Lecture 4 Organizational Behavior
Lecture 4 Organizational Behavior
Lecture 4 Organizational Behavior
What Are Emotions and Moods?
In our analysis, we’ll need three terms that are closely
intertwined: affect, emotions, and moods. Affect is a
generic term that covers a broad range of feelings,
including both emotions and moods. Emotions are
intense feelings directed at someone or something.
Moods are less intense feelings than emotions and often
arise without a specific event acting as a stimulus.
The Basic emotions
Exhibit 4-1 Affect, Emotions, And Moods
Defined as a broad range of feelings that people experience.
Affect can be experienced in the form of emotions or moods.
Emotions Moods
• Caused by specific event • Cause is often general and unclear
• Very brief in duration (seconds • Last longer than emotions (hours
or days)
or minutes)
• More general (two main dimensions
• Specific and numerous in nature —
(many specific emotions such as positive affect and negative affect—
anger, fear, sadness, happiness, that are composed of multiple specific
disgust, surprise) emotions)
• Usually accompanied by distinct • Generally not indicated by distinct
facial expressions expressions
• Action-oriented in nature • Cognitive in nature 4
Moral Emotions
We may tend to think our internal emotions are innate. For instance, if
someone jumped out at you from behind a door, wouldn’t you feel
surprised? Maybe you would, but you may also feel any of the other
five universal emotions— anger, fear, sadness, happiness, or disgust—
depending on the circumstance. Our experiences of emotions are closely
tied to our interpretations of events.
Stressed Elated
Upset Happy
Bored Relaxed
they’re really sad, and when they’re happy, they’re really happy.
Time of Day
Moods vary by the time of day. However, research
suggests most of us actually follow the same pattern.
Levels of positive affect tend to peak in the late morning
(10 a.m.–noon) and then remain at that level until early
evening (around 7 p.m.).32 Starting about 12 hours after
waking, positive affect begins to drop until midnight, and
then, for those who remain awake, the drop accelerates
until positive mood picks up again after sunrise. As for
negative affect, most research suggests it fluctuates less
than positive affect, but the general trend is for it to
increase over the course of a day, so that it is lowest early
in the morning and highest late in the evening.
Day of the Week & Weather
people might argue that all emotions should be controlled so you can take
a dispassionate perspective.
are you regulating your emotions so no one knows what you are thinking?
Finally, consider this: you may be able to “fake it ‘til you make it.
OB Applications of Emotions and Moods
understanding •Decision Making,
of emotions •Creativity,
and moods can •Motivation,
affect many •Leadership,
aspects of •Negotiation,
organizational •Customer Service,
behavior •Job Attitudes,
including the •Deviant Workplace Behavior,
•And Safety.
Emotions and moods are similar in that both are affective in nature.
But they’re also different—moods are more general and less contextual
than emotions. The time of day, stressful events, and sleep patterns are