Child Protection Policy INSET

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Child Protection Policy

Department of Education
DepEd Order no. 40 series of 2012

Teacher I
Emotional Abuse Physical abuse
The Department of
Education Policy on
Child Protection
Under DEPEd Order no. 40 s. 2012
Art. XV. Sec. 3 (b). 1987
Philippines Constitution Article XIV, Section 3,(b)
• “The state shall defend the • All educational institution
right of children to shall inculcate patriotism
assistance, including proper and nationalism, foster love
care and nutrition, and of humanity respect for
special protection from all human rights..”
forms of neglect, abuse,
cruelty, exploitation and
other conditions prejudicial
to their development.
The Convention on the Rights The Department of Education (DepEd) in
collaboration with its partners and
of the Child (CRC) Stakeholders
• Aims to protect children from all forms of Ensure that all schools are conducive
physical or mental violence,injury, and to the education of children.The best
abuse neglect or negligent
treatment,maltreatment and exploitation
interest of the child shall be the
including sexual abuse,it is also establishes paramount consideration in all
the right of the child to education,and with decisions and actions involving
a view to achieving this right,it obliges the children.
government to take measures to encourage
regular attendance in school and reduce Teachers and learning Facilitator
drop-out is mandated that all especially in learning centers are
appropriate measures be undertaken to
their substitute parents,and
ensure that school discipline is administered
in a manner consistent with the child’s expected to discharge their functions
human dignity. and duties with this in mind.

• The Family code empowers the The Department reiterates a

school,its administrators,and zero tolerance policy for any
teachers, or the individual, act of child
entity or institution engaged abuse,exploitation,violence,di
in child care to exercise the
scrimination, bullying and
special parental authority and
other forms of abuse.
responsibility over the child,
while under their supervision,
instruction or custody.

Child Child Protection

• Refers to any person below Refers to
eighteen (18) years of age or programs,services,procedure
those over but are unable to s,and structures that are
fully take care of themselvesor intended to prevent and
protect themselves from
respond to
DEPED the term also includes
pupils or students who may be scrimination,and violence.
eighteen of age or older but
are in school.
Definition of Terms

Child Abuse Child Exploitation

• Refers to the maltreatment Refers to the use of children
of a child whether habitual for someone elses
or not. advantage.gratification or
profit often resulting in an
unjust, cruel and harmful
treatment of the child.
Violence against Children Committed in

Physical Violence Sexual Violence

• Refers to acts that inflict Refers to acts that are sexual in
bodily or physical nature, it includes, but is not
includes assigning children limited to :rape,sexual
to perform tasks which are harassment, act of
lasciviousness, forcing the child
hazardous to their physical
to watch obscene publications
well- being
and indecent
shows,attempting to cause the
child to engage in any sexual
activity by force.
Violence against Children Committed in

Psychological Violence Corporal Punishment

• Refers to acts or omissions Refers to a kind of punishment or
causing or likely to cause mental penalty imposed for an alleged
or emotional suffering of the or actual offense,which is
child,intimidation,harassment,st carried out or inflicted for the
alking,damage to purpose of discipline,training or
property,public ridicule or control by a teacher,school
humiliation,deduction or threat administrator, an adult or any
of deduction from grade or other child who has given or
merit as a form of punishment has assumed authority or
and repeated verbal abuse. responsibility for punishment.

• Beating Striking of a child’s face or

• Kicking head “NO CONTACT ZONE”
• Hitting Pulling hair
• Slapping
• Lashing
Twisting joint
• With or without the use of
instrument like Cutting or piercing skin
cane,broom,stick,whip or belt

• Dragging Deliberate exposure to fire,ice,

• Pushing or throwing of a child
water, smoke,
sunlight,rain,pepper, alcohol,or
• Forcing a child to perform forcing a child to swallow
physically painful or damaging substances
acts like holding a
weight,kneeling on stones,salt, Tying up a child
pebbles,or other objects
Confinement, imprisonment or
• Deprivation of a child’s physical depriving the liberty of a child
needs as a form of punishment

• Verbal abuse or assaults like Permanent confiscation of

intimidation or threat of bodily
personal property of pupils
harm, swearing or
cursing,ridiculing or denigrating except when such pieces of
the child. property pose a danger to
• Forcing a child to wear a sign, to
the child or to others
undress or disrobe or to put on
anything that will make a child
Other analogous acts
look or feel foolish which humiliates
the child in front of others.
President Aquino signed last Republic Act 10627 or
the “Anti-Bullying Act of 2013” last Sept. 6, Bullying (DepEd Order no. 40
requiring all elementary and secondary schools to
adopt policies to prevent and address bullying in
s. 2012)
their institutions.
Is committed when a student
The law defines bullying as any severe or repeated
use by one or more students of a written, verbal commits an act or a series
or electronic expression, or a physical act or of single acts directed
gesture, or any combination thereof, directed at
another student that has the effect of actually towards another student in
causing or placing the latter in reasonable fear
of physical or emotional harm or damage to his a school setting or a place of
property; creating a hostile environment at learning which results in
school for the other students. The act of bullying
also involves infringing on the rights of other physical and mental abuse,
students at school or materially and
substantially disrupting the education process or harassment, intimidation or
the orderly preparation of a school. humiliation

Threats to inflict a wrong upon Public humiliation, or public and

a person, honor, or property malicious imputation of a crime
or of a vice or defects whether
of the person or on his or her
real or imaginary
Deliberate destruction or damage
Stalking or constantly following to the child’s property
or pursuing a person in his or
her daily activities with Physical Violence committed upon
unwanted and obsessive a student such as
attention mauling,hitting,punching,kicking,
throwing things at the student
Taking of property pinching, spanking.
Cyber- bullying
Demanding or requiring sexual
or monetary favors or Is any conduct defined in the
exacting money or property preceding paragraph as
from a pupil or student resulting in
harassment,intimidation, or
Restraining the liberty and humiliation, through
freedom of a pupil or electronic means or other
student technology such as
messaging,chatting, internet,
social networking websites

Chairperson: School Head

Vice Chairperson: Guidance Counselor
Representative of the teachers as designated by the faculty club
Representative of the parents as designated by the PTA
Representative of the students as designated by the SSG
Representative from the community as designated by the
Punong Barangay
THIS DEPED ORDER no.40 s. 2012

Teachers/School Authorities Students

• There is a procedures in It is the Child Protection
handling child abuse first if Committee to decide in any
that is being reported it will abuses by students to
undergo Fact Finding another. Like suspension or
Investigation. expulsion depending on the
ground of offense.
Note: the identity of a
respondent teacher shall be
kept confidential
In Summary if our school is
ZERO case of child abuse then it
is considered a Child Friendly
and DROP OUT rate is lessen/reduce
Thank You So Much
For listening!!!

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