Personality and Values

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Not only the hero & heroine, the “extras” too

have personality.
“distinctive patterns of behaviour (including
thoughts & feelings) that characterize each
individual’s adaptation to the situation of his/her
- Mischell
Personality can be described as:-

the collective qualities, characteristics,

disposition and values of a person which
distinguish him or her from others, and which
will affect the manners he/she reacts toward
or interacts with other people and his /her
Nature of personality
• Personality reflects Individual differences

• Personality remains consistent

• personality can change

Determinants of Personality





Cultural Factors
• The culture in which one lives in, that may
involve traditional practices, norms, customs,
procedures, rules and regulations, precedents
and values, all are important determinants of
personality. Moreover, the creed, religion and
believes are also very important factors of
personality determinants.

Home Environment
Family Members
Social Groups
Situational Factors
• situational factors do alter a person’s behavior
and response from time to time. The situational
factors can be commonly observed when a
person behaves contrastingly and exhibits
different traits and characteristics.
Types of personality
Sensing Manager
Intuitive Manager
Feeling Manager
Thinking Manager
Intuitive Thinkers
Sensation Feelers
Sensation Thinkers
Intuitive Feelers
Importance of personality for performance

skills Work Ethics

Personality test and their practical Implementation

• Mayer’s Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI )

• Big Five personality model
• Thematic Apperception Test
Types of personality
According to Carl G. Jung's theory of psychological
types [Jung, 1971], people can be characterized by
their preference of general attitude:
• Extraverted (E) vs. Introverted (I),- Perception
• Sensing (S) vs. Intuition (N), judging
• Thinking (T) vs. Feeling (F)

• Judging (J) vs. Perceiving (P)


Favorite world: Do you prefer to focus

on the outer world or on your own inner
This is called Extraversion (E) or Introversion (I).
Information: Do you prefer to focus on
the basic information you take in or do
you prefer to interpret and add
This is called Sensing (S) or Intuition (N).
Decisions: When making
decisions, do you prefer to first look
at logic and consistency or first look
at the people and special
This is called Thinking (T) or Feeling (F).
Structure: In dealing with the
outside world, do you prefer to get
things decided or do you prefer to
stay open to new information and
This is called Judging (J) or Perceiving (P).
16 different personality types.
Big Five personality model
In contemporary psychology, the Big Five factors of
personality are five broad domains which define
human personality and account for individual
The Big Five traits are
and Neuroticism
Openness - People who like to learn new things and
enjoy new experiences usually score high in
openness. Openness includes traits like being
insightful and imaginative and having a wide
variety of interests.
Conscientiousness - People that have a high degree of
conscientiousness are reliable and prompt. Traits
include being organized, methodic,
Extraversion - Extraverts get their energy from
interacting with others, Extraversion includes the
traits of energetic, talkative, and assertive.
Agreeableness - These individuals are friendly,
cooperative, and compassionate. People with low
agreeableness may be more distant. Traits include
being kind, affectionate, and sympathetic.
Neuroticism - Neuroticism is also sometimes called
Emotional Stability. This dimension relates to
one’s emotional stability and degree of negative
emotions. People that score high on neuroticism
often experience emotional instability and
negative emotions. Traits include being moody
and tense.
Thematic Apperception Test
• The Thematic Apperception Test (TAT) is a
projective psychological test. Proponents of
the technique assert that subjects' responses,
in the narratives they make up about
ambiguous pictures of people, reveal their
underlying motives, concerns, and the way
they see the social world.
Significant personality Traits suitable to
• Self Monitoring
• Authoritarian
• Introversion and Extraversion
• Risk Taking
• Self Esteem
• Bureaucratic Personality
• Type A and Type B personality
Theories of Personality
• Job Fit Theory
• Self Theory
• Freudian Theory
Self Theory
 Self Image
Ideal Self
Looking Glass self
Real Self
Freudian Theory
Transactional Analysis- Ego States
• Eric Berne believed that when we interact with
other people, our state of mind affects what
• He believed that there were three states of mind
in all humans, no matter how old they were,
called ego states.


The basic Structure of Human Personality

Taught Concept of Life


Adult Thought Concept of Life

Felt Concept of life

The Three Ego States
• Parent- “Do as I do”
• Child- “What shall I do?”
• Adult- “I will be frank with you”
Transactional Analysis
Transactional analysis - Transactions between
people are seen as having 3 levels:
• Complementary – both people are operating
from the same ego state
• Crossed – the other person reacts from an
unexpected ego state
• Ulterior – two ego states within the same
person but one disguises the other
Types of Transaction
Complementary Transactions
This is a
transaction because
the employee accepts
the child ego state
A A assigned to him by the
director and responds
in child ego state.
Crossed Transaction
This is a crossed transaction
P P because although the
manager, parent ego state,
attempted to address the
A A employee as a child, the
employee refuses this ego
state and responds in adult
C C ego state to the manager’s
ego state.
A crossed transaction is any
transaction where the
person being spoken to
refuses the ego state they
are assigned by the first
Work-Related Aspects of Personality
Work-Related Aspects of Personality

• Can-do aspect of personality.
• It is an individuals belief about his chances
of successfully performing a task.
• Those who believe that they can perform a
task are actually able to do so.
Work-Related Aspects of Personality

¤ Research shows that there are large
individual differences between people.

¤ Some people readily change their behaviour

so that it matches with the situation & some
do not.
Self-monitoring is a personality
trait involving the extnt to which
individuals adapt their behaviour to
the demands of specific situations,
primarily to make the best possible
impression on others.
Work-Related Aspects of Personality
Locus of control
 Individuals vary in the extent of responsibility they
take for their behaviour & its consequences.

 This dimension is called as locus of control.

 Internal locus of control & external locus of control.

People with an internal LOC, attribute their success
& failure
• In to their own abilities & efforts.

A student with internal LOC would give himself

credit for doing well in an examination.

In the same way, he would blame himself for failing.

A student with external LOC, will attribute
passing an examination with a good grade to an
easy test.

In the same way he would excuse his failure by

convincing himself that the examination was
Johari window
What is the Johari window?
• The Johari Window is a communication model
that can be used to improve understanding
between individuals.
• Developed by Joseph Luft and Harry Ingham
(the word “Johari” comes from Joseph Luft
and Harry Ingham).
“You can have anything you
want in life if you just help
enough other people get what
they want”

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