Signs and Symbols in Urban Planning
Signs and Symbols in Urban Planning
Signs and Symbols in Urban Planning
Signs and
Symbols in
Urban land
use map
color codes
Signs and symbols
These signs are blue in colour. They give a positive instruction. In other words
they tell you what to do rather than what not to do.
Mandatory signs:
Pedestrians are not allowed on the road, but may use a footpath instead.
Prohibitory signs:
No Right, Left, or U-Turn
Either for all vehicles or
with some exceptions
(emergency vehicles, buses).
These are usually to speed up
traffic through an intersection or
due to street cars or other right No U-Turn
of ways or if the intersecting No Right Turn
Used to indicate a
maximum speed limit. The
indicated limit is in mph in
Speed Limit
the USA and the UK, and in
km/h in all other countries.
No Horns
Sounding your horn is not allowed for vehicles in some areas, most
commonly in school zones, villages, or near hospitals or churches.
Prohibitory signs:
No Parking
Amongst one of the most familiar signs, this sign is used where parking
is prohibited. Usually shown as a red diagonal bar inside a blue circle with a
red ring in Europe and parts of Asia, and a 'P' in a red circle with a cross
through in North and South America, elsewhere in Asia, Australia, Africa and
Prohibitory signs:
No Stopping
This sign is used where parking and stopping is prohibited. Usually
shown as a red cross inside a blue circle with a red ring in Europe and parts
of Asia, and a 'E' in a red circle with a X through in South America.
Prohibitory signs:
The signs mark school zones (in which lower speed limits may be in
place), student crossings, crossing guards or signals ahead.
Traffic Signal Congestion Sign Crossroad Sign Y-Junction Sign Traffic Circle Sign
Ahead Sign