Transport Planning - Nov 2021

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28th November 2021.


Transport Planning
Module Objectives

It is expected that at the end of the module the participant should be able to:
Consider the responsibility of the transport personnel
Understand the dynamics of transport management
 Look at the factors which affect vehicle selection
Look at the various cost that the operator incur when running the transport
Consider the dynamics of Transport management
Look at the importance of fuel management
Discuss the importance of tyre management
Establish the value of planned maintenance
Definition of Transport Planning

Transport planning means getting the right means of transport for the right
purpose at the right time to the right place in order to achieve organizational
goals (Zim Module).
Planning process include, identifying problems, seeking options and
implementing the chosen strategy.
They are four major steps namely; trip generation, trip distribution, model split,
and route selection but involves mathematical models such as regression analysis
and the critical path analysis.
The success of any business is based on the management’s ability to
manage change, without planning one may find himself or herself out of
If a transport business is to achieve and gain a competitive advantage it
is important to carry out a SWOT analysis.
On strengths of the business the management may realize that the
organization has a skilled manpower and good infrastructure while its
weakness may that it does not have a strong financial base
SWOT analysis

Strength Weakness
Modern fleet  lack of financial resources
Skilled laborers Operational efficiency
Good infrastructure. Communication
Stability of workforce

Opportunities Threats
Expansion 0f operations into regional Competition in the market place
markets Inflation
Vibrant local market Current amount of customers
Strong partnerships
Overview of transportation

 Helps shape an area’s economic health and quality of life.

 Transportation system provide for the mobility of people
and goods,
 also influences patterns of growth and economic activity
by providing access to land.
 The performance of the system affects public policy
concerns like air quality, environmental resource
consumption, social equity, land use, urban growth,
economic development, safety, and security.

Goals and objectives

– There is a great need to consider desirable goals such as:
improving safety and health,
reducing emissions from vehicle, (Japan)
improving equity,
Enhancing economic opportunities,
improving community liability and
promoting mobility.
Goals have to be defined. Goals should consider managing demand rather than
trying to build capacity.
Transportation Planning- Steps

Basically we have 4 steps which need to be followed.

 1) Options
There is need to provide a set of options in the context of a
possible range of goals. Several scenarios may have to be
considered and they have to become important components of the
planning process.
Transport Planning-steps

 2) Identification of actors, institutions and

Transport planning has the potential to influence so many
elements of society, economic wellbeing, environmental
conditions and social integration. Therefore there is need
to identify those affected by the transport problems and
engage them.
Transport Planning –steps cont’

 2) Identification of actors, institutions & stakeholders

 Stakeholders are those parties interested in the decisions made by
an organization.
 Stakeholders can be:
1) Internal – employees and managers
2) External – shareholders, suppliers {creditors], government
departments, financiers [bank], potential customers
Transport Planning-steps

 3) Predicting outcomes, identifying benefits and assessing

costs. Using if scenarios (simulations)
The stage of predicting the outcomes for each of the option is
critical. Demographic social data are used extensive to determine
the movement of traffic. The predicted outcomes should be
considered in terms of costs and benefits.

Transport Planning-steps

 4) Choosing course of Action

Evaluation of the scenarios has to consider the costs and
benefits from the frequently conflicting perspective of the
stakeholders and actors. Ultimately it will be the
politicians who decide but they are swayed by the
strengths of the arguments presented by the transport
professionals and citizen groups.

Summary Of Planning Process

 a) Define your objectives

Know where you want to go; be specific enough that you will
know you have arrived when you get there or how far off the
mark you are at various points along the way
 b) Determine where you stand in terms of your objectives
Evaluate accomplishments versus desired results; analyze
strengths and weaknesses in terms of being able to meet
future objectives.
Summary Of Planning Process cont’

 c) Develop your premises regarding future conditions

Identify and analyze things that may help or hinder
accomplishment of objectives; generate alternate scenarios
of how these factors may develop in future
 d) Create plans for accomplishing objectives
Choose most likely scenario; list and evaluate action
alternatives for accomplishing objectives, select courses of
action to achieve your objectives.
Summary Of Planning Process cont’
 e) Implement action plan and evaluate results
Do what the plan requires and carefully evaluate results to ensure
accomplishment of objectives; follow through by planning and
corrective action as needed

 Transport is a labour – intensive industry with most of the manual
staff employed in movements but also with some large number
engaged in some form of engineering activity and administration.
Proper recruitment and selection of staff members is very
important in this field.

