Solar Water Heaters: The Magic of Sun

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Solar Water Heaters

The magic of Sun

Your future energy destination -- Sun

• Hot water heated by the sun is used in many ways. While

perhaps best known in a residential setting to provide hot
domestic water, solar hot water also has industrial
applications, e.g. to generate electricity. Designs suitable for
hot climates can be much simpler and cheaper, and can be
considered an appropriate technology for these places.

• India is blessed with abundant solar energy. Solar water

heating systems are a technically proven, successful
application for the use of this energy.
Solar Water Heaters – a general introduction
Solar Water Heater -- Types
Direct System Indirect System
ETC vs FPC System
FPC System ETC System
Ambient Air Temperature ---- Works better compared to
FPC System
Desired temperature of hot ---- Works best within a range
water of 40-degree to 120-degree
Low temperature
commercial applications
work best with ETC systems
Water quality:
Temporary Hard Water Scales form in EPC Systems ETC Systems remain
Permanent Hard Water Scales over a period of ETC Systems remain
time unaffected
Saline Water FPC systems works fine but ETC Systems remain
regular maintenance unaffected and hence zero-
required maintenance in nature
…Continuation from the previous slide
FPC System ETC System
Acidic Water FPC Systems fail such water ETC Systems are
conditions recommendable
Alkaline Water FPC Systems can be used in ETC Systems can be used in
such conditions such conditions
Water with High Turbidity FPC Systems get affected ETC Systems get affected
by this type of water by this type of water
Treated Water This type of water is to be This type of water is to be
avoided avoided
India’s “Sun”-ny face !!
You, the Maintenance Guy !!
• The evacuated tubes should be cleaned regularly.
• Look for any sign of leakages and repair them
• Check the physical conditions of the supports.
• Check the water quality periodically.
• If it isn’t a shadow-free location, move the system
to a shadow-free zone.
• Check the insulation cladding, if damaged rplace it
Why a Solar Hot Water System ?
Solar Water Heaters have several advantages over conventional water heating
systems as they:

• Reduce electricity bills: 40% of an average household's energy bill comes

from water heating.
• Save interior space: These systems are usually located on rooftops.
• Increase safety: Solar water heaters eliminate the risk of accidents in
bathrooms due to electric water heating equipment.
• Hot water all year round: BoroSolar heaters come with an optional electric
backup for very cloudy days .
• Quick payback: On average, a good quality solar water heater will have a
payback period of 1½ - 2 years in Indian conditions.
• Protect the environment: In today’s environment conscious world, you can
make a difference by getting your hot water free from the sun. By
replacing an electric water heater with a solar water heater, you can
reduce greenhouse gas emissions by up to 3 and 4 tonnes a year ? the
equivalent of taking a small car off the road.
Why Borosolar ?
• Currently, all ETC systems in the market are being sold with tubes
imported from China. Since the quality of these tubes is inconsistent, the
water temperature reached often varies, leading to higher breakages
during transit and even after installation. Borosil tubes are made from an
ISO 9001:2000 facility and are subject to 100% inspection. The evacuated
tubes have to be made from low expansion borosilicate glass. Borosil is
the only manufacturer of borosilicate glass in India, and its high quality
products are used in laboratories worldwide. The two unique properties of
this glass are:
• Resistance to thermal shock: Borosil’s 3.3 expansion borosilicate glass can
withstand temperature differentials of up to 180°C, as well as repeated
heating and cooling without cracking.
• Resistance to impact: Borosil’s unique 7740 composition of glass with low
soda content ensures that the glass is highly resistant to external impact.
This makes it ideally suited for use in solar applications where the
collectors are exposed to hailstorms, animals, and falling objects.
• Solar water heaters require little or no maintenance, while providing hot
water all day, every day.
• Does a solar water heating system work on cloudy
days ?
• What is the life of a solar water heating system ?
• Dows the output from a solar water heating system
decrease with age ?
• What are the regular maintenance requirements ?
• What are the guarantees on solar water heating
• Is it necessary to have a south-facing, shadow-free
area for the installation of a solar water heating
system ?

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