Multinomial Logit or Probit Model 2
Multinomial Logit or Probit Model 2
Multinomial Logit or Probit Model 2
Pr obci
Ln 0 1 X 1i 2 X 1i
Pr ob
• = bi
• 1= car
• 0= bus
• Where s= subway, c=Car, b= bus
• A key distinction is that the dependent variable of these equations is the log of
the odds of the ith alternative being chosen compared to the base alternative.
Multinomial Logit Model: Probabilities
– The sign of a coefficient estimates reflects the directions of
changes in the ratio between P(Y=k)/P(Y=1) in response to a
ceteris paribus change in the value to which the coefficient is
• It does not reflect the direction of change in the individual probabilities