Fields and Meaning For All Applications

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table is used to define occupation related information. This information helps to define and
identify the activity or business that the Customer is involved in.
table is used to define status related information like Large Corporate, Private Standard Client,
Bankrupt, and so on. This helps to identify the current status of the Customer.
Table is used to identify each Department and Account Officer in the Bank. It is used to indicate
the Relationship Manager of the Customer. The Department Account Officer is mandatory for
business dealings and defaults to a Customer record unless indicated with a specific
Department Account Officer. The bank can measure the business and profit contributions
of each Department Account Officer.
table is used to assign codes for marketing strategy, such as High Net worth and Standard. This
is useful for marketing of the bank’s products.
table contains name and important details of countries. This is used to indicate
Nationality as well as Residence of Customers.

• Id
 Unique 
 Maximum 10 digits
• Customer Mnemonic
 Memory aid and hence unique  
 Can be used instead of Customer Id in any T24 application
• Short Name 
 Multi lingual 
 Used for online enrichment
• Language
 Language for correspondence
• Address Details  
 Address details for correspondence 
 Used as the default first print address
 System maintains details in DE.ADDRESS
 Possible to make non mandatory by using CUSTOMER.DEFAULT

The PERSON.ENTITY application is used to record the details of individuals or entities who
are not customers of the Bank.
PERSON.ENTITY allows a user to distinguish between a person or an entity, allowing
different information to be held for each. Banks will have the ability to log the details of
individuals who are not their customers but who a have a relationship with a customer.

range of category codes are allotted for different products in T24.
Category codes ranging 1000 to 9999 have been allotted for Customer type account products.
Within this range, sub ranges have been allotted for different types of accounts such as
Current, Savings and Nostro Accounts. The range of 10000 to 19999 have been allotted
for internal types of accounts

DEPT.ACCT.OFFICER Table is used to define the Department Officers in the Bank.

Every Account is linked to a DEPT.ACCT.OFFICER.Unless input otherwise, the value for the
DEPT.ACCT.OFFICER field will default from the underlying Customer record.

A joint customer can be added to a customer account. When we
specify a joint customer, the relation of the customer should be specified in the
RELATION field.The relation specified here should be a value already defined in the RELATION

Table in T24 is used to define Currencies and their features.

Customer Id


This field records details of another customer as a joint holder of the account. It is possible to
multi value the field and to add more joint account holders.

JOINT.RELATION.CODE field is used to indicate the relation between the account holder
and the joint account holder. The main account holder can be replaced only with a joint

In this field any relevant information including address details of the joint account holder can
be input

Statements generated by T24 for a Nostro account are not meant to be sent out to other banks.
It is produced for internal reconciliationalong with the account statement that is received from
the other bank. These statements are to be sent to the reconciliation department of the bank.
To achieve this, the field RECONCILE.ACCT should be
set to Y.
defines the actual Account Number in the Books of the Correspondent Bank with whom a
Nostro Account relationship exists. Details entered in this field will
be accepted without further validation and are for information purpose only.


Has counterparty Has no counterparty

Interest and charges can be applied Not designed to apply interest/charges

For customer For banks own assets and liabilities

Account number is numeric Acc no is alpha numeric

Ex:curent,savings,contingent,nostro vostro internal


– Fields used for General Information
– Layout of fields to be arranged on the Screen
– Operating Conditions
– Indicates whether more than one record may be shown on the same page or not
– Available values are 1 and MULTI
– Define whether more than one field per line in the version
– Available values are 1 and MULTI
– Defines the language in which various texts in the version to be displayed.
– Used to specify the headings
– Indicate the field name the user wants to define in the version
– For defining remark line use ‘*’ in the FIELD.NO
– Duplication of the field names and numbers not allowed
– ‘*’ value can be duplicated
– Field numbers will be translated to name automatically
– Indicate in which column the field defined is to start
– If it is left blank , the system will calculate the value
– If the value is NO , user will not be able to expand the corresponding multi or sub
value field.
– If the value is NULL , fields can be expanded using ‘>’ symbol
– Total number of characters available for the TEXT field
– Specifies the text, user wants to display for the field defined in FIELD.NO
– Indicate the number of characters reserved for the display of enrichment
– Indicate whether the input portion of the field must be right justified or not.
– Indicate in which line user wants to display the reference number
– Sequence of record ids which required to be automatically accessed when the
version is invoked
– Number of authorizers required for a contract
– Specifies the fields that has to be non imputable or not amendable
– To define a field as fully protected
– Define the fields that has to be rekeyed at the time of authorization
– In conjunction with auto new/old content
– Field content which is to be changed automatically with the new default value as
in auto new content
– Defines the new automatic default value
– To make a field as mandatory
– Specifies the field name to which the validation routine has to be attached
– Name of the user defined sub routine
– Defines the deal slip format to be used by the version
– Specifies the function point at which the deal slip has to be produced
– OL – Generate deal slips at points specified by D.SLIP.FUNCTION
– RQ – Generate using a hot key


