Fix Me I'm Broken (On First Aid)
Fix Me I'm Broken (On First Aid)
Fix Me I'm Broken (On First Aid)
first aid)
First aid
A sprain is caused by torn fibers in a
ligament. Swelling and bruising are some
signs and symptoms.
● Remove any clothing or jewelry around the joint.
● Apply cold compress at once.
● Elevate the affected joint.
● The victim’s physician may recommend an over the counter
anti-inflammatory medication (aspirin, ibuprofen) appropriate
for the victim’s general health.
Heat exhaustion is a response to heat
characterized by fatigue, weakness and
collapse due to inadequate intake of water to
compensate for loss of fluids during sweating.
● Have the victim lie down with his/her feet elevated.
● Keep the victim cool.
● Give him/her electrolyte beverages to sip or make a salted drink.
● Monitor the victim for signs of shock.
● If the victim starts having seizures, protect him/her from injury and give
first aid for convulsions.
● If the victim loses consciousness, give first aid for unconsciousness.
Other serious injuries
that require immediate
care or first aid
Sprains vs. Strains
Strains usually heal in about a week. Sprains may take up to three weeks
to heal.
For fractures
• Apply the R.I.C.E method.
• Keep the limb in the position you found it and place soft
padding around the broken bones. Splint the injury with
something rigid, such as rolled up newspaper or magazines,
to prevent the bones from shifting. Don't move the broken
bones. Splints must be long enough to extend beyond
joints above and below the fracture.
• If there is an open fracture, cover it with a clean gauze pad.
Apply pressure to control bleeding. Don't try to push the
bone back into the wound and don't attempt to clean it.
• Get medical attention immediately. Fractures of the femur
and pelvis may cause severe internal bleeding.
• Don't give the person anything to eat or drink in case
surgery is needed.
Rice Method