation, Vaddeswaram, AP 522502, India
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: The common problem we face these days is the lack of accurate health care for the elderly. There are
Received 16 January 2021 many home-based health care monitoring systems but they are limited due to various setbacks. This
Received in revised form 30 January 2021 work proposes a design of a health care monitoring system by using Arduino and Raspberry PI, to monitor
Accepted 9 February 2021
the parameters i.e., heartbeat, body temperature, heart rhythm, and electrical activity. GPS module is
Available online xxxx
used for tracking the location and camera for capturing live feed and an alert notification system that will
notify the hospital and family if the values are abnormal and we can also check the real-time data in an
app or a website that is incorporated into this module.
Internet of Things (IoT)
Health monitoring system
Ó 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
ECG Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the International Confer-
GPS module ence on Materials, Manufacturing and Mechanical Engineering for Sustainable Developments-2020.
Heart beat
2214-7853/Ó 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the International Conference on Materials, Manufacturing and Mechanical Engineering for
Sustainable Developments-2020.
Please cite this article as: P. Bora, P. Kanakaraja, B. Chiranjeevi et al., Smart real time health monitoring system using Arduino and Raspberry Pi, Materials
Today: Proceedings,
P. Bora, P. Kanakaraja, B. Chiranjeevi et al. Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx
precision, at temperatures of up to 2300 °F (1260 °C), the K type tively [13]. It has the potential to work even in extreme environ-
thermocouple is commonly used [12]. mental conditions, making it a standout over other temperature
Accuracy: The standard K-type thermocouple is ± 2.2C% transduction devices in different atmospheres [14]. A K type ther-
or ± 0.75%, with a particular cap error: ±1.1C or 0.4 percent respec- mocouple can be connected to a voltmeter for easy data collection.
P. Bora, P. Kanakaraja, B. Chiranjeevi et al. Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx
Fig. 5. GPS coordinates of the patient along with temperature readings and pulse rate readings.
The temperature differential of the site’s skin would also influence and output devices to the device is the Raspberry Pi. The ECG sen-
the outcome of the test to a certain degree. sor is specifically used to test the single heart controller for calcu-
lating a patient’s Electrocardiogram (ECG) signal by placing the
3.3. Heart rhythm and electrical activity (ECG) electrodes on the right arm, left arm and right leg of the patient
Heart Rhythm and Electrical activity are done in the ECG mod- The GPS receiver module receives GPS satellite information sig-
ule. By tracking the cardiac rate – the number of times the heart nal and measures satellite distance. It is done by measuring the
beats every minute – the heart’s electrical circuit determines the time taken to bring the signal from the satellite to the sensor.
pulse duration [15]. Heart rhythm, which is the four heart cham- The pulse sensor is used for calculating an individual’s pulse. The
bers’ synchronized pumping activity. To analyze various heart Thermocouple Sensor for calculating the patient body temperature.
problems, Electrocardiogram records the heart’s electric pulse All of this data is collected by the Arduino Uno which is then
[16]. To record one’s heart electric impulses, that beats the heart, sent towards Raspberry Pi. The pi then transmits the received
electrodes are mounted on your chest. On a screen display that is Arduino Uno information to any required website from which
connected, the signals are seen as waves or values. To detect every the patients, family members, and the doctors can monitor the
heartbeat, an ECG sensor with disposable electrodes is connected patient.
directly to the chest [17]. The ECG sensor electrodes can help to The continuously monitored patient data is processed in an IoT
transform the heartbeat to an electric signal. ECG Sensors are very cloud and the Raspberry Pi database. The heart rate is less than
lightweight, slim and measure continuous heartbeat accurately 60 bpm or higher than 100 bpm. The temperature of the body is
and offer the heartbeat data rate. ECG sensor electrodes have three less than 36 °C or 38 °C, a note from SMS is sent an individual
pins and are connected by a 30-inch-long cable [18]. This is to who may be a nurse, a physician or a relative. In the case of an
make it simple to attach the ECG sensor to the controller and posi- emergency, the patient will also have a chance to hit the push
tion it on the waist or pocket. Moreover, a male sound connector is switch when you feel uneasy and, the device sends an SMS
the cable connector that allows to detach or plug the cable into the warning.
amplifier board [19]. The sensor is connected to the pulse of the
arm and the pulse of the leg. There are methods of assembling
5. Conclusion and future work
all the sensor electrodes in the body. Although the flow of electric-
ity is actually very small, ECG electrodes attached to the skin can
Based on the research of various technologies and current usage
be obtained reliably [20].
of home care devices, the article suggests a new solution to use the
wearables of a smart health monitoring system for the elderly. This
4. System illustration system primarily measures the temperature, heartbeat, heart
rhythm, and electrical activity signals using Arduino and Raspberry
This portion shows the operation of all elements of the service pi. The main focus is to collect the data accurately and to be able to
user control system as a whole. Key system that connects input forward it to health care providers. We also demonstrated how to
P. Bora, P. Kanakaraja, B. Chiranjeevi et al. Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx
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