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Temenos Web Services

Slide 1
Slide 2
What is a Webservice?

Formal Definition

 A software system designed to support interoperable

Machine to Machine interaction over a network
 The term Web services describes a standardized way
of integrating Web-based applications using XML
based open standards over an Internet protocol
backbone (from
 Services are what you connect together using Web
 Web Services refers to the technologies that allow for
making connections

Slide 3
A simpler Definition

 Web services are not necessarily use by humans.

 Why? They normally do not have a visual interface.

 Web services are a standard way for computers on

the internet to publish access to program functions
that they want to allow other computers to use.
 That is a web service must be invoked like a function
in a computer program.

Slide 4
Service Architecture

Slide 5
Slide 6
What can we do with SOAP?

 Exchange messages
 SOAP is a specification that defines the XML
format for messages
 Defines an XML structure
 to call a method on a remote machine and pass
 To return values
 To return error messages (if any)

Slide 7
What Makes Up SOAP?

 Envelope package
 Header/Body pattern
 Similar to how http works

Slide 8
Simple Example

Slide 9
SOAP Elements

 Envelope (mandatory)
 Top element of the XML document representing
the message
 Header (optional)
 Determines how a recipient of a SOAP message
should process the message
 Adds features to the SOAP message such as
authentication, transaction management, payment,
message routes, Security digest etc...

Slide 10
SOAP Elements

 Body (mandatory)
 Exchanges information intended for the recipient
of the message.
 Typical use is for RPC calls and error reporting.

Slide 11
Important Points

 SOA is a way of software development based on well

defined services
 A service typically exposes a single, discrete
business process
 Services may be implemented using different
 Webservices has made it popular
 Webservice uses XML standards

Slide 12
Slide 13

After completing this learning unit, you will be able to:

 State where TWS fits in the T24 Architecture

 Name the steps involved in publishing a T24 Service
as a webservice
 Identify the various components involved

Slide 14
T24 Functional Architecture

Slide 15
T24 Overview – Technical Architecture

Slide 16
T24 Business Service Definition

 Business Operations are transactions with a defined

function or query. Custom operations can be defined
in T24 in the same way as input screens. This
includes new T24 applications.

Slide 17
T24 Web Services Provision

Slide 18
Web Service Composer

Slide 19
T24 Web Service Composer

Slide 20
Slide 21

At the end of the session, you will be able to:

 Install TWS EE
 Generate web service
 Deploy your application
 Test your web service
 Use strong data type in TWS EE

Slide 22
What is a web service?

Slide 23
TWS – Web Service Communication

Slide 24
Why TWS?

TWS is a tool to expose Service Landscape as web

APIs using JCA connectivity.

 Compliant to industry standard tools and

 Minimum dependent on T24 code and vendor
specific components
 Platform independent
 Ease of deployment

Slide 25
Software requirements for TWS EE

 Eclipse : requires JDK 6 or above

 Ensure that the JAVA HOME environment variable is
 Ensure that JAVA_HOME\bin folder is appended to
PATH variable
 Eclipse Juno with Web Tools Platform (WTP)
 TWS (EE) Eclipse plug-in (TWS-PLUGIN)

Slide 26
T24 setup to support TWS

 Product required:
 WS
 Application to be used:

Slide 27
TWS – Service Definition

Slide 28
TWS – Service Definition

Slide 29

Slide 30
Creating TWS project using Eclipse

Slide 31
Creating TWS project using Eclipse

Slide 32
Creating TWS project using Eclipse

Slide 33
Creating TWS project using Eclipse

Slide 34
Creating TWS project using Eclipse

Slide 35
Creating TWS project using Eclipse

Slide 36
Creating TWS project using Eclipse

Slide 37
Creating TWS project using Eclipse

Slide 38
Exporting the Web Service using Eclipse

Slide 39
Exporting the Web Service using Eclipse

Slide 40
Strong Typed WSDL

Slide 41
Strong Typed WSDL

Slide 42
Deploy the service created

Slide 43
Deploy the service created

Slide 44
Data Type Mapping

 The T24 data types are: String, Currency, Date,

Recurrence, Frequency, Password, Amount,
BlockText and imUpload
 The Java types that are getting mapped with the
fields in XSD as:
 String — for T24 types string like Currency,
BlockText, imUpload, Recurrence, Frequency,
Password a
 Date - for T24 type Date
 Decimal - for T24 type Amount

Slide 45
Mapping with specific data type

This is an example to show that the date is passed as

string data in the earlier TWS Java version.