 Discuss
the main challenges of transport
planning and explain how you can
overcome them?

The Dynamics of Transport

Topic objectives

After going through this unit delegates will be able to;

 Outline the role played by transport operators
 Explain the factors which affect choice and the type of vehicle
Role played by transport operators

Transport plays a crucial part by linking the sources of raw materials,

the processing centres and the markets. Linking downstream, main
stream with upstream.
Once the goals have been set there is need to decide upon the goals and
 The next step will be an inventory of existing transport system.
 Information gathering stage: nature of the local transport system. The
aim is to seek information on existing conditions of supply and
demand for transport services. Further there is need to formulate
alternative plans which take into consideration compromises and new
projects which may emerge.
Role played by transport operators
Transport forecasting is the next step which will provide the decision
maker with useful information about the long-term implications of plans,
emphasizing in particular those areas where there are significant
differences in the consequences of the alternative plans.

The cheapest is not always the best but in so many cases, operators have
to give due consideration to the initial cost and therefore price
sometimes becomes the deciding factor.
Factors which affect choice and the
type of vehicle
 Factors which affect choice

 Considerations should be made when choosing vehicles which carry

passengers and those which carry goods.
 The following factors must be considered first by an operator of a
 Load to be carried (light, heavy or bulk)
 Degree of operation i.e annual mileage or distance work
 Replacement policy and authorization
Factors which affect choice and the
type of vehicle
Type of vehicle
Type of body
Design and construction
Mechanical handling equipment

 Describe the main factors that you would consider when planning to buy vehicles for
your organization
 What to consider when buying second hand car?
 Price
 Overall body condition
 Year of manufacture
 Engine capacity
 Fuel type
 Engine type (VVT)
 Mileage
 Engine performance (testing)
 Test drive/
Buying a second hand car

 What to consider when buying second hand car?

 Price
 Overall body condition
 Year of manufacture
 Engine capacity
 Fuel type
 Engine type (VVT)
 Mileage
 Engine performance (testing)
 Test drive/

Operator’s costs
Topic objective

 Explain the vehicle costing system

Vehicle costing system
Cost Centre – An area of the business, a particular unit or a particular activity,
against which costs are charged e.g tankers, container vehicles or general goods
Direct cost – Those cost which are directly attributable to a specific cost centre
e.g driver’s wages to vehicle wages of clerical staff to the office and fitters’ wages
to the workshop.
Indirect costs - Those costs which cannot be directly attributed to a single cost
centre but must be apportioned between several cost centres or even the entire
business e.g management expenses must be apportioned over the whole business.
Vehicle costing system

Fixed costs – These are costs that do not vary according to the level of business
activity e.g salaries, rent, rate to a particular vehicle e.g road licence, insurance
and depreciation.
Variables costs - Cost referred to as running costs in the road transport industry
are those which vary directly with the mileage operated e.g fuel, oil, tyres and
Vehicle Maintenance

Vehicles are maintained for three good reasons:-

A] the statutory requirement that vehicles are kept in good mechanical condition
B] The maintenance requirements implicit in operator licensing,
C) operational economics.
It must be emphasized that daily running checks should be carried out by the driver on
such items as engine oil, tyre pressures etc, but these do not constitute defect inspection.
A defect inspection will cover components such as wheels, tyres, brakes, steering, chassis
and lighting etc which contribute to the safe operation of the vehicle.

Fuel Management
Topic objectives

Explain the importance of fuel management

Outline the various fuel management systems
Fuel Management System.
 Fuel management systems are used to maintain, control,
monitor fuel consumption and stock in any type of industry
that uses transport.
 Fuel management systems are designed effectively to
measure and manage the use of fuel within the transportation
and construction industry. There are various methods and
technologies to monitor fuel inventories, fuel purchases and
fuel dispensed. This information can be stored in
computerized systems and reports generated with data to
inform management practices.
 Some fuel companies offer total fuel management systems
whereby they provide elements of a card based system along
with on site fuel delivery refueling service.