The basic fields to fill in for an Enquiry are as follows
1. File Name
This is the main file from which most of the data is to be extracted.
Data can be extracted from each record and presented with data from related files.

2. Fixed Selection
Main selection criteria is specified here. Records are selected by this condition only
To make a field as a mandatory selection field, set REQUIRED.SEL field to ‘Y’. Mandatory
selection fields are highlighted with an '*' in the selection criteria screen.
(For each field we will have REQUIRED.SEL field option to set Y/N)
4. Page Size
- Full View tab.
– This sets the page co-ordinates of the screen.
– As a guide this should be set to 4,19.

5. Field names - Fixed and Variable

- Data Columns tab.
 This is the name you give for the field you are defining in the Enquiry (Variable
 It can be the same name as the field name in the file from which you are
extracting the data, but you can change it if you need to.

6. Operation

 This defines the Enquiry instruction for this field.

 In a simple example it will be a field name from the file you have selected
 However other instructions are also supported.
 A field name will be defaulted into Operation if the Name is a field name on the

7. Column

 This determines the column and optionally the line to display the data.
 If this is not specified the data will not be displayed (used for working fields).
 Columns 0,1 and 2 are used for Drilldown functions (see later) so the first
Column should start at 3.

8. Mask/Length

This defines the output length and mask, for example 10L for 10 characters, left aligned.
 Make sure that the Column co-ordinates and Lengths add up so that fields do not
Whenever an application or batch job is selected, the PGM.FILE table is read to firstly see if the
program or process exists, and secondly to see what its characteristics are. If there is no entry
on the PGM.FILE table then it cannot be executed from within the T24 environment.

It is a core parameter file, anything t24 needs to understand and gets executed from command
line has an entry in pgm.file

1. Type : Describes the type of template

2. Screen Title: can be a application name
4. Product: EB

1. Batch Environment
Defines the environment to run the process in, i.e foreground or

A foreground process will be run directly on the users terminal. In this case, the
user will not be able to do any other activity on the terminal since the service is
running on the terminal.
A background process will run as a phantom task ie., the process will be
disconnected from the users terminal and will be executing in the
background. So the users terminal is free to perform other activities.

2. Job Name

Contains the name of the routine to be executed. All routines defined here will
have an entry in
PGM.FILE with TYPE set to ‘B’

3. Frequency

specifies the frequency at which the batch job has to be executed. It can have
values as follows.

 D specifies that the job will be executed every working day.

 D nn specifies that the job will be executed every nnth working day

 W specifies that the job will be executed on a weekly basis, that is every Friday

 M specifies that the job will be executed on the last working

 day of every month

 M nn specifies that the job will be executed every nn day of the month or
previous working day of each
 month

 Y specifies that the job will be executed last working day of the year

 Y nn specifies that the job will be executed the last wo

 rking day of the nn'th month

 A specifies that the job will be executed on an adhoc basis. You should manually
specify a date on
 which the job has to be executed.

