Transport Planning - Nov 2021
Transport Planning - Nov 2021
Transport Planning - Nov 2021
Transport Planning
Module Objectives
It is expected that at the end of the module the participant should be able to:
Consider the responsibility of the transport personnel
Understand the dynamics of transport management
Look at the factors which affect vehicle selection
Look at the various cost that the operator incur when running the transport
Consider the dynamics of Transport management
Look at the importance of fuel management
Discuss the importance of tyre management
Establish the value of planned maintenance
Definition of Transport Planning
Transport planning means getting the right means of transport for the right
purpose at the right time to the right place in order to achieve organizational
goals (Zim Module).
Planning process include, identifying problems, seeking options and
implementing the chosen strategy.
They are four major steps namely; trip generation, trip distribution, model split,
and route selection but involves mathematical models such as regression analysis
and the critical path analysis.
The success of any business is based on the management’s ability to
manage change, without planning one may find himself or herself out of
If a transport business is to achieve and gain a competitive advantage it
is important to carry out a SWOT analysis.
On strengths of the business the management may realize that the
organization has a skilled manpower and good infrastructure while its
weakness may that it does not have a strong financial base
SWOT analysis
Strength Weakness
Modern fleet lack of financial resources
Skilled laborers Operational efficiency
Good infrastructure. Communication
Stability of workforce
Opportunities Threats
Expansion 0f operations into regional Competition in the market place
markets Inflation
Vibrant local market Current amount of customers
Strong partnerships
Overview of transportation
Transport Planning-steps
Summary Of Planning Process
Transport is a labour – intensive industry with most of the manual
staff employed in movements but also with some large number
engaged in some form of engineering activity and administration.
Proper recruitment and selection of staff members is very
important in this field.
the main challenges of transport
planning and explain how you can
overcome them?
The cheapest is not always the best but in so many cases, operators have
to give due consideration to the initial cost and therefore price
sometimes becomes the deciding factor.
Factors which affect choice and the
type of vehicle
Factors which affect choice
Describe the main factors that you would consider when planning to buy vehicles for
your organization
What to consider when buying second hand car?
Overall body condition
Year of manufacture
Engine capacity
Fuel type
Engine type (VVT)
Engine performance (testing)
Test drive/
Buying a second hand car
Operator’s costs
Topic objective
Fixed costs – These are costs that do not vary according to the level of business
activity e.g salaries, rent, rate to a particular vehicle e.g road licence, insurance
and depreciation.
Variables costs - Cost referred to as running costs in the road transport industry
are those which vary directly with the mileage operated e.g fuel, oil, tyres and
Vehicle Maintenance
Fuel Management
Topic objectives
Class Discussion
Total Zimbabwe Electronic Card
GPS Tracking with fuel management system
Manual control systems – log books
Tyre Management
Topic objectives
After going through this unit the delegates will be able to;
Explain tyre inventory
Describe the aspect involved in tyre removal
Outline the main aspects of a wheel assembly
This unit will focus on tyre inventory, tyre removal and wheel assembly maintenance
Common tools in a modern tyre bay
Hydraulic Jacks
Wheel alignment machine
Truck wheel balancing machine
Tyre changer
Pressure pipes etc
Torque range
Tyre Storage
In two Groups
1] Discuss the various issues to be
considered in tyre inventory?
Planned Maintenance
Topic objectives
After going through the unit delegates will be able to;
Discuss the importance of planned maintenance
Explain the manager’s role in planned maintenance
Group discussions
is carried out with forethought, with organizational control and proper records.
Its object is to maintain the vehicle in a high standard of repair and road
worthiness and it should cover the entire mechanical, electrical, pneumatic and
hydraulic equipment of the vehicles.
The main interest of any operator is to obtain the maximum availability of his
To give optimum performance and economy and the maintenance programme
must be planned around this requirement
To be carried out for a specific job which the fitter will be instructed to do.
Before Undertaking planned maintenance on a given vehicle the fitter should be
given a job card carrying all the information
Transport Planning Module
Assignment question