Slide 46
Mapping with specific data type

With the new TWS java version, the data type of the
field is read from the SS and the schema are mapped to
the specific data type as shown below:

This ensures that only the valid data can be passed

through the web service.

Slide 47
Mapping with specific data type

You know that the CURRENCY field holds data of three

character length. Earlier it was allowed to enter any
three characters input for the CURRENCY field. But the
new TWS java applies restrictions and hence the web
service will accept only three alphabets as an input.

Slide 48
Accessing the Service

Start the application server (Run the run.bat in your jboss)

Test whether the web services are successfully deployed by browsing to
the following URL:
http://<host>:<http port>/<TWS Project name>/services E.g.

Slide 49
Testing Web Service with soap UI

Create a new project in soap Ul and load the ‘wsdl’ link which was created
under jBoss

Slide 50
Testing Web Service with soap UI

Create a new project in soap Ul and load the ‘wsdl’ link which was created
under jBoss

Slide 51
Testing Web Service with soap UI

Create a new project in soap Ul and load the ‘wsdl’ link which was created
under jBoss

Slide 52
Testing the Web Service using soap UI tool

Slide 53
Testing the Web Service using soap UI tool

Slide 54
Testing the Web Service using soap UI tool

Slide 55
Sample FT

Slide 56
Sample Currency Enquiry

Slide 57
Slide 58
TWS and Overrides

Slide 59
GTS control values

Slide 60
Take a look into some of the Account Records

Slide 61
Do a FT transaction using TWS project

Slide 62
Same FT record in T24

Slide 63
TWS and Overrides

Slide 64
Slide 65
Arrangement Architecture — Quick Overview

 T24 Arrangement Architecture (AA) is a

comprehensive, component based product definition
and servicing framework.
 The foundation of the T24 Arrangement Architecture
(AA) is the Product Builder which enables the design,
proofing, and publishing of products and services to
the Product Catalogue.
 The published Products are used to create and
control the individual customer Arrangements which
are serviced by T24.
 Servicing of T24 Arrangements is accomplished
through Arrangement Activities.

Slide 66
Arrangement Architecture — Quick Overview

 Unlike most other T24 applications, an Arrangement

Activity is first explicitly selected and any necessary
input is restricted to the appropriate attributes.
 Each Activity is comprised of one or more Actions
which are the specific units of processing performed
by a Property Class

Slide 67
AA Terms

Product: A Product is a saleable unit made up of

properties and conditions.
For example: PERSONAL.LOAN.
 Property is an instance of product class that
contains attributes and activity. Ex: ACCOUNT.
 Conditions define default values and negotiable
 In an arrangement, negotiable properties can take
input from the users while others will have conditions
in default.
 Activity is a Business function which is triggered by
a user, the close of business, or another T24
application like Funds Transfer or Teller. Ex:
Slide 68
How to launch an Arrangement Activity in T24

 Launch a new Arrangement Activity.

 Based on the product selected, key in the values like
Customer number, currency or effective date to
validate the eligibility of the Customer for the product.
 PRODUCT and ACTIVITY get populated
 When the validation is successful, T24 will
automatically load the various properties of the
 Key in the negotiable values.
 Submit the arrangement for authorisation.
 You can also create an arrangement activity using
specify the PRODUCT and ACTIVITY manually.

Slide 69
How To Expose AA as TWS Web Service

 Create a version for AA.ARRANGEMENT.ACTIVITY.

holds the arrangement activities.
 While creating the version, auto populate ACTIVITY
 Why ? — Failing to supply this information will
result in an error when creating web services.
 Create PW.ACTIVITY and EB.SERVICE record as

Slide 70
TWS and AA

 PRODUCT and ACTIVITY fields are auto populated

in the VERSION record.
 Once the version is created, PW.ACTIVITY and
EB.SERVICE records has to be created as usual.
 Create the TWS project.

Slide 71

Slide 72
Test the TWS project

Slide 73
AA Record

Slide 74
Thank You

Slide 75

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