1. Description : Description field holds the text that describes the TSA.SERVICE

2. Server Name : Server Name field holds the IP address or the host name of the
server where this service TSM needs to be executed. There can be only one tSM per
T24 application server. When MS (Multi Server) product is installed, this field can be
multi valued to include the ip of all the servers involved
3. Work Profile : Work Profile field holds the ID of the TSA.WORKLOAD.PROFILE
application which in turn contains the number of agents required to run this
service. For the record TSM, the number of agents should always be 1. This field
forms a multivalue set along with Description and Server Name fields

4. Service Control : It is the field that controls the starting and stopping of this
service. If set to START, We have to then start the service by giving the command
START.TSM either in the TAFJEE servlet or the TAFJ shell prompt. To stop the TSM,
set this field to STOP

5. Review time : maximum time it can report back(ideal time 60 secs)

6. Time out : time given to agent to report to the TSM

This is the application used to specify the number of agents. The number of agents in TSA.WORKLOAD.PROFILE
can be set based on time. Agents can be increased/decreased based on time (T24 application server time)

1. Description :any alphanumeric text

2. Time : Holds specific time
3. Agents Required : These fields are associated multi value set which holds the specific time and
the number of agents required at that point in time.The number of agents that can run on server is
directly proportional to the number of processors available. Just because T24 supports multi threaded
services doesn’t mean you can starta 100 tSA’s in the background.
It will kill the server. The thumb rule to be followed is a maximum or 2 tSA’s per processor available.

Parameter file Has only one record –ID is SYSTEM

1. Review Time : Review Time Is used if the REVIEW.TIME field in the

TSA.SERVICE record in not specified. Default value is 60.
2. Death Watch : Death Watch Is used if the TIME.OUT field in the TSA.SERVICE
record is not specified. Default value is 300
3. Highest Agent :
Transaction Code:
Teller ID:
Debit Credit Marker:

• We can launch application, versions or enquiry from MENU
• Menus can be defined in the table HELPTEXT.MENU
• HELPTEXT.MAIN.MENU is similar to HELPTEXT.MENU but used for main menu creation
• It is possible to attach a Menu item in any other menu
• Drop down Menu and Menu explorer
– Specifies the Item user want to get invoked while selecting the corresponding option
– Specify the name of the application, version or enquiry
– The field specifies the text to displayed
– Multi value field , display based on the language of the user
– Value can be ‘N’ or null
– Allows the user to display/suppress the application name against the menu text.
1. User id and sign.on name : must be different
2. Classification: wether it is internal user/external
3. Language: lang of user
4. Start date profile: is validated against system date
5. End date profile: user will not have access to t24 from this date

Simply the one who handles cash, receives and pays out cash, handles funds transfer between
Teller can handle operations/transactions both in local+foreign currency

Vault- is a place where banks cash is centrally held.

Head teller- vault monitoring and till monitoring,

assigning till to users,
checking of cash during till closure.

- Possible to transfer cash between one teller to another or between vault and tellers.
- If there is no enough cash in the till then an override is generated by t24 showing
insufficient balance, cash can be transferred from vault to till.


1. CURRENCY- used to maintain buying, selling rates for different foreign currencies.
2. FT.COMMISSION.TYPE- used to indicate pre defined commission to be collected for
teller transactions.
3. TELLER.TRANSACTION-used to define all types of transactions for teller application.

TELLER.ID - application used to open a till, assign a user and balance on closing till.
Assigns a 4 digit number called till number.
9999 is reserved for vault.
Unlike till has a status open/close, vault doesn’t have a status …it is blank.
User cannot be assigned to more than one open till at a time.

Local currency transactions

-ID ->unique and sys generated
-cash amt ->amt deposited/withdrawn
-Account ->account in which cash is to deposited



 Maximum exposure the bank is possible to take.

 Limits are used because banks have various risks, so in order to minimize them
 Mostly set for loans and transactions
 If the transaction limit amount is exceeded then t24 generates an override.
 Limit can be attached to customer account/ group of accounts.

Collateral – is just like an asset/property that the lender considers as a security for the loan, in
case if the loan amount is not repayed then lender has right to seize the collateral
It can be building, property, car etc
Mandatory details required for creating limits:
1. ID –inputted by user
2. Currency -currency of limit must be specified.

Details that are input while creating limits:

1. Approval date: date when limit has been approved
2. Expiry date : date when approved limit would expire(default-one year)

1. SECURED LIMITS - A secured limit is guaranteed by an asset(which belongs to
borrower) called collateral, such as a home or a car.
a. Fixed- limit value doesn’t vary w.r.t collateral
b. Variable- value varies w.r.t collateral

2. UNSECURED LIMITS - not guaranteed by any asset, for ex credit card.

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