Group Discussion

 Fuel management system are used to maintain, control, monitor fuel

consumption and stock in any type of industry that uses transport.
 Identify 4 fuel management systems used by organizations in our local

As a transport manager, identify and briefly explain the importance of

efficient fuel management in your organisation?
 Allow you to maintain, control and monitor fuel consummation
 Improve data accuracy – your fuel data/movement is maintained in a
solid form
 It assist in lowering fuel cost
 Reduce fraud and abuse
Fuel Management Systems

Class Discussion
Total Zimbabwe Electronic Card
GPS Tracking with fuel management system
Manual control systems – log books


 Discuss the risks of poor fuel management


Tyre Management
Topic objectives

After going through this unit the delegates will be able to;
 Explain tyre inventory
 Describe the aspect involved in tyre removal
 Outline the main aspects of a wheel assembly

This unit will focus on tyre inventory, tyre removal and wheel assembly maintenance
Common tools in a modern tyre bay

 Hydraulic Jacks
 Wheel alignment machine
 Truck wheel balancing machine
 Compressor
 Tyre changer
 Pressure pipes etc
 Torque range
Tyre Storage

 Tyres should be stored without rims

 Extreme humid conditions should be avoided.tyre cage should be 1.5
meters above the ground.
 New tyres should be protected from direct sunlight for it to remain strong.
 Tyres should be protected from any contacts with solvents, oils grease or
 They should be stored in upright positions to prevent distortions or
transfiguration and to make mounting work easier.
 When storing inflated tyres, deflate to 50% of normal pressure. Tyre size
0f 195 R15 with 220 bars to 110

In two Groups
1] Discuss the various issues to be
considered in tyre inventory?

2] Discuss the various issues to be involved

in tyre removal
Removing and fitting tyre

 Before removal, tyre should be deflated.

The aspect involved in tyre removal


There must be a tyre bay which should be used as a tyre repair station. The tyre
bay should be arranged in such a way that there is adequate work space, fittings
and stripping
Some of the tools which should be kept are :
 Compressor
 Inflator gauges for pressure maintenance
 Air pipe around the yard
 Air hoses to reach parked vehicles
 Tyre cage
 Hand pressure gauges for pressure inspection
The aspect involved in tyre removal

Tyre tracking equipment

 There shall be a tyre branding iron

Mounting and dismounting Equipment

 Bead breakers
 Bead setters
 Air impact tool
 Torque wrench

 Tyres shall be listed by brand/serial number when received and

checked against purchase order and delivery receipt. A standard tyre
inventory should be maintained at all times.

Planned Maintenance
Topic objectives
After going through the unit delegates will be able to;
 Discuss the importance of planned maintenance
 Explain the manager’s role in planned maintenance
Group discussions

1) In relation to your organization/ organization of your choice. Outline the

importance of planned maintenance carried out in the company?

2) Discuss the manager’s responsibility in relation to maintenance record and


 is carried out with forethought, with organizational control and proper records.
 Its object is to maintain the vehicle in a high standard of repair and road
worthiness and it should cover the entire mechanical, electrical, pneumatic and
hydraulic equipment of the vehicles.
 The main interest of any operator is to obtain the maximum availability of his
 To give optimum performance and economy and the maintenance programme
must be planned around this requirement
 To be carried out for a specific job which the fitter will be instructed to do.
 Before Undertaking planned maintenance on a given vehicle the fitter should be
given a job card carrying all the information
Transport Planning Module
Assignment question

In relation to your logistics organization/ organization of your choice. Evaluate your

planned maintenance processes for your logistic project/s?
 Marking guide
 Brief introduction of the organization and the industry as well as the
products/product. (5)
 Evaluate your planned maintenance (25)
 Assignment due on 4th Dec 2021.
 Length of assignment should be between 4 to 8 pages
 Font size 12
 Spacing 1.5


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