Child Protection Policy INSET
Child Protection Policy INSET
Child Protection Policy INSET
Department of Education
DepEd Order no. 40 series of 2012
Teacher I
Emotional Abuse Physical abuse
The Department of
Education Policy on
Child Protection
Under DEPEd Order no. 40 s. 2012
Art. XV. Sec. 3 (b). 1987
Philippines Constitution Article XIV, Section 3,(b)
• “The state shall defend the • All educational institution
right of children to shall inculcate patriotism
assistance, including proper and nationalism, foster love
care and nutrition, and of humanity respect for
special protection from all human rights..”
forms of neglect, abuse,
cruelty, exploitation and
other conditions prejudicial
to their development.
The Convention on the Rights The Department of Education (DepEd) in
collaboration with its partners and
of the Child (CRC) Stakeholders
• Aims to protect children from all forms of Ensure that all schools are conducive
physical or mental violence,injury, and to the education of children.The best
abuse neglect or negligent
treatment,maltreatment and exploitation
interest of the child shall be the
including sexual abuse,it is also establishes paramount consideration in all
the right of the child to education,and with decisions and actions involving
a view to achieving this right,it obliges the children.
government to take measures to encourage
regular attendance in school and reduce Teachers and learning Facilitator
drop-out is mandated that all especially in learning centers are
appropriate measures be undertaken to
their substitute parents,and
ensure that school discipline is administered
in a manner consistent with the child’s expected to discharge their functions
human dignity. and duties with this in mind.