Mood Disorders

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Mood Disorders
1. The physical symptoms of a major depressive disorder include
a. changes in appetite or weight.
b. decreased ability to concentrate.
c. increased energy.
d. decreased self-esteem
2. One of the symptoms of a mood disorder is called anhedonia, which
a. a feeling of worthlessness.
b. an altered pattern of sleep.
c. indecisiveness.
d. an inability to engage in pleasurable activities.
3. Which of the following is a symptom of a manic mood state?
a. Clear, coherent speech
b. Hypoactive behavior
c. Fatigue
d. Grandiose planning
4. When used in connection with mood disorders, "flight of ideas"
a. anxiety about airplane travel.
b. rapid speech expressing many exciting ideas at once.
c. limited imagination reflected in a slow way of speaking.
d. repression of all creative ideas.
5. In comparing the length of untreated depressive episodes to
untreated manic episodes, which of the following is an accurate
a. Depressive episodes generally last longer.
b. Manic episodes generally last longer.
c. Both types of episodes typically last about the same amount of time.
d. This comparison cannot be made because depressive episodes are
always treated.
6. Which of the following is NOT TRUE about a hypomanic manic
a. It is not necessarily problematic.
b. It does contribute to the definition of several mood disorders.
c. It causes marked impairment in social or occupational functioning.
d. It need only last 4 days.
7. A 35-year-old individual named Manny has recently formulated an
elaborate plan to cure AIDS with vitamin therapy. To provide funding for
this cause, he has withdrawn all the money from his bank account and
purchased thousands of jars of vitamins and small boxes in which to put
them. When he appeared at a hospital emergency room loudly
demanding names of patients with AIDS, he himself was hospitalized
for psychiatric observation. What is your diagnosis of Manny?
a. Major depressive episode b. Hypomanic episode
c. Manic episode d. Postpartum psychosis
8. During a dysphoric manic episode, the patient experiences mania
and ___________.
a. schizophrenia
b. confusion
c. anxiety and depression
d. anger
9. Most individuals who experience a single episode of major
depressive disorder will
a. never have another episode.
b. most likely have just one more episode.
c. probably have several episodes throughout their lives.
d. later have a manic episode.
10. Persistent depressive disorder (formerly called dysthymia) differs
from major depressive disorder because people diagnosed with
dysthymia have symptoms of depression that are ________.
a. more severe
b. longer-lasting
c. episodic
d. temporary
11. Jack has experienced recurrent episodes of major depressive
episodes. In the intervals between the episodes, he does not seem to
return to "normal." In fact, during those periods, he has been
diagnosed as suffering from persistent depressive disorder. Jack's
condition is referred to as _______________.
a. double depression
b. bipolar disorder
c. atypical depression
d. dysfunctional dysthymia
12. The melancholic specifiers for depressive disorders include all of the
following EXCEPT
a. weight loss.
b. loss of libido (sex drive).
c. sleeping late and hypersomnia.
d. anhedonia.
13. Suicide associated with bipolar disorder almost always occurs
a. a manic phase.
b. depressive episode.
c. a prodromal period.
d. a hypomanic phase.
14. The less severe but more chronic version of bipolar disorder is
called __________ disorder.
a. dysphoric
b. seasonal affective
c. bipolar III
d. cyclothymic
15. The following types of medications are all used to treat depression
a. SSRIs.
b. mixed reuptake inhibitors.
c. MAO inhibitors.
d. GABA inhibitors.

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